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The Mighty Mapogos

Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 12-10-2015, 10:15 PM by LionKiss )


probably you have a comment about this photo above which looks that it was not saved, could you please repeat?
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member

does anyone know where to find the English version of this documentary about the Mapogos?

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

It has been taken down, three times already, I guess because of copyright issues.
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 12-12-2015, 12:48 AM by LionKiss )

(12-11-2015, 11:37 PM)Majingilane Wrote: It has been taken down, three times already, I guess because of copyright issues.

I hope the spirit of all six of the Mapogos to haunt them, especially the Spirit of Kinky Tail and Mr. T.

what copyright issues? Do they sell the DVD? or just because it was aired sometime.

I red in this thread that a documentary was to be released, is it this one or a new one?
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

It is the same documentary. The thing with the copyright is understandable, after all they produce it for TV and I guess they also sell it in DVD, so it's no surprise they take it down. Eventually, there is always someone else that ends up uploading it.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-12-2015, 01:06 AM by Tshokwane )

A short video of the Mlowathi males, Kinky tail and Mr.T greeting each other.

On this morning, the 2 brothers (8 yrs old) chased the pride and split them into 2 groups. They are seeking to kill the 12 yr old male of the pride(the Golf Course male), as well as all cubs so that they can take the females and make their own cubs. 

These 2 brothers found each other after chasing the pride all morning, and were exhausted from their efforts.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Old video, dated 2009. Take a look at the Old Man interacting and playing with some of his cubs . Lovely video, certainly showing a different side to the lions.

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United States John21 Offline
New Member

(12-12-2015, 12:20 AM)LionKiss Wrote:
(12-11-2015, 11:37 PM)Majingilane Wrote: It has been taken down, three times already, I guess because of copyright issues.

I hope the spirit of all six of the Mapogos to haunt them, especially the Spirit of Kinky Tail and Mr. T.

what copyright issues? Do they sell the DVD? or just because it was aired sometime.

I red in this thread that a documentary was to be released, is it this one or a new one?

Hey there. Well the Majingilanes fall short next to the Mapogos in terms of legacy. The Majingilanes seem to be loosing grip within the Sabi Sands more and more. Especially with the arrival of the Birminghams. I'd say once the Birminghams decide to push West, it can very well spell doom for the aging Majingilanes who to me are starting to look in bad condition. The Birminghams however don't seem too worried about moving West. So for now the Majingilanes are safe.
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member


this is the life circle of a male Lion, it is very sad but this is nature.
Male Lions will reign for some years and then disposed by younger males.

I believe the Mapogos are a Legend because of their unprecedented territorial needs and it is incredible sad that all their sons have been killed.
Mr.T was a very strange animal, he killed even cubs of his brothers, those of Pretty Boy.

Can you show or say were about the Majingilane and where the Birmingham Boys are these days?

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member

(12-17-2015, 12:44 AM)Majingilane Wrote: Old video, dated 2009. Take a look at the Old Man interacting and playing with some of his cubs . Lovely video, certainly showing a different side to the lions.

how old those cubs could be?
they look quite big, of course they look like their father
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Quote:how old those cubs could be?

I'm not sure, maybe a year old. In fact, they easily might be some of the adult females today we see in the Othawa pride.

As for the other previous post, let us keep the thread clean. We can discuss about the Majingilane or the Birmingham in any of their threads, so later people don't get confused.
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United States John21 Offline
New Member

(12-22-2015, 05:10 PM)LionKiss Wrote: John,

this is the life circle of a male Lion, it is very sad but this is nature.
Male Lions will reign for some years and then disposed by younger males.

I believe the Mapogos are a Legend because of their unprecedented territorial needs and it is incredible sad that all their sons have been killed.
Mr.T was a very strange animal, he killed even cubs of his brothers, those of Pretty Boy.

Can you show or say were about the Majingilane and where the Birmingham Boys are these days?

*This image is copyright of its original author

Agreed on the first assessment. The Majingilanes will most certainly end up facing a harsh fate in the near future. 

A for the Mapogos I also agree. Very doubtful there will ever be another coalition like them any time soon. Their territory totaled virtually all of SS with the exception of the very extreme North and the very extreme south of SS. Everything else was theirs in a short amount of time. They blitzkrieged the whole area. 

As for Mr. T, the whole issue of him being a weird animal or a "bad Lion" for Lion society is a bit of an overstatement. Yes he was the "special" one of his coalition and he was definitely a character. But his actions are only a projection of the calling of nature. He wasn't the only one of his coalition that killed his brother's cubs. Some of the other Mapogos(it could have been all 5) killed Makhulu's cubs in 2007 because they didn't recognize them as theirs. Most if not All Lions do this if they are in the same boat and it doesn't matter if they were sired by a brother of theirs. If they are absolutely sure they didn't sire those cubs, they most likely will said cubs. Though for it to happen amongst brothers, certain circumstances have to happen like how it happened within the Mapogo coalition more than once. 

Also I must point out that it is sad that the Mapogos lost a lot of offspring however, despite their turbulent life, they did sire a lot of offspring into adulthood or near that point. I believe the number is around 21. However around a dozen of those offspring were killed or put down by local human intervention and some of them were poached. Tragic circumstances indeed because these sub-adults were at an advanced age. 
9 of those 21 or so are still alive and well however. The 2 Males were adults and about 4 years and some months old when they left the reserve. The Kruger is incredibly vast which certainly explains why they haven't been documented since. And of course the 7 daughters that make up two prides in the SS. Mangheni and Othawa prides. 

And as far as the Birminghams my friend, they currently own the bigger part of Sabi Sands out of any coalition. Their territory expands from North to East and recently some parts of the South. They are showing a lot of interest in Mala Mala. The Majingilanes are of course out West which is a more condensed area. The Majingilanes are staying put at this point in their age, the Birminghams haven't shown much interest or liking of the West as of yet. So basically as of now, the Majingilanes are safe from a take over by the younger Birminghams. However, that can change soon as the Birminghams are still not yet in their full maturity and prime. They will surely get more greedy and feel the need to expand. Besides the Birminghams, the Majingilanes don't have a huge threat for now at least. Hope I answered your question. 

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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member

John, many thanks for your detailed answer.

here a few videos about the Mapogos

The first one is from Ulusaba which is far west in Sabi Sands, right. They probably have moved there to avoid the Majingilane.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Great info John. Thanks for sharing
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United States John21 Offline
New Member
( This post was last modified: 12-23-2015, 08:01 AM by John21 )

(12-23-2015, 01:07 AM)LionKiss Wrote: John, many thanks for your detailed answer.

here a few videos about the Mapogos

The first one is from Ulusaba which is far west in Sabi Sands, right. They probably have moved there to avoid the Majingilane.

You're welcome my friend. Happy to help.

Also in addition. As far as the Mapogos being in Ulusaba, this was part of their Western territory which they had for years. They were already there way before the Majingilanes took over the East from KT and T, which led T to go back to the West. Other than T going back West in 2010, it had very little to do with avoiding the Majingilanes. After they lost the East the old Mapogos concentrated on guarding their Western and last piece of real estate.

It's relevant to say that if anything, the Majingilanes avoided the old Mapogos out West. Inyati reported the Mapogos headed far West-East in a particular occasion in 2011 to issue the Majingilanes a warning to stay away. The Majingilanes never seemed to answer or head West throughout the last two years of Mapogo rule. There is an article that documents that occasion by Inyati as I mentioned. I'll post it soon. 

Regards friend!
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