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The Jungle Book Official US Teaser Trailer - april 2016

GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

Here is the series from India, although it seems that the animation was Japanese.

They say that there are the full chapters, let's see them, they are in English:

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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 12-02-2015, 10:02 PM by sanjay )

Jungle book is scheduled to release in 2016, But I am great fan of whole jungle book series. I was watching it again on youtube. I was searching the main difference between Rudyard Kipling’s original jungle book and Disney version of jungle book. Since the upcoming movie is from disney so its obvious they will show the story of their version.
As I read I found there are lot of difference between these too.
The Kipling's story is more dark and close to human behavior.
The main difference is that in disney version there is no wolf pack who raise the Mowgali and adopt him as his member. There is no king louie in the Kipling's original story. There is no girl (Radha) whom mowagli get attracted. Kaa is good paython, who help mowgali and have no fear of any other animal including sher khan. In Disney version Kaa is bad python.
Also one of the main character called as Tabaki (Jackal) is missing from Disney version. Tabaki serve his master sher khan and help him in his evil plans.

The pack of wild dog (dhole) have been shown very aggressive and dominant and even sher khan fear them in Kipling's version.
In Disney version Sher khan is very powerful and no one can defeat him while in Kipling version he fears Hathi (elephant), Kaa and many other character.

The Indian animation version and Russian animation version are more close to original story of Kipling but Disney version is entire different.
I have watched the Indian version it has little different form kipling story but almost same.The noticeable difference in Indian version is that Monkey group is shown as minion of sher khan and help him to capture mowgali. Also in the end of story, they have shown a girl radha whom mowgali start liking. I think this is not added in Kipling's version.

You can read this blog post for more detail to know the difference between Kipling's story and Disney story.

I am waiting the release of Disney movie
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

I grew up in the 1950s when Tarzan and similar movies were very popular. So far, my favorite Jungle Book movie is the 1942 movie with Sabu as Mowgli. There is also a new Tarzan movie schedualed for 2016. 
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-03-2016, 05:58 PM by sanjay )

Like Edgar Rice Burroughs who wrote the Tarzan series of novels, Rudyard Kipling was a great author but no animal expert. Baloo should have been a sloth bear. Wolves in the jungle? Well, sometimes you must overlook the details and simply enjoy the story. I loved the books and I have high hopes for the movies. 
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Shardul Offline
Regular Member

(04-03-2016, 04:59 PM)brotherbear Wrote: Like Edgar Rice Burroughs who wrote the Tarzan series of novels, Rudyard Kipling was a great author but no animal expert. Baloo should have been a sloth bear. Wolves in the jungle? Well, sometimes you must overlook the details and simply enjoy the story. I loved the books and I have high hopes for the movies. 

Baloo is supposed to be a sloth bear or an asiatic black bear, I am not sure, but definitely not a brown bear. Also, wolves are found in central and northwestern india, although mostly out of tiger reserves and near farmlands. For some reason, the Indian wolf doesn't do well in tiger dominated areas while the other canid species, the Dhole, has no such problem. I am sure this wasn't the case historically.
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United States GrizzlyClaws Offline
Canine Expert

Maybe Baloo is a Himalayan Brown bear?
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

I think there is no mention of what kind of bear it is in original book. This is the franchise which create it characters and they generally try to make them impressive. 
I have seen wolfs in India but they do not look as impressive as in US, Also I think Indian wolf does not make large pack.

It is releasing on 8th April and Hope to get some review from you guys before I decide to watch it.
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Shardul Offline
Regular Member

Well, it's a movie, they will try to make everything look impressive.

Regarding Indian wolf pack size, remember the book was written in the 1890s, India then was a much wilder place and all the species mentioned in the book did co exist in Central India.
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United States GrizzlyClaws Offline
Canine Expert

Here is a 2015 Korean movie "The Great Tiger".

And the tiger in that movie looks just as powerful as Shere Khan from the live action movie of the Jungle Book.

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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

I want to download this movie "The Tiger 2015", does someone has torrent for it ?
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United States GrizzlyClaws Offline
Canine Expert
( This post was last modified: 04-05-2016, 09:39 PM by GrizzlyClaws )

(04-05-2016, 08:57 PM)sanjay Wrote: I want to download this movie "The Tiger 2015", does someone has torrent for it ?

I only managed to find it on YouTube.

BTW, the CG model looks strikingly similar to that of the Jungle Book.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Anyone of you watched Jungle Book ?
I just watched it yesterday.

I think story narration was bad and Disney tried to cover all thing and they mixed their version with Indian version. It was better if they have made it in parts with better story narration.
Though I admit the effect of jungle is awesome and the character shown in them are good.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

This is one of the Scene form movie The Taking Of Tiger Mountain. I think you guys will enjoy it

I think we should have a section for these kind of movies clip ?
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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Poor tiger ! That is always the hunter, or the civilized man, who wins. This is not fair.

Completely improbable...
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-16-2016, 04:37 PM by sanjay )

I am so looking forward to watching this movie on the "big screen." However, it will be another week or so before I can do so. Thus far, imo the best "Jungle Book" movie was the 1942 version starring Sabu in the lead role. But, I have a feeling this one will top even the old classic. 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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