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Starfox AKA Counter strike(New user here)

South Africa Xclusive_ASN Offline
New Member

Can't believe counter strike is going to ban me from his wildanimalwarfare website, Just because I proved tigers are superior

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

I don't see how they are "superior" to any other animal, but this is not the place to discuss such things, nor to bash other people.

That said, welcome to the forum.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Didn't know Counter was starfox? ... That makes sense now.

Like @majingilane said, neither is superior just different.
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South Africa Xclusive_ASN Offline
New Member

Thanks, Its because I found it really annoying, Anyways isn't this the new-website of animalvsanimalyuku forum? (Sorry for bad english)

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

It is and it isn't, this forum is more about the science and individuals over hypothetical VS scenarios.
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South Africa Xclusive_ASN Offline
New Member
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 03:01 AM by Xclusive_ASN )

So you are the guy they are talking about. Sorry man but in that community they are cursing you badly especially "prime" is.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(07-02-2016, 02:54 AM)Xclusive_ASN Wrote: So you are the guy they are talking about. Sorry man but in that community they are cursing you badly especially "prime" is.
Jaja sure they are. It's not surprise, really.

But seriously, we invite you to take a look at the forum. There's a huge amount of posts, pictures and info about big cats, other carnivores and basically almost everything you may like about the natural world.

Most importantly, we're here to learn.  We try to look at them as they really are, not just through our own opinions.

I hope you like the forum.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 03:45 AM by Pckts )

(07-02-2016, 02:54 AM)Xclusive_ASN Wrote: So you are the guy they are talking about. Sorry man but in that community they are cursing you badly especially "prime" is.

You'll find this place more rewarding than having same endless debates with people who refuse to grow up, here people look to actually educate themselves over pushing a certain agenda.

Here you'll have a chance to talk with the people who actually see these animals every day, it's great.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

I second that, this is a drama free community and majority of the people are highly knowledgeable in here. If anything, I would highly recommend getting out of the "VS" debate and follow your passion, join us on the tiger threads and share information.

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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 04:33 AM by Sully )

I remember conversations with what was counter strike on google+, it really was ridiculous. He claimed a goat killed a tiger. Needless to say he was stamped out pretty quickly.

On the other hand this community is one full of fantastic infromation and all active users contribute highly to the forum.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Wlecome to the forum. I think previous poster have given you the motive and intention of this forum. We have learned that all animals are unique and respectable.
Believe me members here are more experienced and capable of VS debate and can give proper replies to them but we have now grown enough to understand these things.
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South Africa Xclusive_ASN Offline
New Member

Well, I am not starting any"VS" debate over here since its not allowed , but if there is any one out there then just go ahead and go to this website they are just challenging you all-
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-03-2016, 12:03 AM by Apollo )

Welcome to the forum Xclusive.

IMO lion vs tiger debate is dead. Its like beating a dead horse. You end up going no where.
There is alot of good things you can do for these animals other than this childish debate, try to be the voice for these wonderful animals.

Regarding the old yuku forums like sharks, AVA, AU and AvsA, 
we've been debating about lion vs tiger for a very long time. If you notice all these forums, there is a general trend of tiger fans owning the lion fans most of the time.

The reason for this is most of the so called lion fans are basically tiger haters in those forums and only very few lion fans actually cared about the lions.
And most of the so called tiger fans are knowledgeable and hated the tiger haters to the core and there were few lion haters as well on the tiger side.

This debate was pulled for so long not because of lion vs tiger but instead of tigerfans disproving tigerhaters (tigerfans vs tigerhaters).
Thats the Ultimate Truth.

Ive just visited the site you mentioned and read a few posts from these tiger haters (remember I didnt call them lion fans, coz they dont deserve it).
Its just funny how these people call in Majingilane, but in reality all those tiger haters together wont even come closer to the amount of knowledge and information what Majingilane have contributed about these animals.
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United States Polar Offline
Polar Bear Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-03-2016, 01:02 AM by Polar )

(07-02-2016, 01:32 AM)Pckts Wrote: Didn't know Counter was starfox? ... That makes sense now.

Like @majingilane said, neither is superior just different.

CounterStrike is indeed Starfox, and he might even be the same guy as Silver Monarch and Prime! It doesn't matter, just that these three (or one guy having many accounts) posters overrate lions by a significant margin over any other animal, regardless of the other animal's abilities.

I have been following AvA and Animal Untamed forums for years (with some of you guys there ages ago), and I've noticed that these aforementioned posters post videos and pictures of lions killing/beating tigers, making it look as if the tigers are inferior, but really the videos show merely encounters, not real fights. CounterStrike even has a YouTube channel containing two one-hour-long videos apparently showing accounts of lions "defeating" tigers and bears. As I said, total baloney like people defeating wild animals with there bare hands.

Like most here say, the two are different and not superior/inferior to each other (even individuals have their differences); although, I would give an advantage to the tiger in a fight to the death against a lion of equal weight.

That's just my opinion, though.
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Czech Republic Spalea Online
Wildanimal Lover


about#14: I didn' t look at the mentionned link because I mean that it is completely stupid and daft to consecrate an entire forum about an only one theme: lions vs tigers. But about what you said, I think too that the tiger fans are as dishonest as the lion fans. Just look at the youtube video: numerous video supposed to show the superiority of the tiger are titled "tiger destroys lions" and only last a few seconds during which we only see a tiger approximately pawing a lion's face. "Keep moving ! There is nothing to see but the lion is destroyed !". Bad faith...

These forums are only showing and demonstrating the forumers' bullshit, because as it was said before the forumers in order to be right clearly come to hate the animals they think the weakest: the tiger fans hate the lions, the lion fans hate the tigers. The passion and the fury take precedence over the elementary objectivity and we are only waisting our time by reading the threads... Do they really like the animals ? I seriously doubt.

And about your opinion at equal weight, I can answer "at equal weight and age ?" and there is absolute no one formal truth.
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