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Saltwater Crocodile - Data, Pictures and Videos

Venezuela epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-24-2019, 03:39 AM by epaiva )

Big Saltwater Crocodile named Bronto 4,70 meters and weights over 700 kilograms (PNG)
Credit to Josh Gould

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Venezuela epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-24-2019, 08:01 AM by epaiva )

*This image is copyright of its original author
Largest crocodile in captivity 5,5 meters long, his name is Cassius it is living in Marineland Melanesia Green Island (Australia)
Taken from Guinness World Records 2012

*This image is copyright of its original author
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BorneanTiger Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-14-2019, 12:20 PM by BorneanTiger )

In the Philippine province of Palawan, a huge croc bit a hole in a small boat, and then dragged a 20-year-old fisherman through it and killed him, before being killed by others while retrieving the corpse of the man:

Credit: ViralPress

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*This image is copyright of its original author

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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Gomek it was a huge incredible Saltwater crocodile housed in St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park, it measured 17'11"
Credit to Tom Crutchfield

*This image is copyright of its original author
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France Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

" The famous jumping crocodiles of the Adelaide river. The saltwater crocodiles immense power is on show, as it uses its tail to propel its self fully out of the water after the bait. The tail of a crocodile is solid muscle and a major source of power, making it a strong swimmer and able to make sudden lunges out of the water to capture prey. These strong muscles also mean that for shorts bursts of time crocodiles can move faster than humans can on land ".

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BorneanTiger Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2019, 08:27 PM by BorneanTiger )

In the ocean, the crocodile has to watch out for large sharks (especially great whites) and orcas (killer whales), but considering that even saltwater crocs and great whites are outsized and at least potentially threatened by orcas, which form packs for fighting and hunting like lions and wolves would on land, what would happen if a pod of orcas came across a group of sharks and crocs that manage to coexist peacefully? Would the crocs and sharks bond together to tackle their common rival or enemy?

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BorneanTiger Offline

(11-08-2019, 10:51 AM)BorneanTiger Wrote: In the ocean, the crocodile has to watch out for large sharks (especially great whites) and orcas (killer whales), but considering that even saltwater crocs and great whites are outsized and at least potentially threatened by orcas, which form packs for fighting and hunting like lions and wolves would on land, what would happen if a pod of orcas came across a group of sharks and crocs that manage to coexist peacefully? Would the crocs and sharks bond together to tackle their common rival or enemy?

Part of the consideration here is what happens when Nile crocodiles (the 2nd biggest species) outnumber their bigger rivals the hippos:
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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Taken from the book Crocodiles of Australia (Grahame Webb - Charlie Manolis)

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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Great closeup of Big Salty dentition 
Credit to David Kirshner

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BorneanTiger Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-03-2020, 05:59 PM by BorneanTiger )

The Central Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA Central Sulawesi) in Indonesia is offering a reward for anyone who can remove the tyre from the neck of this 13-foot (3.96-m) croc, which has been stuck with the tyre since at leat 2016:

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Credit: AFP via Getty Images

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Credit: Getty / AsiaWire

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South China Morning Post

AFP News Agency

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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Largest Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) in captivity
Credit to Reed New Holland 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

(11-08-2019, 08:39 PM)BorneanTiger Wrote:
(11-08-2019, 10:51 AM)BorneanTiger Wrote: In the ocean, the crocodile has to watch out for large sharks (especially great whites) and orcas (killer whales), but considering that even saltwater crocs and great whites are outsized and at least potentially threatened by orcas, which form packs for fighting and hunting like lions and wolves would on land, what would happen if a pod of orcas came across a group of sharks and crocs that manage to coexist peacefully? Would the crocs and sharks bond together to tackle their common rival or enemy?

Part of the consideration here is what happens when Nile crocodiles (the 2nd biggest species) outnumber their bigger rivals the hippos:

First of all, the video of the crocs "attacking" the hippos is fake, in fact we can see that is a series of different films and the guy of the channel "Life of Crocodile" (which is obviously a Croc "fan") is critiziced in the comments. I also remember that the baby hippo was injured by other hippos, not by the crocodiles and the dead animal at the end of the video was already dead, probably killed by other hippo, the crocs did not killed him they are just scavenging the carcase.

Second, the link on the images is also incorrect and very sensacionalist. The crocs did not killed that hippo, the hippo was already dead, you can see it by the color of of the carcase. The other hippos are separated from the group of crocs because they are eating and are very aggresive in that moment. So, the crocs did not killed the hippo, probably it died of other circunstances, but is true that no hippo will challenge that group of crocs eating, it make no sense to them to pick a futile fight agains a group of animals that can kills you, specially when the other members of your group are not interested.

Third, a group of orcas is not the same as a group of hippos, that is a completelly different level. Crocs do not hunt in group, the same is with the white sharks, they may congregate in a kill but they behaviour is individualistic as each one search its food and don't care for the other ones. Is imposible for a white shark and a croc to stay together against a group of orcas, in fact, probably both will be death agains a pod of one of the smartest animals on Earth.
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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Large Saltwater Crocodile that drowned in 1989
Credit to Scott Frazier

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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Huge Saltwater Crocodile 
Credit to Paul Bodnar

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*This image is copyright of its original author

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Venezuela epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-22-2020, 07:06 AM by epaiva )

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Skull of one of the largest Saltwater Crocodiles on record
Credit to Paul Bodnar

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