There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:29 ft 7 In Filipinas 1900

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 05-10-2024, 11:15 PM by ruimendes1 )

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Quote:23 feet 9 inches, Taiping, Estado de Perak State, Malasia, 1898 in Skeleton in Perak Museum

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:7.2 m, Bogor, Java, Indonésia, 2019,  Predator Fun Park collection, Batu City

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:The largest skeleton from wild specimen - 7.50 m, Duminanga, Sulawesi, Indonésia, 16 December 2000

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:7 m, August 2013, Kuantan, Malaysia

ruimendes1 Offline
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Quote:7 m, June 2017, Sulawesi, Indonésia

ruimendes1 Offline
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Quote:It was a female specimen belonging to the species of Reticulated Python known by the name of Cassius captured in Malaysia in 1972 and brought into captivity at Knaresborough Zoo in the city of Yorkshire in England where it lived until April 3, 1980 in 1978 it was said by Guinness Book was 8.38 meters long and weighed 108 kilos, but shortly after his death he was measured again and his size was 7.77 meters long and weighed 118 kilos, according to the owner of the Zoo Adrian Nyoka and accepted by the Guinness Book, his fresh skin was Measured at 8.80 meters in length after his death, according to an analysis of the photos by experts, it would have been around 20 to 21 feet long and weighed less than previously mentioned.

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:Samantha, former Guinness World Record said to be 26 feet long, was actually 21 feet long

ruimendes1 Offline
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*This image is copyright of its original author
Quote:Fluffy, another former Guinness World Record said to be 7.30 meters, was actually 6.12 meters long

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:Huge Burmese Python of unknown size and origin?

ruimendes1 Offline
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Quote:6.7 m Indian Python, according to the 1982 Guinness Book Edition?

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 05-14-2024, 01:21 AM by ruimendes1 )

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Quote:Photograph was taken in 1953 near the city of Kananga in the Western Kasaï province of DR Congo where this specimen of Sebae Python was found eating a calf weighing 43 kilos, which was estimated by herpetologists Robert W. Henderson and John C. Murphy in approximately 7 to 7.3 meters, only a part measuring approximately 5.60 meters long and weighing 113 kilos (including the weight of the calf) is visible in the photo, based on an estimate made from the shoes of a person in the photo where this specimen was found.

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:The leading expert Dr. Daniel Natusch and our team caugth in Sumatra in Indonésia this specimen the 7 m and 100 kg 

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Quote:2 skulls found on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia that may have come from specimens around 9 meters long, according to specialist Dr. Daniel Natusch, the man has already captured and measured more than 17,000 specimens of Reticulated python

ruimendes1 Offline
Senior Member

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Huge Specimen killed in Karosa, Central Mamuju, West Sulawesi, 30 October 2017 

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