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Other male lion coalitions from Masai Mara

Russian Federation Nyers Offline
Regular Member

The legendary Boxer Nose! The oldest lion of the Masai Mara.
Many thought he had died long ago.

credit Massimo Vallarin

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

“This lion, called Gecho moja (one eye in swahili) or Benna by the fans of cats in the Maasai Mara, he is amazing and crazy looking. His pride and brother are talking good care of him.” - ’Gecho moja’ taken by Fabrizio Bignotti while staying at Sarova Hotels Kenya in aid of the Angama Foundation Angama Mara

*This image is copyright of its original author
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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

(08-21-2018, 09:08 PM)Pckts Wrote: “This lion, called Gecho moja (one eye in swahili) or Benna by the fans of cats in the Maasai Mara, he is amazing and crazy looking. His pride and brother are talking good care of him.” - ’Gecho moja’ taken by Fabrizio Bignotti while staying at Sarova Hotels Kenya in aid of the Angama Foundation Angama Mara

*This image is copyright of its original author
Gecho Moja in Swahili, Un Ochio in Italian. here's to you kid!

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Scott Dyson.

Scar following after 2 of his ladies after they fluffed a zebra hunt.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Mohammed Billow.

Big cat of mara, this male was like a kilometre away from the sopa pride, he has some big scratch on his back which tells you that he has been in fight... 

Earless male.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Tshokwane :

About #1415: The mane that disappears, new scars that appear on his face, times are hard for Earless. But we can see he has a very strong constitution. Is there a light for him at the end of the wait times tunnel ?

chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

(08-23-2018, 06:02 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: Credits to Mohammed Billow.

Big cat of mara, this male was like a kilometre away from the sopa pride, he has some big scratch on his back which tells you that he has been in fight... 

Earless male.

*This image is copyright of its original author

His posture in this photo is bulldog - like

United States Matimbalani Offline
Regular Member

(08-23-2018, 06:02 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: Credits to Mohammed Billow.

Big cat of mara, this male was like a kilometre away from the sopa pride, he has some big scratch on his back which tells you that he has been in fight... 

Earless male.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Wasn't he seen recently with a new partner? The vagaries of having an older lion for a coalition partner: you benefit from the experience early on but have to go through the process of finding another partner later on. Is any data available on how successful secondary partnerships are?

Russian Federation Nyers Offline
Regular Member

Earless and his new partner Osahabu today

credits Vanessa Alcalde Yuste

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Russian Federation Nyers Offline
Regular Member

Boxer Nose

credits Kiarie Mathaga Jr.

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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

 Video by @bobpoolefilms | In the spirit of National Wildlife Day, I share this video of one of my most favorite lions. He and his brothers rule the Naboisho Conservancy in Kenya. Thanks to a great collaboration between local Maasai land owners, conservationists and tourists who love wildlife, scenes like this happen every day. The lion is full and the wildebeest know it. But they look on as if to catch a thrill. During the night I filmed the lion as he stole a wildebeest that a female in his pride killed. He had his fill before letting her eat and in the morning went looking for his brothers. I filmed this footage from my custom modified Land Rover at 120 frames per second in 4k. Come to @bobpoolefilmsto follow along on my wildlife filming adventures.
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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

Rest in Peace "Boxernose" - Oldest male lion in Masai Mara

Photo taken last year in August 2017

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Russian Federation Nyers Offline
Regular Member

MaryAnn Mga:

Boxernose, interesting, as sighting was 9/24/2018 per photog/tourist and weeks after the video incident. 

I cant answer to details as not my pic, but that is my id of this lion. Click to read the instagram comments. Boxer post 1 of 2, and make sure you see post 2 next.

Sept2018 credit: ti_9408

MaryAnn Mga:

is he again back and cheated death for a few more months? 

Boxernose. Sighting was yesterday 10/12/2018 per a different photog/tourist who confirms date.
I cant answer to details as not my pic, but that is my id of this lion. Click to read the comments in instagram. Boxer post 2 of 2, also see post1 from 5min ago and from totally different tourist/sighting.

Oct2018 credit: Nacho Alonzo

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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

I hope BoxerNose is still alive!!!

Strange situation in this video:

Late one morning drive we came across the Nomadic ex-Sand River male lion coalition (Buddha and Slaver aka Black and Ginger) watching a herd of buffalo it was hot and they looked tired so we left them to it. The next morning we returned to find they had actually caught a buffalo overnight not far fro where we let them. Unusually a second coalition of younger nomads (Chumvi and PiliPili) had joined them to feed and there was no animosity between the two rival groups. The hyena clan were also trying to get a share!

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(10-17-2018, 03:39 AM)Mohawk4 Wrote: Hunger?

Definitely, there have been many cases where rivals tolerated each other for at least that moment.
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