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Other male lion coalitions from Masai Mara

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Jay Kang'e.

Early this morning we were gutted to see Lipstick's body lying lifeless on the grassy plains in the territory that he ruled. He got very weak after getting into fights with other rival males while trying to defend the pride's territory.

Lipstick brought so much joy and great memories to us and all around the world and we will all miss him.

He lived a great wild and free life just as a lion should and he also spread his gene in the masai mara.

Run free my friend!

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Alfred Korir.

Lipstick,a legend gone to rest!

This King of Topi Plains had his last breath some hours ago and those of us who were closely bonded to him for many years had genuine tears when we heard of his demise.

He lived a very good life and recently with his colleague Blackie who he has been left to protect Topi Plains pride that has been one of the most successful family in the past 3 years.

I knew him and started following him very closely in the year 2008 at that time he was in charge of paradise plains both sides of the Mara after the Notches had left and till today when he took a rest,can't imagine on the number of times that I saw him patrolling his territory,Mating with his girls,roaring to advertise his presence,hunting,fighting,eating and playing,He was one of the male lions that I followed for so long.

He made Topi plains area together with his brother Blackie to be one of the most visited section of the Mara,here you are guaranteed of seeing lions on almost daily basis,When Zebra Plains Mara Camp came into operations over 95%bof our guests managed to see him,He was our Star and I always headed in his territory each and every day,I will dearly miss this boy so as to our guests.

A new chapter has been opened in the wild Plains of the Topi area,Rhino Ridge,Double cross area where he owned with his brother,and as bushmen of the Mara we are here to put it down on our records.

He fought with the Notches,The four muskateers,Olbarnoti and Lolpapit,Jesse and Frank and other unknown nomadic male lions.

Blackie has been left with big responsibility that i'm sure he wouldn't be able to succesfuly hold onto it,he will soon be kicked out and a new blood is expected to enter into Topi Plains pride,our worry are the smaller cubs that were still in need of their dad's protections but we will let nature takes its drive.

Lipstick,you have been suffering in the past few months and your time of having a rest came in today,all the pains are gone,You left a legacy that will live forever our hearts.
You managed to sire boys and and girls,your blood line will continue to live and strive in the mighty Lion Kingdom of Mara,Greater Mara and Serengeti.

Kwaheri Rafiki Lipstick.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to David Lloyd.

Lipstick 2007-2018

I took this during my last quality time with him in Kenya a few weeks ago. Lipstick died today. He was one of the boys and an icon of the Maasai Mara. R.I.P.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to ClementWild.

King Lipstick is one of the very first lions I ever photographed when I started photographing wildlife. He was a majestic lion with one of the most powerful roars I have ever heard. In this image I took last month, he had just chased off two young adult males and about 20 hyenas from this kill, all WHILE limping! He had been suffering from a leg injury for a while and as you can see from his broken teeth, age was catching up.

Rest In Peace Great Warrior. You lived a great life in the wild, born free and died free, as lions should.

Photographed on 8th April 2018

*This image is copyright of its original author

Taken in 2015.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to The Greatest Maasai Mara.

“A backlit Mara Triangle sunset shot of a male lion & cub, my favorite shot of an extraordinary interaction between a cub currying attention from this beautiful male after he woke from a long nap.”

- ‘Angama Pride Father and Son’ taken by Turk Pipkin whilst staying at Angama Mara in aid of The Angama Foundation.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Jonas Stenqvist.

Long Live The King.

Lipstick the lion, 2007-2018.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Paras Chandaria.


Sad news have come in this morning that Lipstick is no more. One of the most famous male lions that has ever lived has left us forever. RIP LIPSTICK!!

April 2017, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Andy & Sarah Skinner.

A sad day......

When you revisit the same wildlife areas, multiple times year after year you just cannot help but get emotionally involved in the lives of many of the animals that you frequently see. This is especially true of the big cats of the Maasai Mara, and for us even more so of the lions. Especially the males. You follow their journey and get entwined in their lives. You see tenures of male lions rise and fall and this is just part of nature’s journey. One that we wholly accept and follow with avid interest. A raw soap opera born in the wild, where each day lays unpredictability.

One such lion that we have followed for many years is a male lion called ‘Lipstick’ We followed him from way back in early 2007, when we stumbled upon him and his 3 partners (likely brothers) under a tree one day in the southern part of the Mara Triangle. Aged no more than 2 years, having been ousted or in the process of being ousted from a nearby pride. We saw them again no more, until they reappeared a couple of years later, in 2008/9. Stronger and fitter and slowly gaining more experience. He and his partners now ready to start forging their own lineage through the Mara and so they did over the years that followed. 

They were named the 4KM coalition, due to an area in the Mara Triangle in which we would frequently find them. This is also when ‘Lipstick’ was given his name. To be honest not a moment we are proud of! but a rather funny tale of when we nicknamed him this in a blog (due to the mark on his chin, that looked like he was wearing lipstick!) and then the name seemed to ‘stick’ (excuse the pun) and from then on via the power of social media he became known locally as Lipstick. 

This was all at the time that a coalition of males also resided in the Mara Triangle (The Notch Coalition). From then on, we were caught up in following the dramas’ that would unfold to both coalitions. Month after month, year after year. The drama’s continued to unfold and every day bringing a new exciting chapter in their turbulent lives. However, not without sadness as soon the four members of the 4km coalition would soon become two. 

Fast forward now to years later and now we are seeing these old warriors slowly fall from grace, with the Notch coalition now reduced to just one (who has not been seen now for some time) Inevitably these warriors that once patrolled the plains in their prime now see age catching up on them. Facing the inevitable end that precipitates in the wild.

Why are we writing this? Well, today marks a sad day, a sad day because today we heard of the passing of Lipstick. His lifeless body found on the plains of the Maasai Mara this morning. A lion, that for a wild one lived a long life, reaching 13-13.5 years of age. Living a tough life as he and his remaining partner (Blackie) fought to control their domain in the Mara, despite the rise of new coalitions in the area. With success in siring many cubs and continuing a strong lineage of genes that will leave a lasting legacy in the Mara.

RIP Lipstick, you were a lion that has forged incredible memories in our hearts that go back well over ten years. A lion that has carved his own part of history in the Mara. A lion that we will truly miss. Your legacy lives on, run free now brave warrior. 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

RIP Lipstick. 

What an amazing male he was! He has been the dominant force of the topi plains in a two male coalition in one of Africa's highest lion density reserves, which is almost unheard of now days in the Mara. Big males like Earless and Boxernose, Karibu and Rafiki have already been in big problems, but Lipstick carried the much smaller Blackie through tough times and fell like a real King last night! Thanks for all the great memories and perhaps the greatest roars I've ever heard! 

This is perhaps the greatest footage of Lipstick, showing the immense impact and importance a male lion provides to a pride. Having such tough opponents like spotted hyenas and other male lions you need a strong protector to fend off competition. The mass public thinks of male lions as lazy, who let's the females do all the hard work, for then eating first, but here Lipstick shows that the males do the most important job of them of them all, he keeps the pride safe! 

Long live the King!
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

The amazing Lipstick Roar! 

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Daryl Balfour.

Lipstick. R.I.P. c2007-2018.

Another icon of the Maasai Mara has passed on. The lion known as Lipstick (because of that dark “smear” on his lower lip) died today. I have known Lipstick since my first encounter with him as a magnificent mature male in March 2014 when he was probably about 6 or 7 years old. I last saw him on my Big Cat Safari in February & March this year (when these two images were captured) limping heavily and much the worse for wear. Another Mara legend has left us but there’s a whole new crop coming through.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Brazil T Rabbit Offline
Regular Member

Looks like lipstick died by old age or starvation. He has no bite marks over his body. 2018 is a sad year to the dominant male lions. A lot of deaths.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Lion lovers
Dr.Limo's Report Feb 2018:  "This old male christened ‘Lipstick’ was seen injured by the Mara Reserve rangers on their normal patrol. They called the vet unit for help. Lipstick found alone, hungry and severely limping on both his right front and right hind legs.

Immobilization, examination and treatment

Darting was carried out from a vehicle and it took eight minutes for the drugs to take full effect.

After positioning him well, examination revealed a sprain of his right shoulder with moderate swelling. His right hind leg was wasted from a long term injury with some degree of muscular atrophy. No fresh injury to this hind leg was evident.

This lion is over 15 years old with his upper canines worn out and infected. There was also advanced degradation of the incisors meaning this lion cannot live without other pride members to help him kill prey. Treatment involved administration of anti-inflammatories to relieve pain and reduce swelling as well as antibiotics to prevent any opportunistic infections.

There was also advanced degradation of the incisors  Due to his old age and worn out canines, this lion is approaching his sunset years


Reversal of the anaesthetic was achieved after one hour by use of Yohimbine given intravenously through saphenous vein. He woke up in four minutes and went to a shade.


Due to his old age and worn out canines, this lion is approaching his sunset years in the wild and might not live for long. The good thing is that the pride was still close by and they are still hunting for him, for now."
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United States Spalea Online
Wildanimal Lover


*This image is copyright of its original author
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Russian Federation George Offline
New Member

Rest in peace old friend I will never forget you.
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