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Other male lion coalitions from Masai Mara

United States swtlei4u Offline

(02-06-2018, 12:24 AM)chaos Wrote:
(01-28-2018, 03:58 AM)Spalea Wrote: Even wounded Earless is still impressive
He is a powerful looking cat.
who did earless get into a fight with?

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Tony Crocetta.

Et comment Scarface est devenu une légende…

En septembre 2011, lorsque Scarface et ses trois autres mousquetaires de frères ont déboulé du côté du marais de Musiara pour destituer Clawed et Roméo, alors les rois incontestés de la Marsh Pride (4 Mousquetaires eux même viré d’Ol Kiambo par la bande à Notch !) j’évitais soigneusement, crétin que j’étais, de pointer mon téléobjectif sur celui blessé à l’œil : ça faisait moche sur la photo !!!
Lorsque je compris ma stupide erreur, je me rattrapais bien volontiers à chaque nouvelle observation. J ai pu ainsi me constituer au fil du temps une photothèque richement illustrée du plus charismatique des lions du Masai-Mara.

La première photographie, celle de gauche, date d’octobre 2012, soit tout juste un an après son arrivée à Musiara. La dernière, vous la connaissez, date de quelques jours, elle fut prise près de Water Pump Serena, rive gauche de la mara fin janvier dernier. Remarquez la petite tache en bas à droite au niveau de l’iris, sous la pupille de l’œil encore valide du roi des rois.

Vous avez surement vu une fois dans votre vie le film culte « les 10 commandements de Cecil B Demille » : vous devez donc vous souvenir que Charlton Eston, alias Moïse, en touchant au sacré, se métamorphosa radicalement sur la fin de sa vie, avec notamment un chevelure rebelle devenue blanche…

C’est cette idée que j’ai souhaité partager avec vous, en comparant ces deux portraits séparés de plus de 5 ans… 
Même si pour tout vous dire, seigneur Scarface me fait davantage penser aujourd’hui à un dieu Rasta ! 
Ce n’est pas je crois un crime de lèse-majesté de le prétendre…

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(02-06-2018, 04:13 AM)swtlei4u Wrote: who did earless get into a fight with?

I'm not sure, I haven't read anything about the rivals, it's likely that happened in the night so maybe not even the guides know.

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(02-05-2018, 10:47 PM)Chris Wrote: Would he recognize and join his 6 brothers?

I don't think so, no. 

Even blood brothers that grow up in different prides or even are raised up in different litters then become rivals.

Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

I just try to (correctly) translate the #1277 post:

Et comment Scarface est devenu une légende… (Credits to Tony Crocetta).

En septembre 2011, lorsque Scarface et ses trois autres mousquetaires de frères ont déboulé du côté du marais de Musiara pour destituer Clawed et Roméo, alors les rois incontestés de la Marsh Pride (4 Mousquetaires eux même viré d’Ol Kiambo par la bande à Notch !) j’évitais soigneusement, crétin que j’étais, de pointer mon téléobjectif sur celui blessé à l’œil : ça faisait moche sur la photo !!!
Lorsque je compris ma stupide erreur, je me rattrapais bien volontiers à chaque nouvelle observation. J ai pu ainsi me constituer au fil du temps une photothèque richement illustrée du plus charismatique des lions du Masai-Mara.

La première photographie, celle de gauche, date d’octobre 2012, soit tout juste un an après son arrivée à Musiara. La dernière, vous la connaissez, date de quelques jours, elle fut prise près de Water Pump Serena, rive gauche de la mara fin janvier dernier. Remarquez la petite tache en bas à droite au niveau de l’iris, sous la pupille de l’œil encore valide du roi des rois.

Vous avez surement vu une fois dans votre vie le film culte « les 10 commandements de Cecil B Demille » : vous devez donc vous souvenir que Charlton Eston, alias Moïse, en touchant au sacré, se métamorphosa radicalement sur la fin de sa vie, avec notamment un chevelure rebelle devenue blanche…

C’est cette idée que j’ai souhaité partager avec vous, en comparant ces deux portraits séparés de plus de 5 ans… 
Même si pour tout vous dire, seigneur Scarface me fait davantage penser aujourd’hui à un dieu Rasta ! 
Ce n’est pas je crois un crime de lèse-majesté de le prétendre…

How Scarface became a legend...

September 2011, when Scarface and his three others musketeer brothers appeared into the Musiara swamp side in order to relieve Clawed and Romeo, the undisputed kings of the Marsh Pride at that time , (4 musketeers themselves sacked from Ol Kiambo by the Notch pride !) I carefully avoided, moron that I was, to point my telephoto lens at the one with the eye wounded: it was so awful on the photo !
When I understood my stupid mistake, I gladly stopped myself falling by catching at every new observation. So I was able to build up a richly illustrated Photo library about the most iconic Masai Mara lion.

The first photo, this one left, dates from October 2012, i.e. just one year after his arrival into Masai Mara. The last one, you know it, dates from a few days and was taken near the Water Pump Serena, left bank of the Mara river, last January. Notice the small stain right to the iris level, under the still fit king of kings's pupil.

You have certainly, once, seen the cult film from Cecil B. Demille "The ten commandments": You must remind Charlton Heston, alias Moses, by touching the sacral, was radically changed at the end of his life, notably with an unruly hairs that became white.

That is this idea I desired to share with you, by comparing these 2 portraits, separated by a more than five years period.
Even if, to say my whole opinion, Scarface reminds me more to a Rasta god !
This isn't , I believe so, a crime of lese-majesty to claim that.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 02-07-2018, 06:51 PM by Tshokwane )

Thanks so much for the translation.

Merci beaucoup @Spalea .
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

(02-07-2018, 06:51 PM)Tshokwane Wrote: Thanks so much for the translation.

Merci beaucoup @Spalea .

You're welcome ! Bravo for your french sentence Like

The author of the text is a big fan of Scarface. Scarface must have a lot of admirers through the world.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(02-07-2018, 07:44 PM)Spalea Wrote: Bravo for your french sentence

Thanks, it's still very limited. Maybe in the future I will expand a bit my knowledge of french, italian and german are in the list as well.

(02-07-2018, 07:44 PM)Spalea Wrote: The author of the text is a big fan of Scarface. Scarface must have a lot of admirers through the world.

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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Credits: Jay Kange's

Blackie and his brother lipstick are still the Kings at ridge pride at 12 years. 
Long live the king!

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@vinodkumarn :

About #1284: "Blackie and his brother lipstick are still the Kings at ridge pride at 12 years. Long live the king!"

Despite their age they are still hale and hearty and this, in a prey-rich area (MAsai Mara...), but in big predators too (other prides of lions), thus the competition is rough. So, well done for the performance and long live the kings !
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Maggy Meyer.

Today in Masai Mara

We found Blackie and Lipstick with their pride. They had a topi kill. Lipstick was not in a good shape. He has a big problem with his front leg and is limping. Blackie was full but not so Lipstick. He looked hungry, maybe he was late for breakfast. At the moment he can not hunt alone.
At moment it is very hot in Mara, stormy and dusty!

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Maggy Meyer.

Today in Masai Mara 

A lucky morning!!! We saw Earless early in the morning before sunrise in his old area. He has an abdominal injury, but he has gone a long way and is fine.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Maggy Meyer.

Today in Masai Mara

We saw Earless with Buddha and another Lion. They killed a buffalo. The other two were in the shadow in the bush an Earless had a lot to do to to chase the hyenas. His leg is much better now!

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Credits: Matria Magazin

Earless seen with the lower Hamerkop males near maji ya fisi. The two Hamerkop males where feasting on a buffalo while mighty Earless was also there, watching , and he didn't try to go to the kill.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Another coalition in making??
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(02-16-2018, 10:57 PM)vinodkumarn Wrote: Another coalition in making??

It could be the case, I hope they work it out, they would be a mighty force.

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