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Lions of Timbavati

Cunaguaro Offline
Senior Member

Mother of the Xikukutsu Males.
This is one of the Avoca pride lionesses. Easy to recognize her with her different coloured eyes.
She is the mother of the 3 sub adults that were born in December 2015.

Posted by: Johan Adolf Smalman in Shindzela Tented Camp.
Date: Sept 9, 2020.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Cunaguaro Offline
Senior Member

The White Prince of Timbavati.
The Young white Lion Male from the Birmingham Pride. He is approaching to the 2 Years old. (18 Months) while his white sister is 11 Months Old. Both of these White Lions has been sired by the Ross Males,Whose Males carries the white genes.
April 2020.
Ngala Private Game Reserve.
Photo Credit: Ryan Lenhoff Photography.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Cunaguaro Offline
Senior Member

The Scar Lipped male of the Nharhu coalition or also known as the injured Male.
April 2020. 
Photo Credits: Chad Cocking Wildlife Photography (Tanda Tula)

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Russian Federation Tino Zhong Offline
New Join

(04-12-2020, 11:20 AM)Cunaguaro Wrote: The Scar Lipped male of the Nharhu coalition or also known as the injured Male.
April 2020. 
Photo Credits: Chad Cocking Wildlife Photography (Tanda Tula)

*This image is copyright of its original author
Nice info, However i've seen this before.
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T I N O Offline

Is this the Beautiful Black dam male?

He has been seen in Klaserie Sands Yesterday,And last week at Nthambo Tree Camp... According Lions of Timbavati FB Page, He is 100% the BDM. However other Say He not is Black dam male.

Info give by Klaserie Sands Page. Thanks so much for the update! We seldom see this pride around the River Camp in the eastern Klaserie but occasionally further north on the border with Umbabat. Very interesting!
If Anyone can help me.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Matimbalani Offline
Regular Member

(04-13-2020, 03:09 AM)TinoArmando Wrote: Is this the Beautiful Black dam male?

He has been seen in Klaserie Sands Yesterday,And last week at Nthambo Tree Camp... According Lions of Timbavati FB Page, He is 100% the BDM. However other Say He not is Black dam male.

Info give by Klaserie Sands Page. Thanks so much for the update! We seldom see this pride around the River Camp in the eastern Klaserie but occasionally further north on the border with Umbabat. Very interesting!
If Anyone can help me.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Is the Giraffe pride with him?
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Russian Federation Tino Zhong Offline
New Join

(04-13-2020, 06:38 AM)Matimbalani Wrote:
(04-13-2020, 03:09 AM)TinoArmando Wrote: Is this the Beautiful Black dam male?

He has been seen in Klaserie Sands Yesterday,And last week at Nthambo Tree Camp... According Lions of Timbavati FB Page, He is 100% the BDM. However other Say He not is Black dam male.

Info give by Klaserie Sands Page. Thanks so much for the update! We seldom see this pride around the River Camp in the eastern Klaserie but occasionally further north on the border with Umbabat. Very interesting!
If Anyone can help me.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Is the Giraffe pride with him?

Anyway is this the Black DM?

Cunaguaro Offline
Senior Member

2/2 Xikukutsu young males recently on a buffalo meal, though the 2nd boy, with healed wound on his back, seems losing his mane due to that injury.
April 12, 2020
K-Sees Travel & Consulting

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

2 Ross males monitoring every move of young Birmingham male as he rejoins the pride after a drink, on SafariLive:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

(04-13-2020, 03:09 AM)TinoArmando Wrote: Is this the Beautiful Black dam male?

He has been seen in Klaserie Sands Yesterday,And last week at Nthambo Tree Camp... According Lions of Timbavati FB Page, He is 100% the BDM. However other Say He not is Black dam male.

Info give by Klaserie Sands Page. Thanks so much for the update! We seldom see this pride around the River Camp in the eastern Klaserie but occasionally further north on the border with Umbabat. Very interesting!
If Anyone can help me.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

It looks like Black Dam male, but raport was speaking about coalition of 3 and as we know Black dam is lone male so I do not think that was him.

"The team successfully located a massive pride of lions, close to our Safari Trails tented camp. The pride has seven cubs and was accompanied by a coalition of three large males!

We have seen this pride on a number of occasions as they move in and out of the area, close to the Olifants River to our north. It is even believed that one of the females gave birth to her most recent cubs in a drainage line close to the camp, and we are excited to spend more time getting to know this local pride! More updates to come..."
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(04-13-2020, 12:33 PM)Potato Wrote: It looks like Black Dam male, but raport was speaking about coalition of 3 and as we know Black dam is lone male so I do not think that was him.

"The team successfully located a massive pride of lions, close to our Safari Trails tented camp. The pride has seven cubs and was accompanied by a coalition of three large males!

We have seen this pride on a number of occasions as they move in and out of the area, close to the Olifants River to our north. It is even believed that one of the females gave birth to her most recent cubs in a drainage line close to the camp, and we are excited to spend more time getting to know this local pride! More updates to come..."

This is clearly not BDM,although" Lions of Timbavati " false claims he is. 

2nd picture is BDM 2 weeks ago:

*This image is copyright of its original author

And as it says in the post, this pride and males came from far north around Olifants river, this area is far north from BDM territory. 

Also, idk if it was posted, BDM vs his sons 1 month ago, i didnt seen this posted here:

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T I N O Offline

(04-13-2020, 01:53 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(04-13-2020, 12:33 PM)Potato Wrote: It looks like Black Dam male, but raport was speaking about coalition of 3 and as we know Black dam is lone male so I do not think that was him.

"The team successfully located a massive pride of lions, close to our Safari Trails tented camp. The pride has seven cubs and was accompanied by a coalition of three large males!

We have seen this pride on a number of occasions as they move in and out of the area, close to the Olifants River to our north. It is even believed that one of the females gave birth to her most recent cubs in a drainage line close to the camp, and we are excited to spend more time getting to know this local pride! More updates to come..."

This is clearly not BDM,although" Lions of Timbavati " false claims he is. 

2nd picture is BDM 2 weeks ago:

*This image is copyright of its original author

And as it says in the post, this pride and males came from far north around Olifants river, this area is far north from BDM territory. 

Also, idk if it was posted, BDM vs his sons 1 month ago, i didnt seen this posted here:

Most likely, it is an old image. Because the wound on his head is similar to the one he had a few months ago when he was being chased by the Monwana Males. 

However Klaserie Sands Last year has received been the visit of the Black dam male in the Southern Parts of the Reserve.
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T I N O Offline

(04-13-2020, 11:19 PM)TinoArmando Wrote:
(04-13-2020, 01:53 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(04-13-2020, 12:33 PM)Potato Wrote: It looks like Black Dam male, but raport was speaking about coalition of 3 and as we know Black dam is lone male so I do not think that was him.

"The team successfully located a massive pride of lions, close to our Safari Trails tented camp. The pride has seven cubs and was accompanied by a coalition of three large males!

We have seen this pride on a number of occasions as they move in and out of the area, close to the Olifants River to our north. It is even believed that one of the females gave birth to her most recent cubs in a drainage line close to the camp, and we are excited to spend more time getting to know this local pride! More updates to come..."

This is clearly not BDM,although" Lions of Timbavati " false claims he is. 

2nd picture is BDM 2 weeks ago:

*This image is copyright of its original author

And as it says in the post, this pride and males came from far north around Olifants river, this area is far north from BDM territory. 

Also, idk if it was posted, BDM vs his sons 1 month ago, i didnt seen this posted here:

Most likely, it is an old image. Because the wound on his head is similar to the one he had a few months ago when he was being chased by the Monwana Males. 

However Klaserie Sands Last year has received been the visit of the Black dam male in the Southern Parts of the Reserve.

Attached Files Image(s)

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Intense morning at Ngala, as Tyson of the Ross males is not happy of young Birmingham male trying to rejoin the pride :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Full action starts at 1:38:25 min mark :

It seems that young males days with a pride is over, he might join few times when Ross males are not there but they wont tolerate him anymore, especially Tyson who by all the rangers words is very agressive and mean lion, while his brother Fabio, even slightly bigger, is quite stable caracter and only suports his brother. 

This WildEarth/SafariLive broadcast from Ngala is pure gold, as we can get to know better famous Birmingham pride and Ross males, rangers are excellent too with information they give,props to them.
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Cunaguaro Offline
Senior Member

The two Xikukutsu Avoca males have been seen in northern Thornybush quite a bit lately, this time minus the Mapoza male.
Image by: ksees_travel
April 13, 2020.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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