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Lions of Timbavati

Poland Potato Offline

Didn't know that Sad Let's hope best for the for the sake of young white cubs.

Poland Potato Offline

Mayambula pride with Mbiri males

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

Advancing further and further into unknown territory. Here one of three young Abercrombie male Lions was found within our traverse in an area where they haven’t ventured before. For the time being they are testing the waters but what’s next for them, no one knows yet.   (Abercrombie Male Lion Coalition)  photo by: kdob1 - Motswari Game Reserve, Timbavati

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

This is northen Timbavati - arena of Western pride of lions.
"The Western Pride is now fully reunited and consists of six adult females, one sub-adult and three almost six-month-old cubs. We are almost certain that all of the cubs are male, but mistakes have been made before so don’t hold us to that! They do sometimes disappear for days at time, which of course they’re allowed to be, this is the wilderness after all, but they always come back to remind us they’re in charge."

If I am not mistaken then territory belong to two oryginal River pride males

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

Update from Klaserie on young River pride males
"Return of the River boys! Having left their mother's pride last year, these boys have been spotted on the property in recent weeks and look in tip top condition! They've been seen keeping company with some unknown females so we're wondering if they are making a move to take over? Hopefully it won't cause their mum any trouble"

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

"Tracker Khutso showed off his nerves of steel this morning when one of the enormous Mbiri male lions sat down right next to him!!! Moments later he stood up and gave a rib-rattling roar, much to our delight! Massive smiles from our guests today "

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

Tanda Tula update 


As for other news, our lions again had a great week. The Mayambula Pride slowly moved back to the western parts of their territory, after spending the first part of the week in the east. A wildebeest kill was followed by an incredible scene of finding the fourteen-strong lion pride feasting on a buffalo cow they killed in the middle of a mud wallow! To see all of these lions covered in mud was a sight I shall never forget. After the lions finished off with their share of the kill, a clan of over a dozen hyenas moved in to finish off the scraps. Days later, clumps of mud could still be seen covering the feet and legs of all the lions. The Mbiri males were absent for all but the last day of the week, and their whereabouts leave some room for speculation. My personal theory is that they may have been off mating with the older lioness from the River Pride. This assumption is based on the smaller Mbiri male’s behaviour last week. The fact that the Mbiri males were once again tracked hot on the heels of the River Pride, and finally, when the River Pride did show themselves, they were missing one of their older lionesses. Perhaps she was off somewhere else, but I do believe that the Mbiri males might be trying to take control of the River Pride too. The smaller pride, the Zebenine lioness and her daughter, were seen several times this week, and appear to still be doing well. Out in the west, the Giraffe Pride and the Black Dam male made a brief appearance.  

Xanatseni Private Camp

What an amazing morning spent with the Mbiri Boys. Following up on lion audio in front of the lodge we came across these brutes chasing another male out of the area, before settling down to mate with this female

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*This image is copyright of its original author

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Poland Potato Offline

"Mating lions right next to the vehicle? CHECK 
One of our home-grown River pride boys has been mating with an unknown female whilst his coalition brother looks on. Having had the huge Mbiri males also mating in the same area just the day before, these boys best be careful or there'll be a big fight coming! Nevertheless what an INCREDIBLE sighting for our lucky guests! ??
Notice how the female entices the male to mate by presenting her rump - called lordosis - and flicking her tail then, after the act, she becomes overly submissive by rolling onto her back. Normally this behaviour will recur every 20 minutes for 3-5 days to ensure conception. Exhausting!"


Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Small kind's enjoyment ! Tanda Tula Safari Park (Timbavati).

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Roaring male lion... An other roar answers him at the end. Tanda Tula Safari Camp (Timbavati).

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

(08-29-2019, 10:37 PM)Potato Wrote: This is northen Timbavati - arena of Western pride of lions.
"The Western Pride is now fully reunited and consists of six adult females, one sub-adult and three almost six-month-old cubs. We are almost certain that all of the cubs are male, but mistakes have been made before so don’t hold us to that! They do sometimes disappear for days at time, which of course they’re allowed to be, this is the wilderness after all, but they always come back to remind us they’re in charge."

If I am not mistaken then territory belong to two oryginal River pride males
According to Chad Cocking and Motswari Lodge, the Machimba male (no relation) along with his young partner named Ginger has been most dominant there for two years with only infrequent visits from the old River pride males.
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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

The Black Dam Male with the Giraffe Pride has been seen this afternoon

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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

The last Trilogy male "Scar" is dead
RIP legend!

Credits Ziggi Hugo

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits Kelwan Kaiser

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Poland Potato Offline

One of two dominant males of River pride

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