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Lions of Timbavati

Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Meet and greet Mbiri male style. Video by Marita Stenberg at Umlani. November 3, 2018
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

The impressive Scarface .... the last male of the Trilogy coalition and the sire of the cubs of the Monwana pride.
Image by Darrel Camden-Smith at Thornybush. November 13, 2018

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Sumatra male at Shindzela. Image by Johan Smalman, November 13, 2018

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Image by Jay Nel-McIntosh at Shindzela. November 13, 2018

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Mbiri takes a drink and gets one up on his brother at the same time. Image by Vicky Scholtz. November 1, 2018

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Mapoza male at Makanyi Lodge.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King - HG Wells. Image by Jennifer Fishbein. November 7, 2018

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

The new Timbavati Star, said to be only 1 of 3 or 4 white lions left in the wild. Image by Jay Collier at Ngala. November 12, 2018
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Hopefully Big Daddy Fabio (dominant Ross male) can help him/her safe. Video by Rebecca Vizard at Ngala, November 4, 2018
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India Raj8143 Offline

(11-13-2018, 04:35 PM)Herekitty Wrote: Mapoza male at Makanyi Lodge.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King - HG Wells. Image by Jennifer Fishbein. November 7, 2018

*This image is copyright of its original author

man..i love this lion...any history about his bloodline...from where did he came etc etc....
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Big maned Mbiri never far from the action, particularly with one or two of the Zebeninines in oestrus. Image by Luke Street at Tanda Tula. November 13, 2018

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@Raj8143 - I think you can find that info earlier in this thread, but here's a starter:
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

One of the best resources for lion information in the Timbavati has been Shindzela guide Johan Smalman. He always identifies the lions he photographs. Unfortunately he's moving to Australia, which is going to leave a gap for quality information. Yesterday he captured the Sumatra male with the Hercules pride at Shindzela. November 13, 2018

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The Sumatra male was hanging out with the Hercules male earlier in the year, but perhaps he didn't want to stick around to mate with his mothers/sisters from the Hercules pride. Images by Dom Lawrence November 13, 2018

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The Sumatra boy is still relatively young and prone to the odd misstep. Video by boofle2018, November 13, 2018
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 11-17-2018, 07:25 AM by Herekitty )

The big boss of the Blackdam pride laying down the law. Hard to argue with. Video by Darryn Rentzke at Thornybush. November 9, 2018.

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

The three Machaton males are still 'macking' it at Balule Reserve and Mohlabetsi Lodge west of the Klaserie. It's funny how within lion coalitions there's always handsome lions who seldom get scarred, then there's the guys whose face reads like a road map.

The marks on this guys face show his hard fought path to dominance. Image by whoforgotthecorkscrew, November 13, 2018

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The Machatons are often seen with the Takazile pride at Mohlabetsi. Image by Pharmama, October, 2018

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Their territory also extends north to Pondoro Lodge where they control the Kudyela pride and cubs. Credit to Marius Zeilinga. The Machaton males were on a mission this week, even covering 20+ km one night marking their territory. They finally met up with the Kudyela lionesses and their cubs.

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Big maned Mbiri and his new coalition partner/cub fight over a carcass. Video by Jj Oosthuizen, November 14, 2018

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Machaton male at Sausage Tree Safari Camp. Images by guide Matthew Sussens, November 15, 2018

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United States Peteporker Offline

From Tintswalo:  looks like some new males moving in that Tintswalo are calling the Orpen Males

The lions stole the show this week, with 5 different prides being seen and 3 different coalitions of males. An amazing sighting unfolded when the Nharu Pride managed to bring down a sub-adult giraffe only to have it taken over by the Mbiri Pride. The two prides fought aggressively over the giraffe and the sounds coming off the carcass were incredible. Some of the Nharu ran off but amazingly some stayed behind and fought, and then continued to feed on the remains of the giraffe with the Mbiris. No lions from either pride were injured. The Mbiri’s managed to bring down a large male buffalo only two days later, and kept up their reputation of being the ultimate hunting pride in the area.

The Talamati pride was seen in the south with one young Avoca Male on a wildebeest carcass.

The Koppies prides is looking great and were viewed on multiple occasions with the two males growing in stature and into an impressive size.

Another pride was viewed in the far north consisting of 7 females and 5 cubs - we will be referring to them as the Orpen Pride in future posts, and the 2 large males that move with them as the Orpen Males. These two males are very impressive and are moving further south into the reserve, becoming a threat to the Koppies males.

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