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Lions of Timbavati

Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Does anyone recognize these two males? Found them this morning in Thornybush.
Credits to Kyle Lewin
Giraffe male and Mazopa male (?)in new coalition :o

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5 users Like Gamiz's post

United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Credits: Bobby Wummer Photography
Giraffe male

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Pondoro Game Lodges


Over the weekend end we had a few breeding herds of elephant moving through. Thuli was seen up in a Marula tree scanning the area for potential prey. The Machaton males were seen trailing some of the Kudyela lionesses. The Impalabos females were seen stalking a tower of giraffes but failed as they were spotted.

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Machaton male
Credits to Karl van der Westhuizen

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Baobab Ridge Game Lodge
This past week has welcomed back the Mbiri Boys to Baobab Ridge property.  These 2 male lions have echoed their call across the Southern Klaserie the past few evenings and we are hoping that they are intending to remain in the area.
Thank you to Rebecca Rowles for sharing her images

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Chris Offline
Regular Member

(04-18-2018, 10:39 AM)Gamiz Wrote: From Baobab Ridge Game Lodge
This past week has welcomed back the Mbiri Boys to Baobab Ridge property.  These 2 male lions have echoed their call across the Southern Klaserie the past few evenings and we are hoping that they are intending to remain in the area.
Thank you to Rebecca Rowles for sharing her images

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Majingilane bloodline right there. They look like Dark mane.

United States swtlei4u Offline

(04-19-2018, 08:03 AM)Chris Wrote:
(04-18-2018, 10:39 AM)Gamiz Wrote: From Baobab Ridge Game Lodge
This past week has welcomed back the Mbiri Boys to Baobab Ridge property.  These 2 male lions have echoed their call across the Southern Klaserie the past few evenings and we are hoping that they are intending to remain in the area.
Thank you to Rebecca Rowles for sharing her images

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Majingilane bloodline right there. They look like Dark mane.

these bad boys are actually matimba offsprings!
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(04-19-2018, 08:03 AM)Chris Wrote: Majingilane bloodline right there. They look like Dark mane.

Like  swtlei4u says, they're not sons of the Majingilane, but rather of the Northern Matimba males, the brothers of Hairy belly and Ginger.
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Chris Offline
Regular Member

(04-19-2018, 08:44 PM)Tshokwane Wrote:
(04-19-2018, 08:03 AM)Chris Wrote: Majingilane bloodline right there. They look like Dark mane.

Like  swtlei4u says, they're not sons of the Majingilane, but rather of the Northern Matimba males, the brothers of Hairy belly and Ginger.
My bad I didn’t read the paragraph well.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Sumatra male
Credits to Johan Smalman

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Ezulwini Game Lodges
The Machaton Kingdom

These are guardians of the night, the watchmen that patrol their territory to guard against intruders. The Machaton boys have laid claim to this part of the Balule Kingdom and have plenty to protect. They've recently sired cubs with the Kudyela lionesses; and now have their offspring and females to protect. Here's to our Kings - long may they reign over their kingdom.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Em Gatland - SunDestinations.

Timbavati Tales : Tracking the Mbiri Coalition

This powerful duo were recently spotted in the Timbavati Game Reserve while out on game drive with Walkers Bush Villa. This coalition tends to dominate certain sections within the Timbavati and Klaserie, and they're often spotted keeping company with the Ross Pride females. This easily recognisable coalition was photographed by Em Gatland a week ago, and since then they've traversed further north.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Mauritz Senekal - Africa on Foot.

Mbiri Male Lions with Ross Pride Lionesses

The dominant coalition on our traverse appears to be the easily recognisable Mbiri male lions. One of the kings has a scraggly mane while the other one appears to have a full and lustrous mane. They're often spotted crunching through the bushveld marking territory and contact calling.

The Ross Pride lionesses were seen with the boys a couple of months ago, but most of sightings of the females are just of the two them. That is until a few days ago. Mauritz photographed our kings together with the Ross females. The happy foursome were casually strolling down the tar road in an open area, which made for perfect visuals!

Long live our kings and queens of the Klaserie!

The scraggly maned Mbiri male casually struts down the tar road with his crew in tow. The Mbiri males have been spotted in the Timbavati but tend to return to the Klaserie, and this is probably because of the presence of the Ross Pride females. 

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A king protecting his territory. This Mbiri coalition are stirring up things in the Klaserie, and there have been numerous notable occasions of them copulating with the Ross females. The Ross girls haven’t quite made our traverse their domain just yet – they tend to occupy neighbouring reserves, but they do filter into the Klaserie quite often – especially when they hear the echoing contact calls of the Mbiris.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Tintswalo.

Safari Update

During the last two weeks, we had a surprise visit by the three Tsalala males. They were found towards the eastern edge of the central Manyeleti much further north from where they were roaming the last few months. The coalition were desperately in search of a meal by the look of their poor condition.

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And also:

The older Avoca male hasn’t been seen for quite some time, and its been almost two weeks that the two Giraffe males were found together without their formidable counterpart.

The Giraffe coalition were yet again spending most of their time in the central Manyeleti Game Reserve rummaging the area for food. A few nights ago, these two ill-looking male lions were located with full bellies after finishing off a kudu that they’ve killed or scavenged from another pride. Hopefully with the dry season approaching they'll be more successful!

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There are still no updates on the last Thanda Impi male lion Scorro, and the lone Selati male lion.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Marius Zeilinga - Pondoro Game Lodge.


During the weekend we caught up with the Kudyela pride, Machaton males and 5 cubs. We had a few incredible sightings of the cubs playing in a sandy drainage line and interacting with the males.

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