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Lions of Timbavati

Brazil T Rabbit Offline
Regular Member

skorro thanda imp male is awesome. he is carrying on this battle by his own. distracting the avocas until they give up about the take over. what strategic beast. looks like he is not ready to abandon his pride, brother and land!
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

(07-20-2017, 01:29 AM)Chris Wrote: Are these the avoca males who are fathers of the 7 or avoca/giraffe males and the 2 younger avocas in londolozi? I thought they were only 3 but apparently they are 4?

NO Dude these 2 old Avoca males are the fathers of the 5 young Avoca males.
2 young Avoca males are in Mala Mala  (the other 3 young Avoca males spend most of their time in Kruger). and were born in 2013, they come from the avoca pride in Shindzela. And they were fathered by the 2 old Avoca males. Here's a photo of some of three young Avoca males
*This image is copyright of its original author

one of 2 Young Avoca males
*This image is copyright of its original author

The 2 old Avoca males are half brothers of the 5 Giraffe Males. 4 Giraffe males were born in 2009
and the 5th was born in  2011.
Giraffe Males came from Giraffe pride.
The 2 old Avoca males came from Avoca pride  (Both Coalition were fathered by the 3 old Ross Males)
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Brazil T Rabbit Offline
Regular Member

(07-20-2017, 04:17 AM)Fredymrt Wrote:
(07-20-2017, 01:29 AM)Chris Wrote: Are these the avoca males who are fathers of the 7 or avoca/giraffe males and the 2 younger avocas in londolozi? I thought they were only 3 but apparently they are 4?

NO Dude these 2 old Avoca males are the fathers of the 5 young Avoca males.
2 young Avoca males are in Mala Mala  (the other 3 young Avoca males spend most of their time in Kruger). and were born in 2013, they come from the avoca pride in Shindzela. And they were fathered by the 2 old Avoca males. Here's a photo of some of three young Avoca males
*This image is copyright of its original author

one of 2 Young Avoca males  
*This image is copyright of its original author

The 2 old Avoca males are half brothers of the 5 Giraffe Males. 4 Giraffe males were born in 2009
and the 5th was born in  2011.
Giraffe Males came from Giraffe pride.
The 2 old Avoca males came from Avoca pride  (Both Coalition were fathered by the 3 old Ross Males)
so if the old avocas were born at avoca pride and sired cubs on the own avoca pride that means the young avoca males are very cosanguineous animals.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

4 Avoca/Giraffe males - Tintswalo Lodge - July 17,2017

The highlight of the Lion sightings were the 4 Avoca/Giraffe male Lions that made their way deep into the Thanda Impi’s territory 2 days ago! They were sent marking and vocalising constantly not hiding their intentions. These males were sniffing the area of Windy/Windy rd where the Mbiri lionesses and the cubs were hanging around on a regular base the last few weeks. Luckily, the Mbiri lionesses took their cubs too the far South Western corner of their territory close to the lodge. The injured Thanda Impi male ’Sizanani’ was found with the Lionesses and the cubs. The dominant Thanda Impi male Lion ‘Scorro’ was found about 200m from the 4 rivals vocalising every 10 min. The four new males were searching nonstop for Scorro and his pride. That afternoon all hell broke loose when the Avoca/giraffe males eventually found Scorro by himself and chased him relentlessly towards the East away from his own territory! Emotions were running high and we all thought that a pride take over was imminent. We lost visual of the Males and thought that this was the last of Scorro and possibly the cubs if they find them!

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 07-24-2017, 06:59 PM by Fredymrt )

Photo & info by pondoro_game_lodge

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Seen on safari this morning: The 3 male lions were found moving back to the East after their tracks went to the West a few days ago. 6 Spotted Hyenas were sniffing around and tracks finally showed us that they had stolen a leopard's meal. A few elephants were found around a water hole. Some white rhino were seen happily grazing. A small herd of buffalo were seen taking a break before they started to graze again. A male giraffe with a beautiful dark coat stared at the vehicle while ruminating.
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 07-25-2017, 09:45 AM by Fredymrt )

From: Sausage Tree Safari Camp
NEW BOYS ON THE BLOCK : Ever since the dominant male lion of the Takazile pride left our area, different coalitions of males have been moving into the unclaimed territory. A coalition of 5 males from the Mohlabetsi section have been seen on quite a few occasions and we assumed that in time they will take over the Takazile pride and hopefully produce some cubs. To our surprise three huge males entered the area yesterday, apparently from the Timbavati....The question being that if these two coalitions meet, what will the outcome be? Will the Mohlabetsi coalition make way or will they stand up to the new guys.
Note: Click on image to play the video

Quote:These 3 new males have been confirmed as 3 of the 4 Machaton males from the timbavati area.
It's about to get interesting!
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Credit: African Photography service

Avoca\Giraffe Males

*This image is copyright of its original author

"Lion populations vary in a region and every where goes through it highs and lows. Currently the Lion population in the Manyeleti is doing phenomenally well. The very first afternoon was a search for the 4 Avoca males that had made there way into the reserve from the northern Kruger boundary. The were found feeding off a Buffalo kill from the previous day. With constant roaring through out the night. They made there presence very know to all the other prides and coalitions in the area. One of which was the 2 Thanda Impi brothers and the Mbiri pride that are often found around the Tintswalo lodges. They are impressive pride and when all together total 17 Lions. They were the main viewing we had over the past weekend."
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 07-26-2017, 04:35 AM by Fredymrt )

Video Credit: Karl van der westhuizen

One of the Machaton Males announcing his presence on balule this evening

From : Toro yaka bush
Machaton males. A new coalition in the neighborhood!! A force to be reckoned with.Click on it to play

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

By the way, and this just came to mind thinking who were these lads, the Machaton males were chased away by the Northern Matimba males in 2015-16 when they were younger.

How fast things can change, and the present coalitions beware!!
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sik94 Offline

*This image is copyright of its original author

BALULE LION UPDATE : Move Over Mohlabetsi boys, the Machaton's are in town ! There are 7 Mohlabetsi males, endowed with good looks and a powerful demeanour. They've dominated our traverse for quite sometime and seem invincible. That is until the Machaton boys strutted their way into their territory and terrorised the large Mohlabetsi male, in an effort to assert dominance. Luckily the Mohlabetsi male emerged relatively unscathed from the confrontation, albeit with wounded pride and a few "scratches".
The Mohlabetsi coalition now flees when they hear the Machatons approaching. Our lion dynamics are always shifting and changing. These Kings are the latest males to observe! What will happen...? Watch this space.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Pondoro Game Lodge 
The 3 male lions: Machaton males. 

These 3 males arrived on Pondoro's traversing grounds about two months ago and since then have settled in with ease! Speculating on where they came from and who they might be we finally have an answer, they are the Machaton males and we have also decided to keep their given name. These males originate from the Timbavati and has been under the radar for quite some time until they arrived here. They are definitely making their presence known by covering a lot of ground during the evenings roaring and marking as they go! Machaton Male Lions

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Credits: Tintswalo Safari Lodge

Safari Update
Yet again, the Mbiri pride of Lions has been making headlines the last few days! Luckily there is no change to the dynamics of the pride and they were quite sufficient in the hunting department. They managed to take down a large Buffalo bull which kept the pride well occupied in the north eastern corner of their territory in the central Manyeleti. Yesterday morning, Lions were heard vocalising toward the North of the Manyeleti Game Reserve, could it have been the formidable Avoca/Giraffe males? Whoever it may have been, the Thanda Impi males and the Mbiri pride has extended their reign and haven’t lost their grip on the central Manyeleti for now.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Chris Offline
Regular Member
*** Here the link of the Ross male fighting with the avoca females on a buffalo kill.
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Last night the last white lioness from the giraffe pride was killed by the 2 M'biri males.(i got confirmation from a guide in timbavati that it was indeed the M'biri males). RIP.

Credits: Live Safari with Lindi Bernado

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Spain IñigoMontoya Offline
Sad  ( This post was last modified: 08-02-2017, 12:59 PM by IñigoMontoya )

Ohh, very sad news.... There's no more white lions then?
R.I.P. beautiful lady.
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