There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
The only sighting of all three Rollercoaster Males occurred towards the beginning of the report-period when they and some of the Selati Pride spent several days feeding off an adult female and young giraffe on NW Toulon. Just before this incident, two of the Rollercoaster Males were seen on central Charleston, an area really not considered to be within their range and looking as fat as lions could be.
However, with the decline of the Ridge Rocks Males, up until now eastern neighbours to the Rollercoaster Males, it comes as no real surprise that the Rollercoaster Males would look to venture eastwards, testing this newly vacant land. And their presence in this land wouldn't just be to perhaps acquire it for themselves, but maybe also to show other land-hungry coalitions of male lions they they're alive and strong and not to be tested too much. Already other male lions have tested these areas of central and southeastern Charleston and the Rollercoaster Males would understandably want to come to a fast no-nonsense understanding with any new neighbours as to where territorial borders start and stop.
February 2004
Although all Rollercoaster Males were accounted for this month, there were no sightings of all three together. Things appear to be going well for this trio which controls the southwestern parts of the reserve. The only time when any of them were seen with the Selati Pride, the family of lions under their control in this area, was towards the end of the report-period when two of them were found feasting off a zebra carcass with some of the lionesses. Whilst these lions were feeding, they were approached by one of the Charleston Pride lionesses, but she was chased off by the Selati Pride. Some evidence suggests that the Rollercoaster Males are the Charleston Pride lioness' brothers.
March 2004
The only sightings of the Rollercoaster Males this month was of them together with the Selati Pride, the family of lions which is under their control on western Toulon. Two of these sightings were of all three Rollercoaster Males together. As far as can be ascertained, they still remain in good health and with at least 12 cubs in the Selati Pride, have a lot to protect from outside challengers.
April 2004
Although there were a few sightings of a single Rollercoaster Male on patrol, all other sightings of members of this coalition where of them together with lionesses and cubs of the Selati Pride, which, for the Selati Pride, is of course good and bad. Good in that they have the protection of the males and bad because they have many hungry mouths to feed and with the males always around, they consume a good proportion of the rewards.
May 2004
There were few encounters with the Rollercoaster Males this month. All three were seen together at the beginning of the month on NW Toulon and then, at the end of the report-period, two of them were seen with members of the Selati Pride, catching impala in this same area. In this instance, the male lions caught an adult female impala and the females caught another. All indications are that the Rollercoaster Males are still well in charge of the southwestern parts of the reserve.
July 2004
Any doubt as to whether all three Rollercoaster Males are still alive was dispelled in July, when all three males were seen together, and in the company of the Selati Pride.
August 2004
The Rollercoaster Males seem to still have the south-western part of the reserve under their control, and were seen fairly regularly in August. Responding to a prolonged incursion into their territory by the Eyrefield Pride and West Street Males, the Rollercoaster Males did a pretty good job of seeing off this potential threat, and apparently succeeded in driving these invaders off northwards.
September 2004
The Rollercoaster Males were not seen very frequently in September, but the sightings of them were sufficient to deduce that all three are still in good shape, and that they have western Toulon under their control. With that territory comes the Selati Pride. It is not known whether these males are also associated with any other prides of females, perhaps further to the north and west. Probably not.
October 2004
Only two of the Rollercoaster Males were seen, and on just one occasion. They were, on that occasion, accompanying members of the Selati Pride.
November 2004
All three of the Rollercoaster Males were seen, but on just one occasion. They were not with any other lions at that stage, but it is almost certain that these three males still have the Selati Pride under their control. With several up-and-coming young male lions being seen in the south of the reserve in recent weeks, it is likely that the Rollercoaster Males are going to feel some pressure. Their strength and character will be tested in the weeks ahead!
December 2004
There were no sightings of all three of the Rollercoaster Males on any single day in December. Two of them were seen together, in the absence of any lionesses, on one occasion, and there were three other sightings of two of them accompanying members of the Selati Pride. One Rollercoaster Male was seen to accompany the other members of the Selati Pride on three consecutive days. It is not yet clear whether these sightings did involve all three of the Rollercoaster Males. What was quite clear, and is rather disturbing, is the fact that the male missing an eye is not looking good. He had an emaciated look about him, with hip bones projecting, and could easily be suffering from bovine tuberculosis. If this is the case, then chances are that the Rollercoaster Males are not going to remain in control of the western bank on Toulon and southern Charleston for too much longer.