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7 hours ago( This post was last modified: 7 hours ago by Duco Ndona )
Probably because it is pretty rare and even this case is murky. I was more pondering why it could have went down if we intertain the idea that the PCmales did it. .
Most prides either fall under full control of the males or are abandoned. So bonds are either well formed or not at all.
And cases like Tsalala are rarely documented well due to their leopard lifestyle. So cubs just disappear.
Its actually more a theory I came up with to explain cases of delayed infanticide like we saw when the Majingijane took over the Othawa pride from the Selati or in tha Video Rob the ranger once posted about the male lion breaking a youngsters back.
I found it odd that if there was a strong instincts to kill rival cubs. You still get cases like these.