There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
Regarding the PCM I wouldn't even say they are mediocre pride males as in the true sense of the word I believe it'd mean they are average, I think they are straight up below average in how well they do what the prides expect them to do for them, to not say "they are bad" and get into discussions of what humans perceive as bad or good.
Their strength is also overrated, I'll also agree with that and plead guilty in having overhyped them in the past, I've seen many hype them as these legendary warriors, some of the strongest duos ever seen and what not.
But when you look at it, with the exception of the weak Nhenha/NK coalition of 6 months who struggled to oust lone Tumbela and was barely territorial for a single month, the PCM have only defeated nomads, the only time they faced a strong prime territorial duo, the Ndhzengas, they lost ( it was a tough clash, of course, but Ndhzengas prevailed ).
Still, overrated or not, it's undeniable that they are strong, definitely above average, and much more than this NK/Talamati coalition which I think cannot handle even a single PCM.
NK/Talamati is probably still weaker than Skorro/NK and Tumbela/NK, coalitions that were already roaring and/or mating, trying to become territorial, and definitely much weaker than NK/Nhenha coalition.
NK/Nhenha who the PCM barely acknowledged as a threat and easily beat them, PCM who by then were weaker than they are now in the peak of their prime and experience, so there's no reason to believe NK/Talamati would stand any chances.
Back in the day with the Styx male the PCM were young nomads and a year younger than NK, so obviously NK/Styx had the advantage.