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Lions of Sabi Sands

Panama Mapokser Offline

BDM again are given a chance to take on K4 who is alone mating with a female 1km away from the BDM.

They sure can't complain about their luck.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-23-2024, 11:01 PM)Mapokser Wrote: BDM again are given a chance to take on K4 who is alone mating with a female 1km away from the BDM.

They sure can't complain about their luck.

It doesnt work like that.

Kambulas are 4, BDMs very well know that, its very risky to engage on 1 member when you dont have visuals on other 3.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Tr1x24 Well, sure, they know they are 4.

But how many times have we seen males from big coalition caught alone? It happens all the time, taking such opportunities is something many males do.

Duco Ndona Offline

In any case. In their situation, they really cant afford to miss such opportunities. Fortuna favet fortibus.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(01-23-2024, 11:01 PM)Mapokser Wrote: BDM again are given a chance to take on K4 who is alone mating with a female 1km away from the BDM.

They sure can't complain about their luck.

Almost certain that earlier report of them being that close together was when the Kambula males were together, it makes no sense for K4 to stay that close to BDMs without his brothers, would essentially be him begging for a beating. Don’t get me wrong he’s most likely still with an Nkuhuma female but just moved further away.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@KM600 The guide said the remaining male is still north mating with the NK lioness.

Basically what has happened is what had happened many times before, K4 who is determined to be fully territorial remains as a territorial male in the north while the rest roam other places still behaving in a semi-nomadic way.

We don't know if K4 was aware of the BDM or the BDM aware of him, but both set of males were mating very close to each other and even young nomads trying to become territorial will catch dominant males alone all the time, just recently we saw the 3 Birmingham killing 1/3 River Pride males, before seemingly being chased off by the remaining 2.

For the BDM who were established as the dominant males from the north, taking the opportunity to get rid of the strongest Kambula, wouldn't be a big deal for them. If they are aware of him, they'd have all they need to turn the tides and recover everything they are losing.

Panama Mapokser Offline

PCM and the entire Mangheni pride in Dulini by ranger_ebz

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Panama Mapokser Offline

K4 mating with 2 NK females:

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Tonpa Offline

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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(01-25-2024, 07:06 PM)Tonpa Wrote:

They would have to be going through the territory of the Mantimahle sons though, no?
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Tonpa Offline

(01-25-2024, 07:54 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(01-25-2024, 07:06 PM)Tonpa Wrote:

They would have to be going through the territory of the Mantimahle sons though, no?

I think those two have moved more northwards, last I heard on them was on one of the Elephant plains reports when they were on the manyeleti border in Buffelshoek
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-25-2024, 07:54 PM)NLAL11 Wrote: They would have to be going through the territory of the Mantimahle sons though, no?

This was prob in southern regions of MM, Mantimahle sons are way north.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

BDMs roaring, looks like they still didnt give up north.

I think Kambulas passivness (except K4) give BDMs confidence boost lately.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(01-26-2024, 02:08 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: BDMs roaring, looks like they still didnt give up north.

I think Kambulas passivness (except K4) give BDMs confidence boost lately.

100%, there was never an argument for them no longer having atleast some control over the North when they were the only coalition consistently spotted with the only major pride in the North, in recent months. Thing is I don’t see how the Nkuhuma Pride becomes stable with all this conflict, some females must have conceived by now and neither BDMs nor Kambulas can hold the opposing coalition away from the pride and claim it for themselves. Guess a good thing is that the Nkuhuma females that have been with the Kambula males, have searched out for them as opposed to them running into the whole pride. 

Then another problem as already mentioned is the passiveness of the Kambulas, they’re not going to successfully sire cubs unless every single member mates with females numerous times. If cubs were to drop in 3 or however many months, only K4 might seriously consider them to be his out of all the Kambula males.
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