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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

PCMs now have 0 available females for mating in their territory, so its very likely they will explorer and push further then usual in search for new potential mates.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(11-27-2023, 12:10 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: PCMs now have 0 available females for mating in their territory, so its very likely they will explorer and push further then usual in search for new potential mates.

Could’ve had the Talamatis just 2/3 months ago, not many females around Londolozi now tho unless they go towards Umkumbe.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

They already have a enough prides as it is. There is a good chance they they stay close as they are too busy checking up on them. 

The Othawas might be the first ones at risk for a takeover. 
However they are too young to be interested in mating, but I dont think the PCmales are aware of that yet. Which may get ugly if they do track them down.

Canada Robot00 Offline
Regular Member

(11-26-2023, 10:52 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Ximhungwe girls almost catch Kelly Dam

I dont understand why leopards rests on the ground and be in danger when they can be up a tall tree stress free? Im confused in that regard

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-27-2023, 01:23 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: They already have a enough prides as it is.

Except RN Nkuhuma soon, all Mhangeni and Ximhungwe females have small cubs and will not be in estrus for ~2 years or so.

Not saying that PCMs will try for takeover/expand tomorrow, but they will start exploring their options over time in acquiring new females for mating, expanding territory is one of the way to do so.

Looks like they missed the window for acquiring Talamatis in Londolozi, as they moved a bit south and are settling under Gijimas.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(11-27-2023, 01:23 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: They already have a enough prides as it is. There is a good chance they they stay close as they are too busy checking up on them. 

The Othawas might be the first ones at risk for a takeover. 
However they are too young to be interested in mating, but I dont think the PCmales are aware of that yet. Which may get ugly if they do track them down.

Still don’t have a clue how the Othawas have avoided the PCMs for as long as they have, only thing I can think of is the PCMs are obviously aware of their presence but are willing to let them grow so they can be mated with further down the line. If there was ever a place in Sabi Sands to successfully track down a lion, it’s Western Sabi Sands with it being fenced off.

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

I think that even in that circumstance, they would try to meet up with the Othawas for food or to satisfy their curiosity. Its probably more that the most western part of western sector lies just far enough outside their core territory that they don't have much of a presence there. Same with Skorro probably.
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Tonpa Offline

(11-27-2023, 02:06 AM)Robot00 Wrote:
(11-26-2023, 10:52 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Ximhungwe girls almost catch Kelly Dam

I dont understand why leopards rests on the ground and be in danger when they can be up a tall tree stress free? Im confused in that regard

It's probably comfort + lack of selective pressure. There's not enough healthy leopards caught and killed on the ground by lions to bring about a behaviour change in the species.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(11-27-2023, 02:06 AM)Robot00 Wrote:
(11-26-2023, 10:52 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Ximhungwe girls almost catch Kelly Dam

I dont understand why leopards rests on the ground and be in danger when they can be up a tall tree stress free? Im confused in that regard

Can’t imagine a tree is that comfortable, plus as cubs they obviously can’t climb straight away so they have to get familiar with being on the ground. I have seen quite a few videos where a lion has either caught or come extremely close to catching a leopard and it’s because they’re sleeping nowhere near a tree, that I can’t explain.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Lions also catch them in the trees. 

Though most likely its to conserve energy and get a better rest. Or a lack of suitable trees.

Panama Mapokser Offline

@Duco Ndona I'm not sure the PCM are aware the Othawas exist atm, their territory is too vast for only 2 males, if the Othawas aren't unlucky they won't get in trouble with them. They were in trouble originally because there were 2 PCM and 2 Birminghams, and they were much younger.

They'll turn 3 in March, they have good chances of making it.

@Tr1x24 is it confirmed that the cubless Mangheni now has cubs too?

Though the PCM's territory is insanely large already, it doesn't seem feasible for them to expand. Maybe they can steal Tsalala from the Skorro male but she'a probably pregnant already by now, and even then I think it'd be expanding way too much.

I'm not even sure how are they maintaining their current territory ans protecting all the prides successfully...

If the Kambulas or some others don't oust them, they'll also probably have RN and the 2 Othawas to mate with in less than a year.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(11-27-2023, 07:11 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I'm not even sure how are they maintaining their current territory ans protecting all the prides successfully...

If the Kambulas or some others don't oust them, they'll also probably have RN and the 2 Othawas to mate with in less than a year.

They haven’t come up against a worthy challenger yet, I’m guessing when they finally do get some real competition they’ll give up a pride, most likely Ximhungwes. Thing is the Kambula males aren’t ready yet to challenge the PCMs and there’s prides in the South such as the Talamatis that aren’t under full control of the Gijimas, sure they mate with them but they don’t spend that much time with them and I don’t think that will change even after cubs are born. Nkuhuma YMs aren’t ready to challenge yet either, neither are the Talamati YMs but they could try and steal Ridge Nose baring in mind they’re the only coalition that are known to stay around Singita in the old Talamati territory. The PCMs seem to have the West on lock at the moment.

Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(11-27-2023, 07:11 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @Tr1x24 is it confirmed that the cubless Mangheni now has cubs too?

Several guides have intimated she’s been denning. Even Neil here remarks about it here below:

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Mabande Offline

Hello, I was out of touch for quite some time. Can anyone update me about the current composition of the Nkuhuma and the Talamati prides? I heard that S8 and 2 of his lionesses died and so the Talamati breakaway pride is down to one lioness and how many cubs? Also what about the 4 Avoca daughters from the Talamati pride

United Kingdom KM600 Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-27-2023, 10:26 AM by KM600 )

(11-27-2023, 09:25 AM)Mabande Wrote: Hello, I was out of touch for quite some time. Can anyone update me about the current composition of the Nkuhuma and the Talamati prides? I heard that S8 and 2 of his lionesses died and so the Talamati breakaway pride is down to one lioness and how many cubs? Also what about the 4 Avoca daughters from the Talamati pride

Technically there’s 4 subadults left in the Talamati breakaway pride but one of the males has been missing for 1-2 weeks so only 3 are confirmed to still be with the lone lioness - 2 males and 1 female. All lions looking very frail atm. The Talamatis have moved to Southern Sabi Sands and have been mating with the Gijimas and recently one of the Ndhzengas. Nkuhumas were spending time with the BDMs while Mohawk and Nkuhuma YMs went into KNP for around a week and since returning majority of the pride has stayed with Mohawk, 2 lionesses broke away to mate with the BDMs. One of these is an Avoca sired lioness from 2019 litter and the other one may or may not be Chela. Last time I checked, I believe there was around 4 subadults in the Nkuhuma Pride aswell as 6 adult lionesses and obviously the 4 older boys and Mohawk. @Tr1x24 believes that one of the subadults has been misidentified and there’s actually 2 boys, from the photos he sent in the Nkuhuma Pride thread, he could very well be right.
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