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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(10-09-2023, 03:13 AM)BA0701 Wrote: You may well be right. I just recall seeing a video that explained that after Notch's brother was killed, he and his sons went nomadic, and returned later to take the pride back over. Only thing I know for sure is that the Notchs were absolutely enormous lions.
(10-09-2023, 05:15 AM)KM600 Wrote: Just double checked and ur right Notch and his sons never come back to retake Marsh Pride, with the Mapogos I know they didn’t successfully takeover the Sparta Pride, they pretty much just harassed them for many years, but they did control the territory kind of like we see today with the BDMs controlling the whole of Northern Sabi Sands despite S8 and Mohawk still being pride males. On top of that, Ik it’s not 100% accurate but many ppl believe Makhulu was most likely from the Castleton/Ximhungwe Pride because the WSM had also controlled that pride and as we all know they Mapogos were later dominant males of that pride.

Im just saying that if NKs (with or without Mohawk) takeover (or try to) their own natal area from BDMs would be very rare occurrence which is not very likely to happen.

BDMs chasing them often is good thing, as it may force young males to leave this area (which is prob a good thing), as they still look to be very attached to it and the pride.

Young males can leave at any point, recent example are 3 Bboys (white male group), they where still in the natal area and with pride up (ocassionaly exploring further) to around 4.5 yrs of age (older then what are NKs now), and then all of a sudden out of nowhere they moved north of Timbavati and challenged 3 RPMs.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

(10-09-2023, 03:13 AM)BA0701 Wrote: You may well be right. I just recall seeing a video that explained that after Notch's brother was killed, he and his sons went nomadic, and returned later to take the pride back over. Only thing I know for sure is that the Notchs were absolutely enormous lions

After Light Mane was killed by Clawed, Romeo, and Pavarotti, the 3 Ridge Pride males, (which was an admitted mistake of conservationists [Johnathon Scott] luring them to the Marsh), the 3 went back to Rhino Ridge, Notch kept the Marsh for another year. When the 3 came back Notch left with his 7 sons, 5 from the Marsh and 2 from Tamu, a breakaway lioness. There we have history as Notch coalition never came back to thr Marsh, Romeo, Clawed (Pavarotti disappeared) held it till around 2012ish which 4 Muskies took over. Notch boys took almost every pride in the Reserve to the Mara Triangle and even into the Serenghetti basically skipping over the Marsh.
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KM600 Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2023, 04:02 PM by KM600 )

(10-09-2023, 02:03 AM)BA0701 Wrote:
(10-09-2023, 01:52 AM)KM600 Wrote: At first it was reported NSW headed North after they heard the commotion of the BDMs chasing the Nkuhuma YMs but just seen a comment on ig from a reliable source saying S8 and Kambula YMs were also in the area, imagine the shock of the BDMs when they heard lions roaring from every direction and Mohawk plus the other YMs were probably involved in some way aswell. I mean what even happens at that point.

I think the Nkuhumas, Mohawk and the boys, as well as the Kambulas could be a real problem for the BDMs. I hate to see it, as I think the BDMs are trying to bring some new blood to the area, I'd like to see them succeed at that. Unfortunately, Sabi Sands lion dynamics are just chaos at the moment.
Aren’t BDMs related to Mohawk, Blondie and DM. Come from a different pride but sired by a Giraffe/Avoca male I believe.

Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2023, 10:18 PM by Tonpa )

Monday, 2 October 2023
  • The four Kambula male Lions with one Kambula Lioness, feeding on a Cape Buffalo west of Serengeti crossing.
Tuesday, 3 October 2023
  • The two Black Dam male Lions with one Nkuhuma lioness, sleeping on Mutenzeleke.
Wednesday, 4 October 2023
  • The two Black Dam male Lions walking south along Philomon’s Cutline.
Thursday, 5 October 2023
  • Two sub-adult lionesses and one sub-adult male Lion from the Talamati break-away pride drinking from a mud wallow on A-Main.
Saturday, 7 October 2023
  • Three Talamati break-away Lions feeding on a Zebra carcass on MMM close to Zebra Drive Junction, Three of the Nkuhuma male Lions later joined up to feed with them.
Sunday, 8 October 2023
  • 4 Lionesses from the Nkuhuma pride, resting at the mud wallows near Seefs Pan.
  • The S8 male lion on a territorial patrol near Twin Dams Road
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(10-09-2023, 04:01 PM)KM600 Wrote:
(10-09-2023, 02:03 AM)BA0701 Wrote:
(10-09-2023, 01:52 AM)KM600 Wrote: At first it was reported NSW headed North after they heard the commotion of the BDMs chasing the Nkuhuma YMs but just seen a comment on ig from a reliable source saying S8 and Kambula YMs were also in the area, imagine the shock of the BDMs when they heard lions roaring from every direction and Mohawk plus the other YMs were probably involved in some way aswell. I mean what even happens at that point.

I think the Nkuhumas, Mohawk and the boys, as well as the Kambulas could be a real problem for the BDMs. I hate to see it, as I think the BDMs are trying to bring some new blood to the area, I'd like to see them succeed at that. Unfortunately, Sabi Sands lion dynamics are just chaos at the moment.
Aren’t BDMs related to Mohawk, Blondie and DM. Come from a different pride but sired by a Giraffe/Avoca male I believe.

Basically their daddy’s are brothers born in the same pride just the 6 black dam males father was younger so he didn’t join the coalition
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(10-09-2023, 12:01 PM)BigLion39 Wrote:
(10-09-2023, 03:13 AM)BA0701 Wrote: You may well be right. I just recall seeing a video that explained that after Notch's brother was killed, he and his sons went nomadic, and returned later to take the pride back over. Only thing I know for sure is that the Notchs were absolutely enormous lions

After Light Mane was killed by Clawed, Romeo, and Pavarotti, the 3 Ridge Pride males, (which was an admitted mistake of conservationists [Johnathon Scott] luring them to the Marsh), the 3 went back to Rhino Ridge, Notch kept the Marsh for another year. When the 3 came back Notch left with his 7 sons, 5 from the Marsh and 2 from Tamu, a breakaway lioness. There we have history as Notch coalition never came back to thr Marsh, Romeo, Clawed (Pavarotti disappeared) held it till around 2012ish which 4 Muskies took over. Notch boys took almost every pride in the Reserve to the Mara Triangle and even into the Serenghetti basically skipping over the Marsh.

Have you seen the 'Lion' episode of Dynasties (BBC/David Attenborough series)? The Marsh pride are in that, and I always wondered who were the males that turn up towards the end of the episode. I would guess either Romeo and Clawed or the Musketeers.
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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-11-2023, 01:45 PM by Tonpa )

PCM gave Tumbela a beating

Caught the boy sleeping on the airfield

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Robot00 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 10-11-2023, 02:03 PM by Robot00 )

That's it? A minor beating? What da heck? Is there more of this "beating"?

Im baffled if that is it. I guess lions mainly "kill" the opposition if it's 3+ vs 1. If it's 2vs1 then it's a "beating" given a chance to survive but mainly a show of force unless it's Mr.T/KT

Salman B.A.M Offline

(10-11-2023, 02:02 PM)Robot00 Wrote: That's it? A minor beating? What da heck? Is there more of this "beating"?

Im baffled if that is it. I guess lions mainly "kill" the opposition if it's 3+ vs 1. If it's 2vs1 then it's a "beating" given a chance to survive but mainly a show of force unless it's Mr.T/
This isn't the first time they caught n beat him up. So, they have been way too nice with him.
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KM600 Offline

Very weird interaction, not only did it look like he escaped without any true injuries but before the video ends, it looks like they walked away and left him on the airfield in their own territory.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 10-12-2023, 01:05 PM by Tr1x24 )

I've been saying this in other threads.

If PCMs wanted Tumbela dead, he would be long time ago.

PCMs just dont see him as a major threat, as he is lone male, thats it, lions feel power lvls, regardless what we think, we dont know what lions think, this is similar as when Nhenha/NK didnt kill Limper, when they could.

And Tumbela is not 100% healthy lion, (as some claim), just look at his back left hip, he is also not challenging PCMs, which is big part why he is still alive.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 10-11-2023, 03:46 PM by Tr1x24 )

(10-11-2023, 02:02 PM)Robot00 Wrote: Im baffled if that is it. I guess lions mainly "kill" the opposition if it's 3+ vs 1. If it's 2vs1 then it's a "beating" given a chance to survive but mainly a show of force unless it's Mr.T/KT

PCMs could easily kill or fataly wound him here if they wanted, but they just asserted dominance, as they dont find him as major threat to their rule.

Tumbela is not challenging them, he is submissive and not fully healthy, lions sense these stuff.
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Duco Ndona Offline

In the video they did try to kill him. Some of these bites went for spots that would have ended Skorros life if they connected. 
But once Skorro began to act submissive they relented and let him go. Most likely they liked the opportunity of surprise but werent in the mood for a fight. 

So wheter or not they want him death lies probably in the middle. Though one day they may pin him down before he gets a chance to beg for his life and then it will be the end of him. 

The real question is wheter or not they are making a mistake in letting him go. He may not be a threat to them, but he is still a big threat to the cubs.
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Tonpa Offline

Black Dam Males

The Black Dam males seem to be spending most of their time north of MalaMala, periodically going south onto the property. 
  • They were west of the lower reaches of the Mlowathi River on the 8th. 
  • On the 14th, they were with one of the Kambula lionesses at Mlowathi Dam.

Other Lions
  • The six NKUHLU MALES were encountered twice as they explored further north onto the property. They may have begun to displace the Southern Avoca males in Charleston, potentially killing one of them. On the 5th, they were north of Charleston Rock. On the 15th and 16th, they were reportedly seen some ways south of the Sand River, south of the Charleston Toulon Boundary. On the 19th, four of them were west of Flat Rocks.
  • On the 25th, the two KRUGER MALES (usually associated with the Torchwood pride) were with a nervous young male west of the Windmill. They chased three UNKNOWN MALES eastwards into the Kruger National Park.
  • On the 16th, three unidentified lionesses were at Clarendon Dam. It was presumed they were members of either the Torchwood Pride or the Nkuhuma Pride.
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KM600 Offline

Don’t think I’ve seen an update on the Talamati YMs in over a week, hope they good.
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