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Lions of Sabi Sands

United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(09-19-2023, 10:39 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(09-19-2023, 08:38 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: So sad to hear this, loooks like Styx pride is down to 1 adult now. If the remaining female can keep the remaining subs alive for a year or so, however, we will witness a baby boom with whoever takes over.

Who confirmed that it was Styx?

Laura_Jane_Adams on ig, as far as I can tell she’s a tourist but in her story she mentions the guide she’s with, who happens to be a ‘trails guide’ at Lion Sands so I’m guessing the info is reliable. Also worth noting LionLovers claims the older Styx lioness was denning with her new cubs and as far as I know, the SR females haven’t given birth to any new cubs who were still denning with their mother.
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United States afortich Offline

Summary by Scar

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Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member

(09-19-2023, 12:51 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(09-18-2023, 09:05 PM)Cath2020 Wrote: I think it was a male sub they ate and well as one of the older Rollercoaster Daughters.

There is no RC daughters, 2 oldest females are sired by Toulons.

I think its still unknown which of the 4 (5, as 2019 female is pretty much adult now at 4 yrs of age) adult females where killed.

Here is the latest sighting of SR subs near Skukuza 1 month ago :

I counted 10 members, including the small cub which was now killed (poor thing couldnt outrun them i guess).

Looks like no adult female with them.

So there should be 9 remaining subs, of which i definetly see 2 males (closest to the camera).

Majority of them are over 2 yrs old, so if they can avoid Nkulus, they could reach maturity, but more loses are prob inevitable.

This is very similar to 2019 S.Avocas takeover, 8-10 Mantimahle sired subs become nomadic at around same age, only 2 females succeeded (well, 2 males aswell, but they disappeared in Kruger at the age of 4).

Overall, before the carnage began months ago, there were a total of 12 offspring of 4 different ages:

1)1 older female, now about 4 years

2) 1 female/2 males 3-3.5 years

3) 6 subs (no clue about gender) 2-2.5 years

4) 2 cubs 

Youngest are gone now, plus at least an older that makes 9, maybe they are all in the footage if the adult lionesses are absent.  So, that means none of the older S. Avoca daughters have fully accepted the Nkhulus yet....maybe the 3 adult lionesses left.  Very few of breeding age for 5-7 aggressive males.  They will DEF. start to expand no matter what.  My hope is that they don't go into SS but into Kruger.... There are LOTS of young cubs in SS in many of the well-known prides nowadays.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

I dont think this is the takeover yet. It seems more a change encounter between a singular Nkhulu and the cub with its mother. 

Though meeting virtually no resistance could show the Nhululus the SR pride is a good target for one.

Tonpa Offline

Younger Ximungwe and cubs
by Adam Brubaker

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RookiePundit Offline
Regular Member

It looks like there is at least one female cub, that would be great.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Who is this fellow? Author taged Tengile Lodge/Kirkmans Kamp as destination:

Photo credits: gacohen01

*This image is copyright of its original author

Doesnt look like Nkhulu, or PC young male.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

There are 5 Nkhulus around this age, probably one of them.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(09-20-2023, 11:45 PM)Mapokser Wrote: There are 5 Nkhulus around this age, probably one of them.

I made further id's, and yes,  its Nkhulu, found it by this nose pattern and scars:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Its this boy :

*This image is copyright of its original author

He changed quite a bit and photo is quite dark/red, so it was hard to figure it out without closer id.
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(09-21-2023, 12:12 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(09-20-2023, 11:45 PM)Mapokser Wrote: There are 5 Nkhulus around this age, probably one of them.

I made further id's, and yes,  its Nkhulu, found it by this nose pattern and scars:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Its this boy :

*This image is copyright of its original author

He changed quite a bit and photo is quite dark/red, so it was hard to figure it out without closer id.

Great job, as always my friend!
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Tylermartin! Offline
Regular Member

Kinda crazy that technically there is three tsalala prides but the OG Pride only has 1 Female and the other 2 are 5+ strong with cubs and dominant males

Tonpa Offline

Monday, 18 September 2023
  • Two Black Dam male Lions mating with the Tsalala Lioness on Grasscut junction Arathusa Main.
  • Imbali pride consisting of nine Lions mobile East along the Firebreak.
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
  • One lioness and a Sub adult male Static on top of a Termite mound close to Simbambili Dam.
  • Nkhuma pride of lions consisting of ten individuals with a Cape Buffalo kill in Buffelshoek Dam.
Thursday, 21 September 2023
  • One Lioness and a Sub adult male static on the Firebreak close to Simbambili Dam.
Friday, 22 September 2023
  • Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of ten individuals mobile East from Broken Dam.
Saturday, 23 September 2023
  • Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of five Lioness, four young males and the Northern Avoca male static at Big Dam on Buffelshoek.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
  • One Lioness and a Sub adult male static on Marikeni Donga.

 Mis-ID of Kambula 6 as Tsalala female, shot from Deon Wessels IG story on the 18th

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 09-25-2023, 02:25 AM by BA0701 )

(09-25-2023, 12:14 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Monday, 18 September 2023
  • Two Black Dam male Lions mating with the Tsalala Lioness on Grasscut junction Arathusa Main.
  • Imbali pride consisting of nine Lions mobile East along the Firebreak.
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
  • One lioness and a Sub adult male Static on top of a Termite mound close to Simbambili Dam.
  • Nkhuma pride of lions consisting of ten individuals with a Cape Buffalo kill in Buffelshoek Dam.
Thursday, 21 September 2023
  • One Lioness and a Sub adult male static on the Firebreak close to Simbambili Dam.
Friday, 22 September 2023
  • Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of ten individuals mobile East from Broken Dam.
Saturday, 23 September 2023
  • Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of five Lioness, four young males and the Northern Avoca male static at Big Dam on Buffelshoek.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
  • One Lioness and a Sub adult male static on Marikeni Donga.

 Mis-ID of Kambula 6 as Tsalala female, shot from Deon Wessels IG story on the 18th

*This image is copyright of its original author

So, it was K6 that BDMs were mating with, and not Tsalala Princess, and K6 is the infertile lioness, right? BDMs would be a good match for the Princess, but so would the young Skorro male, and I think Wonky would be a great choice too. Both Wonky and the Skorro male know how to work their way through hostile territory, just as the Tsalala Princess does, they'd be a perfect match for her. BDMs will likely try to expand pretty quickly after mating with a lone female, where Wonky and Skorro would likely enjoy settling down with a friend for awhile.
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Tonpa Offline

(09-25-2023, 02:20 AM)BA0701 Wrote:
(09-25-2023, 12:14 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Monday, 18 September 2023
  • Two Black Dam male Lions mating with the Tsalala Lioness on Grasscut junction Arathusa Main.
  • Imbali pride consisting of nine Lions mobile East along the Firebreak.
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
  • One lioness and a Sub adult male Static on top of a Termite mound close to Simbambili Dam.
  • Nkhuma pride of lions consisting of ten individuals with a Cape Buffalo kill in Buffelshoek Dam.
Thursday, 21 September 2023
  • One Lioness and a Sub adult male static on the Firebreak close to Simbambili Dam.
Friday, 22 September 2023
  • Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of ten individuals mobile East from Broken Dam.
Saturday, 23 September 2023
  • Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of five Lioness, four young males and the Northern Avoca male static at Big Dam on Buffelshoek.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
  • One Lioness and a Sub adult male static on Marikeni Donga.

 Mis-ID of Kambula 6 as Tsalala female, shot from Deon Wessels IG story on the 18th

*This image is copyright of its original author

So, it was K6 that BDMs were mating with, and not Tsalala Princess, and K6 is the infertile lioness, right? BDMs would be a good match for the Princess, but so would the young Skorro male, and I think Wonky would be a great choice too. Both Wonky and the Skorro male know how to work their way through hostile territory, just as the Tsalala Princess does, they'd be a perfect match for her. BDMs will likely try to expand pretty quickly after mating with a lone female, where Wonky and Skorro would likely enjoy settling down with a friend for awhile.

Yep K6 the infertile girl. I'm not sure where Tsalala ended up after that sighting in Arathusa, I've not seen anything else in the north so guessing she went back to her patch in Londolozi, and yeah it'll be interesting to see which males she ends up wiith, hopefully ones who can keep her cubs alive!
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

East SS is looking packed, pretty much every young/nomadic coalition is there at the moment and the weirdest thing is, they seem to keep distanced from each other.
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