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Lions of Sabi Sands

Gijima Offline
Regular Member

(05-02-2021, 10:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:09 PM)Gijima Wrote: They really shouldn’t be traveling that far. Imagine how Red Road would react if he saw a pride of 14 hanging out at main dam? I wonder if there is just a lack of big prey in their current core territory. I haven’t heard of them on a Buffalo kill in ages. Nkuhumas like you said are moving south because of Blondie/Mohawk so the Talamatis can shift west to avoid other males .. if they keep doing what they’re doing there’s at least three coalitions they’re coming up against which is not great for the sub adults

Talamatis are surrounded by lone RRM, Imbali male and 2 Kruger males, thats not exactly danger for subadults if they encounter them, they can pretty much survive and take care of themselves now.. 

I think Talamati females are exploring future option, they will be (or already are) in estrus soon, so they are on search for males, and as it looks, DM wont be that male.

How did you come to that conclusion when they are and with dark mane now and running from the S8 and Kruger Males? You do realize the female’s number goal as long as the sub adults are with them is to protect them, not ditch them for new males? Especially these older lionesses... Every time they have encountered new males they have ran toward the roars of Dark Mane. Dark Mane leaves them for long stretches of time because he is in his prime and searching for new females but every time he calls they go towards his roars... and will do so until he leaves them officially. 

He was with them today too.  Sad
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Poland Potato Offline

(05-02-2021, 10:50 PM)Gijima Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:09 PM)Gijima Wrote: They really shouldn’t be traveling that far. Imagine how Red Road would react if he saw a pride of 14 hanging out at main dam? I wonder if there is just a lack of big prey in their current core territory. I haven’t heard of them on a Buffalo kill in ages. Nkuhumas like you said are moving south because of Blondie/Mohawk so the Talamatis can shift west to avoid other males .. if they keep doing what they’re doing there’s at least three coalitions they’re coming up against which is not great for the sub adults

Talamatis are surrounded by lone RRM, Imbali male and 2 Kruger males, thats not exactly danger for subadults if they encounter them, they can pretty much survive and take care of themselves now.. 

I think Talamati females are exploring future option, they will be (or already are) in estrus soon, so they are on search for males, and as it looks, DM wont be that male.

How did you come to that conclusion when they are and with dark mane now and running from the S8 and Kruger Males? You do realize the female’s number goal as long as the sub adults are with them is to protect them, not ditch them for new males? Especially these older lionesses... Every time they have encountered new males they have ran toward the roars of Dark Mane. Dark Mane leaves them for long stretches of time because he is in his prime and searching for new females but every time he calls they go towards his roars... and will do so until he leaves them officially. 

He was with them today too.  Sad
Talamati subs are already at the stage they can participate in fighting and so Talamati pride having in total 13 individuals should east stand against single adult male if needed. Just remember when Kruger males were up a task of takeover Southern pride which had already cubs sired by other coalition. Even throught KNP males were 2 and were big individuals, 8 Southern females were able to hold there own and protect the cubs and in the end KNP males were forced to accept those cubs. There we talk about 13 individuals against single male.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2021, 11:14 PM by Tr1x24 )

(05-02-2021, 10:50 PM)Gijima Wrote: How did you come to that conclusion when they are and with dark mane now and running from the S8 and Kruger Males? You do realize the female’s number goal as long as the sub adults are with them is to protect them, not ditch them for new males? Especially these older lionesses... Every time they have encountered new males they have ran toward the roars of Dark Mane. Dark Mane leaves them for long stretches of time because he is in his prime and searching for new females but every time he calls they go towards his roars... and will do so until he leaves them officially. 

He was with them today too.  Sad

1 Talamati female was seen mating with S8 male month or so ago, so not exactly running.. 

Those subadults are 2.5 yrs old, they are hanging on their own already, older females are not always with them anymore.. 

And those recent sightings of DM with Talamatis, where mostly subadults, who prob seek protection when they get in trouble.

Current situation in Talamatis is very similar to Kambulas, lions all over the place..
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

When the Tumbellas took residence in the othawa pride territory. The pride quickly preferred them over the aging and ailing Hairy Belly Matimba. They did still spend time with HB and their cubs. But eventually these visits dwindled until they were forced to become completely nomadic. 

Darkmane is just one lion. And with all the tailchasing he has been doing lately a unreliable one at best. So the Talamati may decide to do the same if they run into a more promising group of males. 

As for the subs. This is the stage of their life where they either prove themselves or disapear in a sad whimper. We just have to wait and see how they react to whats coming.
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 05-03-2021, 12:00 AM by Gijima )

(05-02-2021, 11:12 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:50 PM)Gijima Wrote: How did you come to that conclusion when they are and with dark mane now and running from the S8 and Kruger Males? You do realize the female’s number goal as long as the sub adults are with them is to protect them, not ditch them for new males? Especially these older lionesses... Every time they have encountered new males they have ran toward the roars of Dark Mane. Dark Mane leaves them for long stretches of time because he is in his prime and searching for new females but every time he calls they go towards his roars... and will do so until he leaves them officially. 

He was with them today too.  Sad

1 Talamati female was seen mating with S8 male month or so ago, so not exactly running.. 

Those subadults are 2.5 yrs old, they are hanging on their own already, older females are not always with them anymore.. 

And those recent sightings of DM with Talamatis, where mostly subadults, who prob seek protection when they get in trouble.

Current situation in Talamatis is very similar to Kambulas, lions all over the place..

So you're speculating and you are wrong. The entire pride is always together and the adult lioness are the ones seen with him and seeking him out. The subadults are not split from the pride but always with the pride, 14 strong. This is not hard to confirm... I literally just posted a sighting from all of them together a week ago and every sighting of them is always them together. 

Secondly funny that you bring up the S8 male. Here is the date that incident with the Talamati lioness took place (posted March 13):

First of all, you can see from the video Tintswalo posted later that this lioness is not in true estrus (false estrus is something lioness go into commonly to distract rival males). She didn't initiate or even get into position to mate. 

And you know what the entire pride did while she was distracting this male? 

March 13th timestamp 57:55:

The entire pride ran away south from the Manyeleti to track down Dark Mane. Since he has already crossed into the west they couldn't follow him so their tracks turned back. If you look at what the pride is actually doing it's always the same..... they wander around and when they are in trouble run to Dark Mane. How many times have people said DM "lost his pride" only to have him seen with the whole pride a week later? I'm sorry but if you believe stuff like that I don't think you have any credibility because you don't understand how lionesses behave. 

The Kambula lionesses may have shifted alliance because their core territory has been taken over... and yes the Talamatis will also eventually be taken over one day. But as long as that hasn't happened, their loyalty is to their offspring and the father of their offspring,

Another report of how Talamatis are with DM from April (timestamp 2:41:45):

So yeah, that assumption you made is just wrong.
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RookiePundit Offline
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(05-02-2021, 10:09 PM)Gijima Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 09:56 PM)Potato Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 08:55 PM)Gijima Wrote: Interesting times ahead. I was thinking if the Nkuhumas move south, the Talamatis could just shift into Arathusa and then everyone will have space. I wondering if a lot of these interactions just have to do with there not being space for everyone up north. 
Is you can see on this update Talamatis are moving on nearly entire northern Sabi Sands and further up to central Manyeleti. That is a huge arena which could probably fit 3 or so pride so definitelly more than enought for just Talamatis. Nkuchumas sfiht south is probably caused purely by Blondie and Mohawk Avoca shift to the south.

They really shouldn’t be traveling that far. Imagine how Red Road would react if he saw a pride of 14 hanging out at main dam? I wonder if there is just a lack of big prey in their current core territory. I haven’t heard of them on a Buffalo kill in ages. Nkuhumas like you said are moving south because of Blondie/Mohawk so the Talamatis can shift west to avoid other males .. if they keep doing what they’re doing there’s at least three coalitions they’re coming up against which is not great for the sub adults.

Buffaloes are certainly present resent on WE, that is in Djuma itself, including well over 100 ndividuals strong herd (300+ IIRC) viewed not much more than a week ago. Tristan repeatedly mentioned how he likes grass being flat where they went truth as it helps him to keep up with leopards (and they have plenty of sigthings recently) as well as avoid any otherwise hidden tree stumps when offroading. There was also a sad sighting of dead tortoise, that by investigated tracks happened to be turned over by a buffalo and could not right iself Sad, so there sems to be continious sign of their presence. Ofc Talamati might be just be following them to some extent, which could at least partially explained some movement. I am just not sure how much they focus on them with not having Dark Mane and just 3 sub-adult males and also possibly avoiding other males when especially those still nomadic would follow those herds often.

Otherwise I think they are mostly filling up the void created by Nkuhumas moving even more into Sabi Sands/Mala Mala, be it following Mohawk and Blondie or part of them avoiding Dark Mane as well. There should be enough space in the north, in Manyeleti, the only lack of space is imho Red Road Male and Nharus avoiding Tintswalos and keeping distance from them at all cost, pushing them southward at times, but as it seems Tintswalos are more sedentary now and started to mate, they are temporarily lesser danger than it seemed before (and cubs getting bigger every day as well, should be more able get out of line of fire).

Anyway if any shifts would mean we would see Red Road Male and/or Nharus with all their cubs or Imbale Male regularly in Buffeslhoek via Wilde Earth, I would not complain.
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RookiePundit Offline
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(05-02-2021, 11:01 PM)Potato Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:50 PM)Gijima Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:09 PM)Gijima Wrote: They really shouldn’t be traveling that far. Imagine how Red Road would react if he saw a pride of 14 hanging out at main dam? I wonder if there is just a lack of big prey in their current core territory. I haven’t heard of them on a Buffalo kill in ages. Nkuhumas like you said are moving south because of Blondie/Mohawk so the Talamatis can shift west to avoid other males .. if they keep doing what they’re doing there’s at least three coalitions they’re coming up against which is not great for the sub adults

Talamatis are surrounded by lone RRM, Imbali male and 2 Kruger males, thats not exactly danger for subadults if they encounter them, they can pretty much survive and take care of themselves now.. 

I think Talamati females are exploring future option, they will be (or already are) in estrus soon, so they are on search for males, and as it looks, DM wont be that male.

How did you come to that conclusion when they are and with dark mane now and running from the S8 and Kruger Males? You do realize the female’s number goal as long as the sub adults are with them is to protect them, not ditch them for new males? Especially these older lionesses... Every time they have encountered new males they have ran toward the roars of Dark Mane. Dark Mane leaves them for long stretches of time because he is in his prime and searching for new females but every time he calls they go towards his roars... and will do so until he leaves them officially. 

He was with them today too.  Sad
Talamati subs are already at the stage they can participate in fighting and so Talamati pride having in total 13 individuals should east stand against single adult male if needed. Just remember when Kruger males were up a task of takeover Southern pride which had already cubs sired by other coalition. Even throught KNP males were 2 and were big individuals, 8 Southern females were able to hold there own and protect the cubs and in the end KNP males were forced to accept those cubs. There we talk about 13 individuals against single male.
I might be yet to keep up with some new update, but aren't Talamati still 14 (without Dark Mane)? 5 females and 9 sub-adults which 3 of them are males. Did we lose someone recently?
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 05-03-2021, 01:16 AM by Tr1x24 )

(05-02-2021, 11:40 PM)Gijima Wrote: So yeah, that assumption you made is just wrong.

I dont need or want to prove you anything, Talamatis where definitely not always together, "whole 14 members" as you said in the past few months, thats wrong and go check out those sightings and tell me how many times where there "whole 14 members", I remember of prob 10 videos from WE in past months where not all 14 Talamati members where there.. 

I never said that DM lost Talamatis, stop making up..

Im saying that they are not close as they where, and that females might try to find another male if DM wont hang with them or leave further south, but they are still on his territory and under him..

Poland Potato Offline

(05-03-2021, 12:27 AM)RookiePundit Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 11:01 PM)Potato Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:50 PM)Gijima Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 10:09 PM)Gijima Wrote: They really shouldn’t be traveling that far. Imagine how Red Road would react if he saw a pride of 14 hanging out at main dam? I wonder if there is just a lack of big prey in their current core territory. I haven’t heard of them on a Buffalo kill in ages. Nkuhumas like you said are moving south because of Blondie/Mohawk so the Talamatis can shift west to avoid other males .. if they keep doing what they’re doing there’s at least three coalitions they’re coming up against which is not great for the sub adults

Talamatis are surrounded by lone RRM, Imbali male and 2 Kruger males, thats not exactly danger for subadults if they encounter them, they can pretty much survive and take care of themselves now.. 

I think Talamati females are exploring future option, they will be (or already are) in estrus soon, so they are on search for males, and as it looks, DM wont be that male.

How did you come to that conclusion when they are and with dark mane now and running from the S8 and Kruger Males? You do realize the female’s number goal as long as the sub adults are with them is to protect them, not ditch them for new males? Especially these older lionesses... Every time they have encountered new males they have ran toward the roars of Dark Mane. Dark Mane leaves them for long stretches of time because he is in his prime and searching for new females but every time he calls they go towards his roars... and will do so until he leaves them officially. 

He was with them today too.  Sad
Talamati subs are already at the stage they can participate in fighting and so Talamati pride having in total 13 individuals should east stand against single adult male if needed. Just remember when Kruger males were up a task of takeover Southern pride which had already cubs sired by other coalition. Even throught KNP males were 2 and were big individuals, 8 Southern females were able to hold there own and protect the cubs and in the end KNP males were forced to accept those cubs. There we talk about 13 individuals against single male.
I might be yet to keep up with some new update, but aren't Talamati still 14 (without Dark Mane)? 5 females and 9 sub-adults which 3 of them are males. Did we lose someone recently?
Nah, that is my mistake. I confused that there is 5 sub adult females while there are 6 in fact.
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Tonpa Offline

Elephant Plains sightings.

Monday, 26 April 2021
The Ximungwe lioness and her cub feeding on an impala kill on Xidulu Road.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021
The Ximungwe lioness and her cub resting on Xidulu Road.

Thursday, 29 April 2021
The Nkuhuma pride of lions and 2 Avoca male lions resting on Lucas open area.

Sunday, 2 May 2021
The Talamati pride of lions and 1 Avoca male lion resting on Mehluane open area.
The 2 Plains Camp male lions resting on Ekiso Road.
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Tonpa Offline

Update from tristan

He spoke to Nkorho rangers, they said S8 male has come all the way down from Buffelshoek and was around Nkorho/Cheetah Plains. 
Apparently he was in the same area this morning where the two kruger males were last night.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 05-03-2021, 10:00 PM by Tr1x24 )

(05-03-2021, 09:09 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Update from tristan

He spoke to Nkorho rangers, they said S8 male has come all the way down from Buffelshoek and was around Nkorho/Cheetah Plains. 
Apparently he was in the same area this morning where the two kruger males were last night.

Quite strange behavior for Imbali/s8 male, is it possible that he actually will abandon Imbali pride?? 

Somebody posted here update that theres new male with Imbali pride, which i found quite strange as Imbali male was not long ago still seen with the pride and had new cubs, 18 members in total, 6 females .. And theres a video of him mating at Imbali in early April and no info about new male, also photo of Imbali male posted by Imbali Logde around week ago:

*This image is copyright of its original author

So it looks like no new male around. 
But Imbali male hanging on Buffelshoek, and now deeper in Sabi Sands in the past 2 months, it looks like he is willing to abandon Imbali pride..
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Poland Potato Offline

(05-03-2021, 09:38 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-03-2021, 09:09 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Update from tristan

He spoke to Nkorho rangers, they said S8 male has come all the way down from Buffelshoek and was around Nkorho/Cheetah Plains. 
Apparently he was in the same area this morning where the two kruger males were last night.

Quite strange behavior for Imbali/s8 male, is it possible that he actually lost or abandon Imbali pride?? 

Somebody posted here update that theres new male with Imbali pride, which i found quite strange as Imbali male was not long ago still seen with the pride and had new cubs, 18 members in total, 6 females .. And theres a video of him mating at Imbali in early April and no info about new male.. 

But Imbali male hanging on Buffelshoek, and now deeper in Sabi Sands in the past 2 months, it looks like he is willing to abandon Imbali pride..

I am thinking the same - that because of pressure from another coalition he shifted to southern Manyeleti. His issue is that there are at the moment no prides in southern Manyeleti as Talamati pride shifted further south. Because of that Imbali male also shifts even further. It will be intresting to see how will lion dynamic go in the northern Sabi Sands. We might soon see some sort of interaction between DM Avoca and Imbali male.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 05-03-2021, 10:24 PM by Tr1x24 )

(05-03-2021, 10:01 PM)Potato Wrote: I am thinking the same - that because of pressure from another coalition he shifted to southern Manyeleti. His issue is that there are at the moment no prides in southern Manyeleti as Talamati pride shifted further south. Because of that Imbali male also shifts even further. It will be intresting to see how will lion dynamic go in the northern Sabi Sands. We might soon see some sort of interaction between DM Avoca and Imbali male

I dont think its necessarily pressure from other males, more vacant space south of him, because Imbali Lodge posted video of him in early April mating, and week ago a photo with lioness..and no new males around.. 

I dont think he would be concerned by Hamiltons male or 2 S125 males, these guys have territories further north/west, but as DM shifted from Southern Manyeleti/Buffelshoek to Djuma, he is naturally moving there. 

I think that now almost all (or all) Imbali pride females gave birth, so he is prob trying to found new females for mating, which might lead to abandoning Imbalis if he suceeds..
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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-03-2021, 10:17 PM by Tonpa )

Talamatis on Djuma, attempting to hunt Buffalo with Dark Mane but it didn't pan out. He counted 14 total and mentioned he hasn't seen one of the sub-adult males in the while
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