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Lions of Sabi Sands

S.N.M.T.N Offline
New Member

(10-05-2020, 07:36 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: New generation perhaps?

One of the Male lions from the Kruger National Park, have been seen mating with a Torchwood female. The Torchwood pride haven't had good luck with cubs in the last two years so it would be great to welcome new cubs to the area.

Nkorho bush Lodge

Both males also are dominant over the 4ways pride.
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline

Updates from Ryan. 3 lionesses and 3 younger sub adults together on singita.

Matimba and older sub adult missing
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline

Ulusaba rangers often come live on this Instagram channel
. They are live right now. Join and ask them questions
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline

This may be bad actually. Older sub adult should have left with the 2 younger male sub adults. He has no future with Hairy Belly.

Matimba Male won't survive a month without a pride.
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member

@Potato Thanks for the updates! 

I was recently thinking of all the prides in SS that have almost vanished over the past ten years: Tsalala, Ximhungwe, Southern, Sparta, etc... and they really have only been replaced by two "new" prides (Mhangeni and Kambula). Hopefully all the new subadults and cubs can rebuild up the population of SS in the future.
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Slayerd Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 10-05-2020, 09:41 PM by Slayerd )

(10-05-2020, 08:58 PM)Gijima Wrote: @Potato Thanks for the updates! 

I was recently thinking of all the prides in SS that have almost vanished over the past ten years: Tsalala, Ximhungwe, Southern, Sparta, etc... and they really have only been replaced by two "new" prides (Mhangeni and Kambula). Hopefully all the new subadults and cubs can rebuild up the population of SS in the future.

Well the oldest Prides in Sabi Sand are the Othawa, Tsalala, Nkuhuma, Sparta, Ximunghwe, Styx and the Sand River Pride. The Southern Pride wasn't always present same as the Torchwood pride who could be considered more of a Kruger Pride then a Sabi Sand one. The Four ways pride has also always been around but is now more of a Kruger Pride. All these prides still exist even if only 1 lioness from them is around. The prides present in Sabi Sand are the Othawa, Mangheni, Tsalala, Kambula, Nkuhuma, Ximunghwe, Talamati, Torchwood, Fourways, Sparta, Sand River, Styx and Southern. The prides in danger are the Ximinghwe, Tsalala, Southern and Spartan. The Styx and Othawa also need to increase their numbers as soon as possible. However 7 out of the 13 prides I mentioned are doing incredible in numbers.
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline

Will Hairy Belly form a coalition with younger males? There are few young males in the area.

Since he is alone now and a lone Male lion. It's quite possible. And he is one of the smartest male lions ever and perhaps the smartest Male Lion since the old skybed male lion.

So it's quite possible. Problem is he doesn't have the legs to keep up them.
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S.N.M.T.N Offline
New Member

(10-05-2020, 08:32 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: This may be bad actually. Older sub adult should have left with the 2 younger male sub adults. He has no future with Hairy Belly.

Matimba Male won't survive a month without a pride.

Only time will tell what will happens with him. several times a few guys claimed that Hairy Belly Matimba has died and was completely the otherwise,Hairybelly Matimba is a true phoenix of the SS
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S.N.M.T.N Offline
New Member

Interesting times ahead as a new coalition has entered the West. The Tumbela males have ventured in about a month ago and have already started mating with a Othawa female.
Image by: Ranger Stu

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-05-2020, 10:22 PM by T I N O )

(10-05-2020, 09:52 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: Will Hairy Belly form a coalition with younger males? There are few young males in the area.

Since he is alone now and a lone Male lion. It's quite possible. And he is one of the smartest male lions ever and perhaps the smartest Male Lion since the old skybed male lion.

So it's quite possible. Problem is he doesn't have the legs to keep up them.

Each lion is a very smartest by himself.
Makhulu of the Mapogo coalition,was really very smart he lived and die free until a very old age.
The Majingilane coalition were incredible good looking and smart males,they always were together to any circustance that's is why they dominantes for eight years the SS
HB is a very smart lion like his bro Ginger once was,However,If we talk about Northern Matimba was the otherwise,Perhaps due the competition that they had while were holding a territory on the Manyeleti,Ngala and KNP,Anyway they were big males
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Poland Potato Offline

Singita update
  • The Mhangene Pride have been full of surprises this month with seemingly two, maybe three, females having cubs. The pride introduced us to two little cubs last month however, with constant disappearance and visual suckle marks on a few other females we are sure to be seeing more cubs in the months ahead.
  • The three Tumbela males seem to be making themselves at home, pushing the Matimba male away slowly from the Othawa Pride, and mating with one of the females.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

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T I N O Offline

(10-06-2020, 01:03 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:

In my opinion,He's by far one of the most beautiful and biggest lions currently in SS!
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

Agree 100% Tino!
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T I N O Offline

*This image is copyright of its original author

Two of the Northern Avoca males on Djuma Reserve in late December 2018

Image by: Sync Excursions
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