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(03-16-2025, 10:27 PM)MrLoesoe Wrote: Nharu pride, including cubs, Red Road male and his son.
I count 6 females (probably also one or more RR daughters), 5 cubs (progressing nicely!). Red Road and his son are chilling in the back.
If there are 6 lionesses (I counted the same) then at least two of them are RR's daughters, as there are only 4 lionesses that are not his offspring - 3 original and 1 Thanda Impi daughter.
Edit: Lol see the post above mine.
The old female with broken tail/silver eye (14-15 years old) is mother of 3 cubs, she is always with a middle aged female who has 2 cubs (by elimination, Tintswalo daughter, 8-9 years old). There is another young female with 1 cub (RRM daughter?) that has been seen with the other 2 mothers. The remaining females are usually with RRM son, but none of them seem to be old... So I strongly suspect that two of old females passed away...
If this is true (and it certainly looks like one of Red Road's daughters has had cubs, then either she and her sisters/cousins have been sneaking off for some fun with other males, or what I have been concerned about has started to happen - Red Road has sired cubs on one of his daughters.
I know everyone loves RR, as do I, but it's really time he was ousted from the Nharu pride. They've got 3 aging lionesses (maybe fewer), one Thanda Impi daughter and then RR's girls. If this pride is to have a future, and not an inbred one, then new males need to come in.
Let us not forget Loonkito, who I read was reported to have fathered cubs with his own granddaughter. It certainly isn't optimal, or what we like to see, but it does happen, if the males are able to remain with the same pride for such an extended period. Tbf, we have to admire the males, especially the single males like RRM and Loonkito, who are able to maintain their dominance over a single pride for so long. When I first started following lions, I felt like the males should stay with the prides as long as possible, as I learned more, I came to understand that my thinking was entirely off the mark. For as long as the Ross Males ruled the Birmingham Pride, I don't recall reading that they ever bred with their daughters, so I suppose it is possible.
I posted the video, yesterday, post #3728 of this thread, that says it is one of the Nharu lionesses with a new baby cub. It appears the claim is correct, and as such that RRM is a new father, again, but I cannot say which lioness, if she is one of his daughters or not, that is in the video.