There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
(10 hours ago)Mapokser Wrote: First thing I thought when I saw that resume of the prides and dynamics in Manyeleti ( very well done by the way ) is that the Skorro pride is listed as having 12 females.
That means that the daughters of the Mbiri males must have reunited with the pride which is amazing news. I always wondered where they went, no way so many young lions would have vanished together. What a legacy, 4 adult Mayambula daughters, probably 6+ adult Skorro daughters, the 5 dominant Mayambula and almost 20 subs and cubs with Birmingham females.
Now I hope to see their Skorro sons showing up again.
Anyway, interesting that the Mbiri pride went low-profile and is scattered after Mandevu's fight, it could be that he was indeed following the pride North, reason why he met Mbiri males, it could be that the Mbiri pride was present during the clash.
Crazy how things change so fast, one day Mandevu and Nzuri are chasing Red Road who ousted his son, the other day Mandevu is dead and Red Road is bonding with the son. Poor Mbiri pride.
At least Nzuri is still roaring, his younger brother likes to roar as well, if the cub is dead, it'd be good for them to leave the pride and go nomadic, some new blood must take over the pride and finally raise a new generation.
Have the Mbiris ever had a pride, or even territory, taken from them, or have they simply abandoned them all, choosing to move to greener pastures? For me, part of what makes their history most impressive, is the sheer number of prides with which they have had cubs, cubs that have reached adulthood. It is incredible to think about.