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Yeah, and think about it, his son is over 5yo if I remember correctly, while Nzuri is barely 4.
So the only reason RR has a big disadvantage against them is because Mandevu chose to bond with Nzuri while RR followed the more natural path of ousting his son, though as the ranger had aaid previously and we've seen in the video, RR still tolerates him to some degree.
The Nharu pride has a history of helping RR in clashes, they are not a small pride, if RR was to bond with his son and play things smart, maybe even a strong duo like Mantimahle wouldn't find so easy to oust RR.
In one of the Virtual Safaris the ranger talked about Mantimahles constantly going deep into RR territory, and in another video RR was seen with injuries from fighting more than one male ( I'm not implying it was Mantimahle especially because it was speculated RR won ), so he ia outnumbered from all sides, having the help of an adult son could make a huge difference.
It's difficult to see RR raising the new cubs alone, considering his age.