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Lion Predation

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Ok Chaos, Back to thread

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'Pckts dateline='' Wrote: and btw, its the same Rhino in the Video.
Heres the original version

They have the exact same horn size, "neck flap" etc.
There is absolutely no way you can distinguish for certainity that it is not the same Rhino with the naked eye.


I know You are glad at saying proof, but still it's no proof.... Not Even close for me! Other people than me does also say that people are mad beliveing those rapport's so.. You don't Even have to post those rapport's because I have read them all and I'm not convinced.. Also a tiger killing a rhino when they  still has more than a match with a old bull gaur, a rhino is Even way harder oponents, rhinos are way out of leauge.. 

Also You still saying those rhinos are not The same, the head shape horn length all bigger on The last rhino who probably was injured by another rhino... No doubt! You really can't tell animals appart? I can with ease see The difference,

also my question is, am  I talking The tiger down because I can't see them killing a rhino? Many tiger lovers would agree with me that they would not kill adult rhinos.. 
I does also have respect for other animals such as rhino's..


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 11:28 PM by Pckts )

One attack on a Guar compared to one attack on a Rhino have nothing to do with eachother.
Not one thing, every hunt is different, sometimes successful and sometimes not.
Tigers take down Bull Gaur and Rhino and Elephant.
All are confirmed and documented. With proof, videos, images, eye witness accounts etc.

You have no leg to stand on. You are simply denying every single documented eye witness account and offerring up nothing to back your claims.
Lets see these "tiger lovers" who are as qualified as the Deputy Director of Dudhwa National park who agree with you!

"No doubt! You really can't tell animals appart? I can with ease see The difference"
Pointless to debate with you any longer. Just keep denying facts all you want.
I dont care.
Sorry to Derail Chaos, simply responding to him.
Here you go

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Ohh no Nothing is proved.. And You can't say eyewitnes accounts are belivable.. 
The thing with The gaur is not a rhino, but you're a fan boy so okey I understand.. 

So no I does have a leg to stand on. And those rhinos are different animals.. 

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Lions attacking 2 year old White rhino with a desease which makes The horn not growing.. 

amazing zebra hunt by a Lioness in The Crater

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 08-12-2014, 12:40 AM by Pckts )

(08-11-2014, 11:38 PM)'Pantherinae' Wrote:
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Ohh no Nothing is proved.. And You can't say eyewitnes accounts are belivable.. 
The thing with The gaur is not a rhino, but you're a fan boy so okey I understand.. 

So no I does have a leg to stand on. And those rhinos are different animals.. 


"I'm a fan boy"
Says the guy who created multiple accounts, has yet to provide a single image of the claims of seeing tigers in person, lied about where you work.
You and I are done. I'm done with you calling Wild life personal liars and spewing your nonsense.
The only fan boy here is you. "cape buffalo are the same size as Gaur" "bamera is small"
Waghdoh is "short"
"My father saw Waghdoh"

blah blah blah.

Lets not forget the Thread deletions as well, once you were caught.


Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast


i did not have a fake account. That's just you're claim's we are not The same person, 
also lied where I work, have I done that to? Haha funny I actually do... 
If you belive me or not on The Safari's it.s okey, because I will not post pictures here of my trip.. But I do not care about that, because I know where I have been. And what I have seen.. 
I can't understand You.. To be honest just because I do not belive a tiger will prey on adult rhinos and elephants, dosen't mean I'm a fan boy at all.. I'm actually not against The tiger it makes me angry when You are saying that.. 
Also when did I say cape buffalos where bigger than gaur, they are not and I know that...  Stop making things up, I told You about that before..

And again when did I say bamera was small, I just said I was a little disapointed since he was said to be a massive 300 kg cat.. But NEVER said he was small.. Stop making up things

and I ment wagdoh is not The longest tiger compared to some other tigers.. People have told me he was bigger, but shorter than munna etc.. Not that he was short.. 


Go look at things You wrote on YUKU.. That's disrespectfull.. 

And again yes I'm done with having silly conversations with You.. Aggressive as You are..

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Pantherinae wrote
"I'm a fan boy"
That is disrespectfull. Stop being a hypocrite.
Im done with you and your skewed perspective.

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

@Pckts , @Pantherinae

Ok guys enough of this.
Lets get back to the topic.
No more off-topic stuffs.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 08-12-2014, 03:48 PM by Amnon242 )

(08-12-2014, 01:20 AM)Pantherinae Wrote: If you belive me or not on The Safari's it.s okey, because I will not post pictures here of my trip.. But I do not care about that, because I know where I have been. And what I have seen.. 

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Tables can turn in Africa, here is a lioness brutaly attacked by a spotted hyena clan, I was sure she would be dead, but The person who had filmes this said she had been observed with her cubs and had survived. 

Also warning!!!! this clip is extreamly brutal and hard to watch, but remember nature is nature. 

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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

That lioness is surely death, how can she survive such a terrible attack?

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'GuateGojira dateline='' Wrote: That lioness is surely death, how can she survive such a terrible attack?


So would I think, but as You can see in The comments The uploader says The ranger told her that The lioness was seen alive! If that's true Lions must be durable as few, a zebra or wildebeest would have been thorn to pices.. But you can see gang attack on male Lions they take some time to tear up.  Must have a very thick skinn.. 


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