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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Lion pictures and videos

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-25-2014, 02:06 PM by sanjay )

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Thats sad. Mother was probably exhausted after just giving birth. You can still see the placentia on her. Baby and mother never had a chance.
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Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

a) Probably Somalia (1931):

*This image is copyright of its original author

b) North-east Africa, but south of Somalia (Berger, 1910). The male was shot at the moment he took his prey. Even in death, he wouldn't let go:

*This image is copyright of its original author

c) Okavango (B. Joubert in 'Relentness Enemies' - Nat. Geogr. Soc.)

*This image is copyright of its original author

d) Okavango (B. Joubert in 'Relentless Enemies' - Nat. Geo. Soc.)

*This image is copyright of its original author

e) East-Africa

*This image is copyright of its original author

f) Southern Africa:

*This image is copyright of its original author

g) Best ever picture (Morocco):

*This image is copyright of its original author


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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 02-25-2018, 06:30 AM by Rishi )

Lions in Ukraine national circus

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Wanderfalke Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

Look what it can mean to be a wild animal. Attention: very graphic video.


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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher
( This post was last modified: 04-21-2014, 05:49 AM by GuateGojira )

WOOOOOOW, that was a very very very lucky lioness. Without humans intervention, she would surely dead.


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Oh My God


sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

That's really very disturbing

Wanderfalke Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

I was shocked as well when I first saw the video. I knew and saw some videos where buffalos actually chased and attacked lions. You could see some serious injuries but this lioness here was lucky as hell. One organ damaged and every help would be in vain. Furthermore she was lucky to not being hit twice. Now people know how dangerous it actually is for a predator to hunt big prey like a buffalo. Well, if you don´t do it in a pride or pack, it becomes even more dangerous and makes it even more impressive, as far as I´m concerned.

United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert

Man can be belevolent or brutal. Excellent job by the vet.

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-24-2014, 02:33 AM by Pckts )

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Serengeti Lions

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Tsavo Lion

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

I'm sure some of you may know of some lionesses with manes, it is rare, however when recorded is pretty interesting.

I know of two lionesses, one I just heard of recently. Here she is with a male lion. The sexual dimorphism is easily noticed, notice the size and shape of the skulls.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Here I believe is the first lionessI heard about.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Anyone else have records?
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

I had heard of first time on AVA and was amazed with this
I have seen the first image before but not the first one, Thanks for Sharing. Intersting thread.

chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

Like a bearded woman. LOL
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

*This image is copyright of its original author

Siena, the lioness has almost completely recovered from the injury she received when gored by a buffalo in early April. She is once again a very active member of the Marsh Pride, hunting and participating as normal, her wound having healed almost entirely, with just a small remaining patch of fur yet to grow back.

It is thanks to Kenya Wildlife Service veterinary officers Dr. Njoroge and Dr. Limo and the DSWT funded Sky Vet Initiative that Siena was saved.

Full story and image of the recovery for Siena.
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