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Leopard Predation Thread

Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-12-2021, 12:38 AM by Luipaard )

Sri Lankan leopard with water buffalo calf kill

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States Styx38 Offline

Leopard predation on adult male Gorillas.

Two Silverbacks and a Blackback were killed by Leopards.

"Leopard predation was strongly suspected in three deaths (although scavenging cannot be ruled out): a silverback in very poor physical condition at Mbeli Bai, a silverback at Bai Hokou, and a blackback at Lossi."

A Silverback who lost his females ended up getting killed by a Leopard.

"Two cases of group formation were observed at Mbeli Bai, the only site where repeated observations of solitary males were made. Of the nine solitary males, one acquired two females who have subsequently bred, but the other eventually lost all of his females. His body was later found with signs of leopard predation."

This study shows how Leopard predation is an important factor in Gorilla mortality.

"Given the difficulty of observing predation events, and the slow life histories of gorillas, the discovery of three cases of probable leopard predation suggests that it is an important cause of mortality in certain populations."

source: Robbins, Martha M., et al. "Social structure and life‐history patterns in western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)." American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of Primatologists 64.2 (2004): 145-159.
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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

"So this post is not cute and cuddly, but we hope it shows the power of this awesome male leopard. We met him towards the end of our Namibia trip to Okonjima thanks to our incredible guide. He was resting next to his kill (an Oryx) when we arrived, then started eating right in front of us."

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Feddaoui Moncef
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

"One dawn in the Mara, I zipped open our tent to find a leopard had killed a wildebeest right outside it. A moment I’ll never forget"

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States Styx38 Offline

Leopards kill Feral or free-ranging Horses many times.

"On 20 October 2005, an adult horse was killed by a large male. Fresh tracks of an adult female accompanied by a young cub were regularly seen near the kill, but we are not sure if they have fed on the kill."

source: Farhadinia, Mohammad S., Alireza Mahdavi, and Fatemeh Hosseini-Zavarei. "Reproductive ecology of the Persian Leopard, Panthera pardus saxicolor, in Sarigol National Park, northeastern Iran: (Mammalia: Felidae)." Zoology in the Middle East 48.1 (2009): 13-16.

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Source: Mammals of the Soviet Union, Volume 2 Part 2 Carnivora (Hyenas and Cats)

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Northeastern Iran and Turkmenistan have feral horses known as Akhal-Teke or Turkmen horses.
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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

"This noble male leopard locked his eyes on me, looking right through me. This formidable cat just killed a Jackson’s Hartebeest and was protecting his prey."

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس

[color=var(--primary-text)]Sindhav Jitu[/color]

(Gir sanctuary and national Park)

I am fortunate to have been visiting the Gir forest as a guide everyday and see the wonderful and thrilling events of mother nature happen before me. One fine morning on a Safari, I came across a female leoperd trying to catch a langur on a tree. Although the langur on the tree was able to foil her hunting attempt, the leoperdess was agile enough to catch another langur on the ground.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Ashutosh Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-18-2021, 02:52 PM by Ashutosh )

Leopard on a goat kill in Dive Ghat. In the background is the city of Pune.


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Incredible Snow Leopard Hunt
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United States Styx38 Offline

Leopard kills Wild Dog.

"We decided to go and get the vehicle so we could get a better view of the dogs – and that is when we saw a sudden flash of rosettes and a loud growl as the Flat Rock male ran into the pack, scattering them in confusion

The leopard grabbed one of the wild dogs by the scruff of her neck. He turned to look at us (I think he knew I was staring at him in disbelief) all the while the wild dog still kicking and groaning in his jaws. The rest of the pack had now realised what had happened and immediately ran at the leopard, giving their best effort to save the female. Unfortunately, the Flat Rock male had already hoisted the wild dog up into a sausage tree.

The pack was now desperate; a few of them were circling the base of the tree and even attempting to jump up the trunk. The rest of the pack had now started running out of the river, the pups in front so as to keep them out of danger. We were still on foot, watching from literally thirty metres away, aghast.

We followed at a distance as they ran, and every so often one of the adults would look back, hoping to maybe catch sight of the now missing pack member. This was the really tragic part to witness; their obvious distress.

The distraught dogs ran and ran and RAN!!!! We left them running off into the darkness…

Around noon the next day, we went back to the sausage tree to do some investigating and hopefully get some closure. We caught a quick glimpse of the Flat Rock male as he slowly moved off into a thicket. We then managed to get a good look at the hoisted wild dog. There wasn’t much left but from what we could gather we think it was an adult female. It is not an easy thing to witness but as I said earlier, this is raw nature."

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Mother successfully defended her foal 
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Lucas killing a Chital in Sri Lanka

Milinda Wattegedara

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United States Styx38 Offline

Nilgai or Blue Bull killed by a Leopard.

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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

"Leopard sits behind the kudu he had killed before our arrival."

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