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Large male tigers from India (Videos Only)

Rishi Offline

(01-27-2017, 04:02 PM)$uSpiciou$ Wrote: I am a new user on this website but I have been fond of tigers and researching on them since I was a young kid. At 21 years old, although I haven't read many books but I have seen quite a few tigers by real eyes since I grew up in nainital which is right next to Corbett National Park Boundaries. I might be wrong but here is my experience that I want to share with everyone here.

1. Largest Indian Tigers- I have read countless topics and discussions and here is my take on this.  Kaziranga and Corbett tigers are indeed the largest. The only difference is that the one in the corbett, Rajaji, Dudhwa, Chitwan side are more long while the Assam one's are plain freaks. I dont know how much this is true but my dad(he works in the forest departments) argues that hilly terrain requires the Corbett region tigers to be rather long and not bulky for effective movement. But still they are freak specimens. I must have seen almost 50 tigers in corbett till now and  some here just plain freaks. Also before people start a debate I have also been to kaizranga 5 times and seen both Waghdoh and Bamera from close range.I have also seen many other tigers.

2. Himalayan Tigers- They are the largest it is said . To be honest I don't know much about this but the little I have heard from the villagers living in the upper region of uttarakhand that they are as big as a large cow. 

3. Waghdoh, Bamers, Munna etc Debate- I have seen waghdoh from close range and those who even remotely doubt that in his prime he wan't one of the biggest wild tigers in the world then they are just wasting their time. Bamera to me didnt looked very long and large but he was one of the most impressively build specimen I have ever seen. Sharmele's Cubs are said to be huge right now in corbett. They simply dwarfed their mommy who herself is huge for a female. Now I have seen the family 3 times and I can assure you that Pandit is every bit as big as prime waghdoh and bigger than Katezari(have seen him too) or anyone else even before reaching his prime. 

4. Problem is Tigers from Corbett, Dudhwa (Rajaji has only about 12 tigers as of now but I saw the biggest male of my life there), Kaziranga were not photographed much till now but of the little i have seen from all over country no doubt Assam and Corbett are the largest without a doubt. 

5. Attacks on large predators: This is a debatable topic. truth is I know atleast a dozen cases where tigers have attacked fully grown elephants in Corbett or Dudhwa. Fact is for people living here its not a big thing so nobody reports about it or make a video or anything. I am more than sure this must be the case in Kaziranga too. I am no expert but Tigers are stronger than we all can imagine and yes they do kill elephants.

6. Size Matters- I would say not to the extent as people think. To me B2, Raja etc are as special individuals as KZT-023, KZT-085, Waghdoh etc. Because I have seen smaller tigers even here in corbett ruling their territories with sheer determination against large specimens for years. To me a well built tiger with heart of steel is what makes a real tiger.

7. Female Size- I don't know why experts here simply undermine the size of female tigers without seeing much, I have seen T-17, 2 Kaziranga Tigresses and many in Corbett and other parks and few really made me think are they really tigresses.They could easily challenge a average sized male. The biggest was the one which i saw in kaziranga. Even from a distance she looked like a tank.

That's all. I hope to learn alot from the members of this community and looking to contribute too with the little knowledge I have about tigers.
"Rajaji has only about 12 tigers as of now but I saw the biggest male of my life there"
Do U have a pic. If yes, Plz share!!!..  Happy
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RE: Large male tigers from India (Videos Only) - Rishi - 02-10-2017, 06:09 PM
[email protected] - Roflcopters - 11-29-2023, 02:23 PM

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