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Large male tigers from India (Videos Only)

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Please make sure you post videos only and not pics.
I personally think videos gives a better idea on tiger sizes than pics.
There is far less problems with the angles.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

IMO these are the two largest tigers in Tadoba NP

1) The BIG BAD DADDY Scarface aka Waghdoh, seems to be a very bulky tiger

2) The Ookhan, son of Yeda Anna. This guy was tall, long and bulky. Look at this video how he dwarfed his sister and father even when he was a subadult. Eventhough the 3 tigers were shown seperate, we can clearly see Ookhan's size

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 12:11 PM by Apollo )

3) Jai from Umred-Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary is a very large tiger. IMO Jai is bigger than Waghdoh dimensionally (taller and longer). Jai should have one of the largest skulls among wild Bengals from India.

This is the video of Jai when he was around 20 months old.

This is another video of subadult Jai, we can see him with his mother "A- mark tigress" and brother "Veeru"
In the video first comes the "A-mark tigress", then "Jai" and finally 'Veeru".

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

4) Late Bokha was a very large tiger from Bandhavgarh. The size of Bokha was never appreciated, because the fame of B2 overshadowed the size of Bokha. He is a long and very bulky male with a shy nature. I put Bokha right up in the league of Hairyfoot and Madla and no less.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 11:32 AM by sanjay )

T42 looks to be a large male

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 03:02 PM by Apollo )

5) Bamera male aka Shashi is a large dominant male. Bamera is not as long as Bokha (Bamera is little shorter than Bokha, Madla etc in head body length) but very bulkier for his length.

Here is a video of Bamera, listen to what the tourists says

Bamera in different angles

Prime Bamera

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tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 01:52 PM by tigerluver )

To translate the first video, the tourists are essentially saying, "What size this tiger has!" and "What a male this is!" Great thread. 
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

6) Singham from Bandhavgarh, doesnt look very long like Bokha, Jobhi etc. But a very bulky and fat tiger. Could be one of the heaviest in Bandhavgarh.

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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Great videos, I think one should also add kaziranga and chitawan tigers videos

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 07:54 PM by Apollo )

(07-28-2014, 07:38 PM)'sanjay' Wrote: Great videos, I think one should also add kaziranga and chitawan tigers videos


Yes everyone is welcome to add videos (new, old and everything) of different tigers from different parts of India.
In our forum we've been concentrating more on pics than vids.
So I think its time to give importance to vids too.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(07-28-2014, 06:10 PM)'Apollo' Wrote: 6) Singham from Bandhavgarh, doesnt look very long like Bokha, Jobhi etc. But a very bulky and fat tiger. Could be one of the heaviest in Bandhavgarh.


This is the wild caught tiger, but captive now.
He looked large but definitely can see the difference in body type compared to a Tiger that lives in the wild.

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Okay, I found some video, I am sure many of you have seen this video already, but I think it will be nice addition here.

Kaziranga huge male tiger

Here is big female tigress from Masinagudi, Tamil Nadu, India (sorry for adding her in this thread of male tiger, if moderator want can remove this video)

Huge tiger from Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Chasing Mother rhino and her calf.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Possible T-24 of Ranthambhore.

heres the Big Boy again

Those Kaziranga Tigers are just tanks, its so hard to get close up images in that landscape though, makes it tough to get up close pictures.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(07-28-2014, 11:14 PM)'Pckts' Wrote:
(07-28-2014, 06:10 PM)'Apollo' Wrote: 6) Singham from Bandhavgarh, doesnt look very long like Bokha, Jobhi etc. But a very bulky and fat tiger. Could be one of the heaviest in Bandhavgarh.


This is the wild caught tiger, but captive now.
He looked large but definitely can see the difference in body type compared to a Tiger that lives in the wild.


He was kept inside a fencing at Bandhavgarh.
@Roflcopters  said that he escaped.
Ive no idea what happened after that.

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

@Pckts , use
[video=youtube]youtube video url[/video]
to embed youtube video in post. This will helpful for visitors.

Change 'youtube video url' with your video url,for example, 

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