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Felids Interactions - Intraspecific Conflicts

Rishi Offline

(08-12-2019, 01:35 AM)Ashutosh Wrote: I hate to be a pedant @Rage2277, but that is Banerghatta Biological Park (which is basically a zoo). The Banerghatta National Park currently holds only one male tiger in nearly 280 It is very much a sham of a national park only surviving the status because it acts a very important corridor between a few of the tiger reserves.

Bannerghatta is a zoo & safari park created by fencing some of the Bannerghatta national park's forest.

There are no know resident wild tigers... one males once entered in search of females. Same as Nandankanan of Odisha.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Kambaku River Lodge - Kruger National Park - Malelane

Amazing fight for territory as young male lions refuse to give up their kingdom and the trespassers pay dearly for trying to claim what does not belong to them. Filmed at Kambaku River Lodge, Kruger National Park.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(08-12-2019, 01:35 AM)Ashutosh Wrote: I hate to be a pedant @Rage2277, but that is Banerghatta Biological Park (which is basically a zoo). The Banerghatta National Park currently holds only one male tiger in nearly 280 It is very much a sham of a national park only surviving the status because it acts a very important corridor between a few of the tiger reserves.

Apparently that is an actual wild male on the outside that has his paw bit.
They said he patrols the fence and tries fight the male inside. Infact one said there are actually 2 tigers who do this.

If you have FB you can see the discussion on the post below, just search it and view the comments.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Ashutosh Offline

@Pckts, I know. In another thread about Tigers of South India, I mentioned the state of this lone wild tiger. He has tried many times to jump inside the Bannerghatta zoo and mate with females, but because he is unable to do so, he just roars throughout the night.

The park officials want to translocate a tigress from nearby tiger reserves, but NTCA rules are a stumbling block.
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Finland Shadow Offline

Older video, but in this two males really fight, not too often blood is so visible as it is in this. Nasty clawing.

After seeing recently many videos, in which leopard and hyena share meal, I wonder if hyena in this video was coming to ask other one to help in hunting.... and then looking like "oh shit... hopefully my mate survives..." That hyena really is almost comical there :)

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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

This is what I call a fight...

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Pantanal Males fighting over mating rights with a Female.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

"This is a rare video in which 2 wild male jaguar are fighting for territory. This is very rare video becasue there are very few moments captured on camera when 2 male wild jaguars are filmed fighting with each other, unlike other big cats where filming 2 males fighting for territory is common. The bigger male at right is called Colombiano and this incident is shot in 2014
Video is form Rio Negro in  Argentina and taken by Carol Denzin."
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Venezuela epaiva Offline

(09-08-2019, 01:59 AM)Pckts Wrote:

"This is a rare video in which 2 wild male jaguar are fighting for territory. This is very rare video becasue there are very few moments captured on camera when 2 male wild jaguars are filmed fighting with each other, unlike other big cats where filming 2 males fighting for territory is common. The bigger male at right is called Colombiano and this incident is shot in 2014
Video is form Rio Negro in  Argentina and taken by Carol Denzin."

Great find thanks for sharing
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 09-09-2019, 09:34 AM by Rishi )

So this little skirmish was between "blue eyes", son of laila and t74 and krishna's youngsters.. t19's boy is pretty ballsy look at the size difference compared to blue eyes who is around three.
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BorneanTiger Offline

The lion and tiger are undoubtedly the largest and most powerful species of the Cat Family today, able to dominate whatever cheetah and leopard come their way, but the latter 2 don't always let the former 2 reign supreme:

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Among leopards too, wild life is often violent...

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

An alpha male lion taking over a new pride. First thing to do after having expelled the males: to kill their cubs to ensure after that his genes will be transmitted during his life as quick as possible because he is going to rule over this pride for a limited time.

Life is hard...

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

The male's rule...

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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 09-26-2019, 04:19 PM by Luipaard )

Not really a fight

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