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Estimate weights on animals.

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 10-12-2016, 04:42 AM by Pantherinae )

I'm interested in knowing what you're thoughts are on animals maximum weights. It's always fun to play with you're thoughts on  what an animal can potentially weigh at an absolute maximum. It's always fun estimating a little  Lol
I'll start adding some animals.  My estimates:
Tiger: 300 kg
Leopard: 100 kg
Jaguar: 160 kg
Lion: 300 kg
Guar: 1200 kg  
Cape buffalo: 1000 kg
Bison: 1000 kg  
Cougar: 90 kg  
Wolf : 86 kg
Spotted hyena: 95 kg  
Brown bears: 750 kg  
Polar bears: 1000 kg  
Hippo: 3000 kg  
White rhino: 4000 kg  
Indian rhino: 3700 kg  
Gorilla: 200 kg  
Orangutan: 110 kg

Btw great if you add a picture of the biggest of these animals you have seen.
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

I would assume you mean specifically in the wild. I would go with 260 kg ( 573 ) for the lion - 388 kg ( 857 pounds ) for the tiger - 751.15 kg ( 1656 pounds ) for the brown bear - and perhaps 998 kg ( 2200 pounds ) for the polar bear.
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Canada GrizzlyClaws Offline
Canine Expert

The maximum canine size for the respective carnivores:

tiger - 6.6 inches
lion - 5.4 inches
polar bear - 5 inches
brown bear - 4.5 inches
black bear - 4 inches
jaguar - 4 inches
leopard - 4 inches
snow leopard - 3.75 inches
clouded leopard - 3.75 inches
cougar - 3.5 inches
wolf - 2.75 inches
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United States Polar Offline
Polar Bear Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 10-12-2016, 09:45 AM by Polar )

(10-12-2016, 03:17 AM)Pantherinae Wrote: I'm interested in knowing what you're thoughts are on animals maximum weights. It's always fun to play with you're thoughts on  what an animal can potentially weigh at an absolute maximum. It's always fun estimating a little  Lol
I'll start adding some animals.  My estimates:
Tiger: 300 kg
Leopard: 100 kg
Jaguar: 160 kg
Lion: 300 kg
Guar: 1200 kg  
Cape buffalo: 1000 kg
Bison: 1000 kg  
Cougar: 90 kg  
Wolf : 86 kg
Spotted hyena: 95 kg  
Brown bears: 750 kg  
Polar bears: 1000 kg  
Hippo: 3000 kg  
White rhino: 4000 kg  
Indian rhino: 3700 kg  
Gorilla: 200 kg  
Orangutan: 110 kg

Btw great if you add a picture of the biggest of these animals you have seen.

Tiger (modern Bengal or Siberian): 380 kg
Tiger (Ngandong): 580 kg
Lion (modern): 300 kg
Panthera spelaea/Panthera atrox: 550 kg
Leopard: 130 kg
Jaguar: 190 kg
Gaur: 1600 kg
Cape Buffalo: 1100 kg
Bison: 1300 kg
Cougar: 160 kg
Wolf: 80 kg
Dire Wolf: 120 kg
Spotted Hyena: 90 kg
Dinocrocuta: 500 kg
Brown Bear (modern): 800 kg
Brown Bear (Pleistocene): 1000 kg
Polar Bear (modern): 1100 kg
Polar Bear (ancient): 1600 kg
Hippo: 3800 kg
White Rhino: 4000 kg
Indian Rhino: 4000 kg
African Elephant: 8000 kg
Colombian Mammoth: 10000 kg
Gorilla: 220 kg
Orangutan: 120 kg
Chimpanzee: 100 kg
Wild Homo sapiens: 140 kg
Neanderthal: 160 kg
Homo Erectus: 110 kg

In fact, just look at the close encounter I had with a normal-sized adult white rhino from my trip to South Africa:

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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

(10-12-2016, 04:12 AM)brotherbear Wrote: I would assume you mean specifically in the wild. I would go with 260 kg ( 573 ) for the lion - 388 kg ( 857 pounds ) for the tiger - 751.15 kg ( 1656 pounds ) for the brown bear - and perhaps 998 kg ( 2200 pounds ) for the polar bear.

I would consider these animals as extreme individuals, like over-sized wrestlers or basketball players. As for what I would call the normal maximums: Lion, about 250 kg ( 550 pounds ) - Tiger, about 318 kg ( 700 pounds ) - Inland brown bear, about 363 kg ( 800 pounds ) - Coastal brown bear, about 680 kg ( 1500 pounds ) - and Polar bear, about 907 kg ( 2000 pounds ). 
I believe that individuals above this size range should be considered as freakish or at least highly unusual. In fact, those within this size range ( imo ) are news worthy. 
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

@brotherbear the maximum male Bengal tiger that has been weighed was 260 kg empty?. Sunquist weighed him.
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

(10-12-2016, 07:41 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: @brotherbear the maximum male Bengal tiger that has been weighed was 260 kg empty?. Sunquist weighed him.

Thank you for the correction, Pantherine. I'm probably the least knowledgeable poster here when it comes to the big cats. 
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United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert

261 kg is not an actual weight, but rather a chest girth equation estimate. Somewhere within the edge of extinction tiger thread, I showed the not so strong correlation between girth and weight. Thus, even though the weight is touted as the maximum, it's functionally no better than paleontology estimates.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 10-12-2016, 10:11 PM by Pckts )

The maximum Bengal tiger weight is 380kg or so, the maximum verified is 272kg bottomed out scale. Or use the bottomed out 227kg sunquist number if you want, there are still weights that surpass it from maharajah days but too many people have individual criteria they need to meet before they are willing to accept it.

But maximums don't exist, for every random big male that is captured and weighed there are 50 that aren't.
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Shardul Offline
Regular Member

(10-12-2016, 07:41 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: @brotherbear the maximum male Bengal tiger that has been weighed was 260 kg empty?. Sunquist weighed him.

You mean to say that an animal that averages 200 kg, has a maximum weight of only 260 kg? IOW, the biggest tiger is only 30% bigger than an average tiger?

Using your logic, an average human male weighs 70 kg, so the largest human should be only 91 kg?
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

@Pckts the 380 kg tiger is an old hunting weight right? ? I personally use only vertified weight's as the biggest weighed. I think @GuateGojira had a great desciption about that tiger and that the scale used could be bottomed out by so, so much, and then he took away the stomach content. Correct me if I'm wrong ?
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

@Shardul no I said the biggest tiger weighed was 260 kg, I estimated the biggest tigers to be arround 300 kg. But comparing human weight's to wild animals weigh's are not fair, we have unlimited food supply, and all sorts of junk food on every corner, aswell as we don't have to be in great shape to catch our food or, escape from being food.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(10-12-2016, 09:07 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: @Pckts the 380 kg tiger is an old hunting weight right? ? I personally use only vertified weight's as the biggest weighed. I think @GuateGojira had a great desciption about that tiger and that the scale used could be bottomed out by so, so much, and then he took away the stomach content. Correct me if I'm wrong ?

That's fine, if your personal criteria only allows modern specimens that have been peer reviewed, that is your prerogative.
But the "hunting record" is still weighed on a scale and accepted, at least as the modern day worlds largest wild cat.
Subtracting stomach content is anything but scientific, its merely a guessing game and extremely subjective.
But sunquist stated that the animal in question didn't have an enlarged stomach

*This image is copyright of its original author

Also, trying to determine how much more the big cat weighs that bottoms out the scale is subjective as well, its like you or I stepping on a scale that only goes up to 200lbs but we weigh 250lbs, how are we suppose to know exactly how much over the scale we are?
How are we suppose to know how much food we have in our stomachs?
The end of the day, your body only fluctuates a few lbs, which is why you can step on the scale the same time every day and usually be fairly close, whether you just had a meal or not. Not that we are tigers, but big cats should apply the same rule. Even if they ate, when did they eat?
How much did they eat?
How much as been digested and processed?
and so on...
I just think it's better to remove these personal guidelines and just use the data at hand.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(10-12-2016, 09:17 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: @Shardul no I said the biggest tiger weighed was 260 kg, I estimated the biggest tigers to be arround 300 kg. But comparing human weight's to wild animals weigh's are not fair, we have unlimited food supply, and all sorts of junk food on every corner, aswell as we don't have to be in great shape to catch our food or, escape from being food.

But that doesn't change the fact that humans still have a huge range between heights and weights of individuals.
Whether on the same food supply or different.

Tigers are no different,  they feed in different areas and different prey. They live in different terrains and so on, thus factors that contribute to as high of a difference between the same species as any human.

When I was in Africa, herds of Wildabeast, Zebra, Gazelle, Elephant, Buffalo and Hertabeast were abundant, and the only rule for sure is this...
Animals living in the same herd, with access to the same food and living the same lifestyle come in all shapes and sizes. There is no maximum or minimum, you find exceptions between them all.
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Still the variation in human weight's are greater than any other spicies and can't be compared to any other spicies. Like a man at 55 kg and 600 kg, is only humans. 

Only problem I have with this 380 kg tiger and other extreame hunting records is that we don't see anything even close to that today. I know that animals in the past where probably bigger than today, but when I see large males like Madla, Jay and this massive male sunquist weighed are over 100 kg+ lighter, I struggle to buy it, no doubt that they get bigger, but there is a limit! And imo it's before 380 kg. arround 300 kg, but again thats my opinion!
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