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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

Brahim Offline

The 3 oldest Vurhami young males sired by the 7 Gomondwane males. Seen this morning, a promising coalition if they make it.
Credit: Discoverkruger

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Friarfan619 Online
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(09-20-2023, 12:37 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: The 3 oldest Vurhami young males sired by the 7 Gomondwane males. Seen this morning, a promising coalition if they make it.
Credit: Discoverkruger

Good looking ym. Is it safe to say vurhami mo is no more???
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Mwk85 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 09-21-2023, 07:12 AM by Mwk85 Edit Reason: Corrected spelling error )

(09-21-2023, 04:56 AM)Friarfan619 Wrote:
(09-20-2023, 12:37 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: The 3 oldest Vurhami young males sired by the 7 Gomondwane males. Seen this morning, a promising coalition if they make it.
Credit: Discoverkruger

Good looking ym. Is it safe to say vurhami mo is no more???

Personally, I'd say no. Sure it's been some time since anything on him has come to light, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's dead. Take the S21 males for example, nothing new on them came out for over a year or so and they recently popped back up outta the blue. BYM (Birmingham young male) and TYM (Torchwood young male) moved off somewhere into Kruger a while ago and by all a counts no one to my knowledge at least has written them off. Mo could have very well done the same thing and settled into an area that's rarely traversed by rangers or tourists. There's numerous other animals that have gone from being seen on a fairly regular basis to nothing for some time, I just used those two particular groups as an example.
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Hairy tummy Offline
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(09-20-2023, 12:37 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: The 3 oldest Vurhami young males sired by the 7 Gomondwane males. Seen this morning, a promising coalition if they make it.
Credit: Discoverkruger

Nice to see one winking at the camera
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Brahim Offline

Darkmaned Fourways today on H1-3.
Credit: Sandy

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Brahim Offline

Torchwood Matimba and Mazithi pride of 20 members chased by a bull elephant today north of Tshokwane.
Credit: Deon Wildlife Photography

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Tonpa Offline

@"Brahimlegend" Hey Brahim, I saw a comment on FB about the Imbali males now being incontrol of the Fourways pride. Did they oust the Mantimahle sons or was it a mis-ID from the start?
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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-21-2023, 05:29 PM by Brahim )

@Tonpa Mantimahle sons rule Torchwood pride now they are seen regulary with them by a friend who works there. Also Graeme Mitchley spent time with them yesterday. He posted a pic of darkmane mantimahle and also a video of them feeding with a Torchwood lioness also attacked her though. 

Fourways pride I was told Imbali males were seen with them. Think there was a video previously. But honestly I haven't seen enough to say they rule Fourways pride for sure as that pride is never seen really so who knows.
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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-21-2023, 06:38 PM by Brahim )

The Leeupan male, son of the two old Leeupan males. Seen today having a drink on the s130. He may have become solo again as his coalition partner was seen very far away in new territory on h1-3 mating.

Credit: Zahn Kruger

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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1/2 Mantimahle/s36 son with Torchwoods:

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Brahim Offline

1/2 Hippo pools males, sons of the Shishangeni males.
Credit: Kruger Magic

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Brahim Offline

1/2 Older Skybed Sons seen on S140 near Talamati camp. Been a while since his brother has been seen hopefully he's alive. His two younger brothers are doing well with a pride on the S39.
Credit: Alistair du Plessis.

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Brahim Offline

Crazy sighting of the 3 young Gomondwanes chasing one of the 7 older ones.
Credit: Colin hugo

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 09-22-2023, 02:58 PM by Tr1x24 )

(09-22-2023, 02:35 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: Crazy sighting of the 3 young Gomondwanes chasing one of the 7 older ones.
Credit: Colin hugo

Well thats interesting.

Young Gomos are sons of Tshokwane males, right? 

Btw any news on Tshokwane males?
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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-22-2023, 03:35 PM by Brahim )

Some think tshokwane or old lubyelubye not really proven either way. Seen some sightings of smaller tshokwane male. Not seen the bigger one in a while. This was sighting in August

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