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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-07-2022, 12:41 AM by Mdz123 )

(08-07-2022, 12:23 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

Which pride is this? 

There is cubs and subs of various ages.

Not sure who are the fathers tho.

Mantimahles are around that area, so it should be one of their prides. Renosterkoppies are under their control and have territory near the area.

Manthekenyane males are also nearby, but they havent been dominant for that long to have subs of this age. 

And I dont know any other coalition or pride currently near Kwaggaspan
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T I N O Offline

(08-07-2022, 12:23 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

Which pride is this? 

There is cubs and subs of various ages.

Not sure who are the fathers tho.

Maybe the Napi pride? From what i've heard they're under the control of the Transport dam males. Perhaps, @brahimlegend could help here.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(08-07-2022, 12:38 AM)Mdz123 Wrote: And I dont know any other coalition or pride currently near Kwaggaspan

Yea, prob either Mantimahles or H2-2/Transport Dam males.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(08-07-2022, 01:08 AM)Timbavati Wrote:
(08-07-2022, 12:23 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

Which pride is this? 

There is cubs and subs of various ages.

Not sure who are the fathers tho.

Maybe the Napi pride? From what i've heard they're under the control of the Transport dam males. Perhaps, @brahimlegend could help here.

For how long have the Transport Dam males been dominant? I dont think that they have been dominant long enough to have subs of that age, they look 2.5 - 3 years old.
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Brahim Offline

Yeah likely Napi pride run by H2-2/ Transport. The boss at Jock said they move from kwagga to transport before
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T I N O Offline

One of the Hippo pool young males with two females calling at Mjejane Game Reserve
Photo credit: Gary Kimble

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

(08-07-2022, 12:54 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: Yeah likely Napi pride run by H2-2/ Transport. The boss at Jock said they move from kwagga to transport before

Thank you for the information
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(08-07-2022, 03:54 AM)Mdz123 Wrote: For how long have the Transport Dam males been dominant? I dont think that they have been dominant long enough to have subs of that age, they look 2.5 - 3 years old.

H2-2 males are dominant for long time, occasionaly seen on H1-1, as their territory was further south around H2-2, which is not that much visited.

Just in the past year or so they moved further north around Transport Dam and H1-1 road, so sightings of them are more regular, they prob ousted remaining Fourways male Blondie around mid 2020.
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Brahim Offline

Yeah they doing well, last sightings they were mating with Renosterkoppie lioness they don't waste time
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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-07-2022, 06:48 PM by Brahim )

Young Jocks/Berg en dal

Attached Files Image(s)
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Italy Gabriele Offline
Regular Member

Dark Maned of Hippo pool. Mo's Vurhami still roams there, he shouldn't be far.

Canada Liner Online
New Member

Has there been an update on the injured 1/7 Satara Male lion?
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T I N O Offline

(08-07-2022, 07:37 PM)Liner Wrote: Has there been an update on the injured 1/7 Satara Male lion?

Unfortunately, There's not updates of the injured Satara male so far.
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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 01:52 AM by Brahim )

Fourways / Phabeni
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(08-07-2022, 06:33 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: Yeah they doing well, last sightings they were mating with Renosterkoppie lioness they don't waste time

They should be careful doing this, the Mantimahles are more numerous and much more experienced, and they are really agressive to intruders, even their sons PC males carried on their aggresive behavior. Unless of course they abandonned Renosterkoppies pride, which I doubt.
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