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Bigcats News

Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member

Reason of Death : Territorial Fight

A patrolling party found the big cat with injuries marks lying dead at Panpatha buffer range of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in the early hours of the day.

The circumstantial evidence suggested that the tiger, which was over 10 years old, may have died in a fight with another big cat.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert


that tiger in your picture doesn't look 10 year old, unless they used a random picture off the net. that's a cub at best. sad story though. thanks for sharing.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(04-22-2020, 09:37 PM)Roflcopters Wrote: @Jeffrey 

that tiger in your picture doesn't look 10 year old, unless they used a random picture off the net. that's a cub at best. sad story though. thanks for sharing.

Ravi Bandhavgarh
Rip T 6
11 years

Tiger died in bām̐dhavagaṛha tiger reserve

In the mēḍharā of bām̐dhavagaṛha National Park, the elephant team saw the dead body of the tiger near the pond.

Notice of death of the tiger to the manager

The Tiger's body has severe injury marks.

Death in mutual fight

Kamran Ali
*This image is copyright of its original author
 It's Teer T6, born 2009,of mahaman female T23 and bokha male....... Sad news
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

(04-22-2020, 09:37 PM)Roflcopters Wrote: @Jeffrey 

that tiger in your picture doesn't look 10 year old, unless they used a random picture off the net. that's a cub at best. sad story though. thanks for sharing.

that is  indeed teer check the pattern 
*This image is copyright of its original author
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Thanks for the clarification! Rip

Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-28-2020, 12:46 AM by Dark Jaguar )

terrible news from 2016

Horrible limitless human cruelty.

male jaguar who underwent a gun shot to the face by rifle by fisherman poacher in the wild in north Brazil the cat got completely blind, he was refused by many zoos because he got blind however he was thankfully rescued by CETAS and named Merlin now he lives in NEX Institution - northern cerrado.

Merlin was victim of a poacher in 2016 (Raul Coimbra/Veja SP)

*This image is copyright of its original author


''Another sad hunting story... with a slightly less sad ending. A jaguar that's been shot in the head lost its eye sight and is now doomed to live forever in captivity. Less bad that @nex_noextinction is taken care of. #Repost @todoscontracaca - - - - - - In August 2019 we received from the activist @alexiadechamps the information that a male jaguar had been rescued by CETAS (Wild Animal Sorting Center) three years before in the region of Baixada Maranhense, in the municipality of Pinheiro (MA). In 2016 Merlin was a victim of hunting, received a bullet in the head and as a sequel lost both eyesight. During all these years CETAS did its best and even offered the jaguar to several zoos in order to be taken care of in a better space, but they all refused to receive it because of Merlin's visual impairment. Then, duly informed of the situation and the care Merlin needed, the @amparasilvestre went into action and developed a plan so that he could have back at least part of what was taken from him in a violent and cruel way. Tomorrow Merlin will be transferred from Maranhão to our great partner NEX (@nex_noextinction) in Goiás, where a brand new and adapted enclosure awaits him. The best and most qualified professionals will take care of him and attend him in his special needs. All costs of transportation, accommodation, veterinarians, food and the enclosure itself are under the responsibility of AMPARA Silvestre. Part of these costs were made possible by the #lifeprint campaign, but we still need to pay for the maintenance of this very special animal which was a victim of human cruelty. That is why we ask for your collaboration: / From tomorrow, follow here the transfer of Merlin to its new habitat. We will show you everything!'' ⠀

Merlin being transfered by boat after getting gun shot to the face.  Watch the video here:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Merlin arriving at NEX and inspecting his new home!

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

If you don't go to the dentist, the dentist will come to you!

Photos of Merlin's dental treatment, which was followed by semen collection. Excellent work done with the help of several teams: Dr Floriano's Team (OdontoZoo), NEX Team (Vet. Thiago Luczinski, Vet. Jairo dos Santos, Vet. Pollyanna Motinha, Cristina Gianni, Rogério Silva) and Reprocon Team (Vet Pedro Nacib).

photos by Raul Coimbra

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Merlin and NEX Team.

*This image is copyright of its original author

 Area of 130 meters specially adapted for Merlin at NEX INSTITUTION.               photo: Raul Coimbra/NEX

*This image is copyright of its original author

According to Cristiane Gianne president of NEX. ''Merlin's adaptation was spectacular, he is feeling at home.''

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Merlin is a spectacular Jaguar.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Meat scent trail laid out by Rogério NEX’s head keeper. Merlin sniffed and found the reward. @amparanimal

Congratulations to CETAS and the NEX Institution for embrancing Merlin.
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Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member

Reason of Death : Territorial Fight

A tigress was found dead on Sunday. 
The carcass was recovered in the bank of Bhalukjan Beel in the Bagori range of the Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve.

In the afternoon, the post-mortem of the tigress was conducted in presence of a high-level team of forest officials of the state and the National Tiger Conservation Authority, which was led by Kaziranga National Park director P Shivkumar to the spot.

The post-mortem of the tigress was conducted by veterinarian Dr Pranjit Basumatary of Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) at Panbari near Kaziranga National Park.

It is suspected that the tigress died around 7 days back.

There are marks of attacks by other tiger on the carcass of the tigress.

The tigress has been identified as Kazi-83 of Kairanga National Park by the national park’s research officer, Rabindra Sarma.

After conducting the post-mortem, the carcass of the tigress was cremated at the spot in the forest in presence of all.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Ashutosh Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 01:11 PM by Ashutosh )

Just came across a news article about a tiger I guess everyone has forgotten about. 

Tigress Avni was killed in November, 2018. She had 2 cubs who were 10 months old then. While the female was caught, collared and weighed (80 kilos) and sent to Pench for rehabilitation (she is awaiting her relocation to a national park), her brother kept giving the officials the slip.

Named T1C1 (not to be confused with the gypsy tiger who is also T1C1), he has been amazing at evading humans. At about 14 months, he jumped over a 10 foot high chain link to evade officials. Since then, he was seen once in June 2019 and his latest sighting was in December 2019 Ralegaon tehsil (closest tiger habitat is Tipeshwar Wildife sanctuary which ironically is the birthplace of the other T1C1 or gypsy tiger).

The one and half year search operation was to be concluded on 31st March but the coronavirus has meant that the one and half year search of epic farcical proportions is still ongoing. Considering that he has survived basically on his own for over 18 months first eating the bait left by wildlife officials till he 16 months old and later hunting wild prey and avoiding any man-animal conflict, the search is to be called off.

The whole case is remarkable from a 10 month cub dodging a big team of officials to managing to survive on it’s own is a testament to resilience of wild animals. Also possible, was that the father of this cub who was also in the area but has never been a problem for wildlife officials and humans taught him a few survival skills as he learned hunting and stopped eating the bait left by forest department.
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Ashutosh Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-20-2020, 08:07 PM by Ashutosh )

An injured 4-year old male tiger which was residing outside Bandipur tiger reserve for over a month and killed 20 livestock animals was captured and taken to an animal centre.

“Injured in infighting with other tigers, the big cat's upper right side of the left leg was infested with maggots, and cellulitis was setting in.
"Maggots have formed and pus formation is there. Cellulitis is setting in and gangrene is the next stage if the injury does not heal," the forest official said.”
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Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member

Authorities in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park have found the carcass of a semi-adult male, taking the number of tiger deaths in the park to four this year.

P Sivakumar, director of the park, said the carcass of the two-year-old tiger was found in the Burapahar range of the 430 sq km park, the biggest habitat of one-horned rhinos in the world.

“The carcass was found on Friday. It bore several injury marks and the skull was almost crushed. Investigation suggests that it had died due to infighting with other male tigers the previous day,” he said.

This is the second such death reported this month and the fourth one this year. All cases are the outcome of infighting.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Ashutosh Offline

@Jeffrey, I posted this yesterday in the felid intraspecific interactions thread, and @Rage2277 seems to think that the tiger is below 1 years in age even though the director claimed otherwise.

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

the dead animal in that photo doesn't even have it's adult teeth look how thin it's canines are a two year old tiger has much thicker canines @Ashutosh
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Ashutosh Offline

I know. In fact, I kind of agree with you. But, the park director is on record saying that’s a two year old tiger. Maybe the photo is of another tiger.
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Sanju Offline
Senior member

Telangana miners stop work at night to let tiger prowl in peace
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-07-2020, 09:22 AM by Rishi )

Tiger population on road to recovery with annual growth of 6%: GOI
An RTI reply had showed India lost 750 tigers in the last 8 years. 

Jun 06, 2020 08:49 PM

*This image is copyright of its original author

New Delhi | The Union Environment Ministry on Saturday stated that four surveys since 2006 have shown an average annual growth rate of 6-8% in India's tiger population, offsetting natural losses and keeping their numbers at the habitats-carrying capacity level.

The clarification by the ministry came following a PTI report based on an RTI reply that showed India lost 750 tigers in the last 8 years due to several causes, including natural deaths, poaching, accidents, conflicts and seizures.
The RTI data showed that 369 tigers died of natural causes, 168 due to poaching, 42 due to unnatural causes, like accidents and conflicts, 101 due to seizures of the animal across the country.

"For the period 2012 to 2019, one can observe that despite overall population increase by a thousand, the average tiger deaths per year in the country has been contained below 100, which is balanced out by the annual increment as highlighted by this robust growth rate," said the NTCA. "The National Tiger Conservation Authority maintains the highest standards of transparency so far as making tiger death statistics available to the citizen through its website as well as a dedicated portal,, so that people can make a logical assessment, if they desire."

Poaching cases have been hovering between 20 to 35 percent of the tiger deaths.

(05-27-2020, 08:30 AM)Sanju Wrote: Telangana miners stop work at night to let tiger prowl in peace

Dude... atleast copy paste the headline, summary & photo/infographics. Neutral
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