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Lions of Sabi Sands

Canada stronghold Offline

The Avoca and Tsalala run in to each other again over a carcass, it looks like Avoca got the upper hand again. Not sure who got the kill. Hope someone can post the video here.
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

(09-15-2017, 09:32 PM)stronghold Wrote: The Avoca and Tsalala run in to each other again over a carcass, it looks like Avoca got the upper hand again. Not sure who got the kill. Hope someone can post the video here.

This bout belongs to Avocas, but I am happy to see Tsalalas together and recovering well from wounds.
They are not very aggressive against each other.. who know all 5 form coilation!!
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Canada stronghold Offline

The Tsalala will gain their confidence. I dont think they need the Avocas to form a coalition. they just need to gain experience and confidence. It seems like flight is their first instinct,after all these guys live a traumatic life. running away from the Matimbas and then from the Bboys and then got beat up last month. They are just a little shaken up. But maybe your right,everything can happen out there.
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Chris Offline
Regular Member
*** Here's the link of the avoca males kicking out the tsala males.
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lioncrazy Offline
Regular Member

It's kinda weird I assume if the tasalas don't run they all.might have stayed and had a bite it wasn't a full on chase off interesting coalition of 5 maybe??
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Chris Offline
Regular Member

The thing that surprises me is how much time they are spending with each other. I mean it's like every week their together so I agree it can probably be a coalition of 5 I would need to see less fighting for me to believe 100%.
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United States sik94 Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-17-2017, 10:07 AM by sik94 )

There is no evolutionary reason for these two coalitions to merge. The tslalas being the bigger coalition wouldn't join up with a lone young male let alone the two avoca males.
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SalemMagi Offline
Lunar Leo

I now comprehend how and why the tsalalas got separated (2 and 1) recently. From viewing the video of their recent encounter with the Avoca's, it appears that one Tsalala male is a bit skittish while another is more agressive (the one that swatted at the 1 approaching Avoca lion) and the 3rd seemed to be a nice balance of the 2. His slow swagger as they are walking away is awesome. I love these lions, their lineage and their story so much! And to me, it does look like the Avocas may want to be allies with these 3.. or at least co-exist. LOVE
(09-17-2017, 10:06 AM)sik94 Wrote: There is no evolutionary reason for these two coalitions to merge. The tslalas being the bigger coalition wouldn't join up with a lone young male let alone the two avoca males.

United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Photo taken about 2 weeks ago
Credits to: markbushlife

*This image is copyright of its original author

One of the Tsalala Males. They had been in a big fight the night before and were on the mission to get out of the area.
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lioncrazy Offline
Regular Member

@sik94 I disagree lions know numbers are everything in there world 5 is better than 3 or 2 they are very similar in age  just saying where they are right now if they joined forces they will double there chance to live and past in there blood line they have a lot of competition around just saying tho
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India Wild Warrior Offline

Othawa boys sons of Mapogos on buffalo hunt...
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United States sik94 Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-18-2017, 07:21 AM by sik94 )

Lions don't "know" numbers are everything in their world, they don't have the mental capacity to think in those terms. These coalitions will not waste energy on raising cubs that do not further their own bloodline. They won't join forces for the same reason new males kill all cubs fathered by the previous males, to further their own bloodline and not waste energy on another coalitions cubs (all this is instinctual). Young male lions join forces within a very small window of time right after they get kicked out of their natal prides, the avocas and the tsalalas are past that point now and are competitors.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(09-18-2017, 07:20 AM)sik94 Wrote: Young male lions join forces within a very small window of time right after they get kicked out of their natal prides, the avocas and the tsalalas are past that point now and are competitors.

I agree.

(09-18-2017, 12:14 AM)lioncrazy Wrote: lions know numbers are everything in there world 5 is better than 3 or 2 they are very similar in age  just saying where they are right now if they joined forces they will double there chance to live and past in there blood line

Ah, but who's bloodline would be spread? Because by this point they're bonded to each other, the three Tsalalas, and the Avocas the same way.
For that bond to be broken only one should remain, and one of the others. 
This is where their instinct for "numbers are everything" kicks in again (since their brothers  are dead) and they try to form an alliance again.
But right now? No. That they didn't outright attacked each other this time is more of a show of avoiding conflict than a team forming up.
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

The next generation!!! These are 5 of 9 young males in the Mhangene Pride.... (one is a young female). If all 9 survive, this will be a formidable coalition!!!
Credits: Savannah Private GS

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

The two Avoca males kept a keen eye on a herd of wildebeest in an open area, but the wildebeest caught their scent as a blustery wind passed over the plains. Later on that evening they were seen moving again and this morning were lucky enough to have caught a warthog.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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