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Tigers of Central India

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Sharad Vats.

Tigers fight: Posted May 23, 2017.

Not many have seen the Tigers fight in a Jungle. At times one feels that he is lucky to see one, at times you feel that you should not have seen one. Two beautiful powerful creatures fighting to capture a territory or a Tigress is not a pleasant sight. After effects are consequential, painful and death for the fighters, and distressful for the viewer.

You must be wondering why this note on a travel site? Reason is simple, this site or this company came into being because of love for Tigers. So anything going on with Tigers is a matter of concern and i wish to share it here. Another point you must be wondering is about my fascination with Kanha Tigers..well let me clarify here, Mukki to be in particular. Yes, i am enamored by these Mukki males, reason is they are monstrous, mesmerizing, and majestic.

I write this note while the battle between two heavy weight Tigers is on in Mukki zone of Kanha. Coincidentally both are sons of the legendary Munna (who has CAT spelt as a marking on his forehead). One is Umarpani male who has ruled Mukki for last 4 plus years. He has been used to being the dominant male in Mukki zone. But over last three years it was noticed that three more males (Bheema, Kingfisher (KF), Link7) came into the zone and kind of charted out a small pie out of Mukki. Umarpani allowed that to happen for reasons best known to him. The second male is Chotta Munna aka Link7 and lately even Linku. Called Chotta Munna as he is son of Munna.

Umarpani and Kingfisher (KF) Tigers fight

But as they came, as they went, like the FIFO rule (First In, First Out). KF got the first dose of Umarpani’s fury as he was the eldest of the lot. KF was born late 2010, and went in Oct 2016. He often intruded territory of Umarpani male for a good close to two years. Like a seasoned warrior or a smart street fighter Umarpani male did not do anything initially. He waited for himself to get into his prime. He studied KF completely, which included a fight in Jan 2015 with him. Seemed as if he did a SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threat) analysis of KF. Assessed his amplitude, then like a fugitive knocked him out fast, furious and forever. It seemed like a very clever fight by Umarpani male, without injuries to himself he was able to bring down the mighty KF.

Kingfisher in Kanha National Park

*This image is copyright of its original author

Umarpani and Bheema Tigers fight

Now it was the turn of Bheema, in November 2016 they had a fight, and Bheema was discovered afflicted with agonizing injuries. He was moaning when found by Mahouts. He had not eaten for a few days, had maggots all over him, basically, an irreversible condition. Forest department tried their best to revive him, but failed. Who could have done this to a Tiger? Another Tiger of course, but which one? Umarpani obviously.

When it seemed that the Tigers fight in late 2016 had settled the territorial and Tigress sharing arrangement perhaps people had underestimated the Tigers of Kanha. The Tigers fight in Kanha for Territories, Tigresses, and Tyranny. They wash their fight with blood. No half measures.

Bheema in June 2015.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Advantages to Umarpani male in a Tigers fight

This guy has advantages going his way right from his genes. Son of Munna, and Umarpani female both of whom were big sized. If one studies the lineage of Munna you know that his father was another big time guy who ruled for a long time in Kanha. Same goes for Umarpani female, very strong lineage, her mother being a sister of the Legendary Laxmi.

Not only has Umapani male got the gene advantage of brawn but his brain is sharp too. Like in the previous two fights he displayed amazing intelligence. While he knew that to fight for long with KF was not advisable so surprise him and knock him out.

Umarpani male in Kanha.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The Climax has begun; Umarpani male and Link 7 (Chotta Munna) Tigers fight

They have had couple of minor skirmishes in the past. But the one two days back was no small one. The fight was seen by some tourists. They came out of a bush, exchanged some blows right behind the safari vehicle, and moved into the bush again. During the approach Umarpani male was seen bleeding in his eye and his left fore paw. But not to be subdued he was after the Link7 after the blows were exchanged. This means that Link7 was wanting to leave the territory and Umarpani was walking behind him to ensure that. The cut below the eye of Umarpani male at first gave a sign that he has lost his eye, but no, he escaped marginally being blinded by one eye.

After this fight, a reticent calm in the forest. They both disappeared into the forest. None knew what happened. Who was hit how badly? Was the fight over? Will they survive? If yes, then who will and who will not? All Kanha lovers on the edge, sleepless nights. Both the Tigers were heart-throbs of many. Link7 had showed his boldness in his very early days, he would model for the tourists, run after the adult Tigers while he was a sub-adult. Basically a very favorite Tiger of the tourists.

On the other hand Umarpani has been the shy one, never wants publicity. Hardly gave sightings till the time all the 4 males were in the zone. But after eliminating the two males he started to show up. Though not so consistently as Link7 or other Tigers hence there is a raging debate on him about his size and stealth.

Will Umarpani survive this Tigers fight?

Now, this is a million dollar question. But odds are in his favor. He has a deep cut below his left eye, will that heal? It is noticed that Tigers usually lick themselves and get fit. But his tongue will not reach the area of the cut, does that mean the wound can be severe? He is a smart Tiger, and he knows what to do in such conditions. Tigers need no training in self defense and recovery. They learn the first aid course from their mothers womb. I have heard of Tigers applying saliva on their paws and then rubbing the paw in the area where the tongue cannot reach. I can confidently say this as i have also seen my German Shepherd do this when he got cut below his eye. He did exactly what i had heard. Apply saliva on his paw and rub on his eye.

This is the treatment that Umarpani male will give himself and be out for the final round of the fight which in my opinion will be sooner than expected. Whose favor the fight will go only the time will tell, but it is advantage Umarpani for now.

Best Wishes to the Tigers of Kanha, may the best of genes survive, after-all it is the “Survival of the Fittest”

Sharad Vats

P.S. I am adding this note three days after the fight of the two big males. Happy to report that both the males are moving, so no injury critical. Umarpani male has been tracked by the Mahouts of the forest department. They clicked his image and observed a cut just above his eye which is drying up, and should be healed soon. Chotta Muna (Link7) was seen by the tourists yesterday morning. He was limping a bit, and dragging his leg as well. No bleeding as such, so he should also be back to normal soon. 

These are true Tigers, they fight like one, they heal like one. Infact Umarpani male was seen by the Mahouts bringing down an Indian Gaur. Now this speaks volumes of the mental state of this Tiger. After a fight with a big Tiger in which he came out bleeding he has gone ahead and killed a Gaur, the largest prey animal in Kanha this is amazing, and this is what makes Umarpani male a very special Tiger for me. He seems to be proving right a blog post written by me on him last year, titled, “The Biggest Tiger of Central India”. . 
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Poland st147zar Offline
New Member

"Sharad Vats"  Should work for fake news.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 07:54 PM by Pckts )

Why, because you disagree with his assessment? He's out there with these animals while you sit back and criticize him behind your computer screen. Instead, you may want to just take what he says as another piece of data.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(06-23-2017, 07:42 PM)st147zar Wrote: "Sharad Vats"  Should work for fake news.

I agree with Pckts completely. 

In what position are you in to criticize one of the men that provide us with such valuable information?

In 2015 and 2016, when Kingfisher and Umarpani started their quarrels, at least the first I heard about, I was putting my money on KF. I preferred him, simple as that and I also preferred Bheema over Umarpani.

I used to think Minh ha was somewhat deluded on his assesments on Kanha males, especially on Munna and his bloodline, and there were others like Sharad vats and even Vijay that also went for the same points on Umarpani.

So I started analizing the cat keeping aside my preference for the other two and soon it became clear to me what they were talking about.

And they were right. They shut me and everyone else up when Umarpani crushed his two rivals as if it was nothing.

So don't let your preferences and prejudices to cloud your judgement on what is clearly a reality.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

with all due respect to Sharad Vats, I highly doubt Umarpani is the biggest male in Central India. He holds it down when it comes to brute force though. what a powerful specimen. one of a kind for sure. killing Kingfisher who was probably tad bit bigger than him and then wiping the floor with Bheema. Link 7 seems to be an underdog right now but i wouldnt count him out, he's Chota Munna after all. like father, like son. one of them will eventually fade into the non tourism areas. never to be seen again so enjoy the rivalry while it lasts.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Its impossible to know if any tiger is the largest in c. India, there's way too many specimens that go unidentified. I'd bet the house that Uma isn't even the largest in Kanha, let alone all of c. India.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-19-2017, 10:27 PM)st147zar Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

People who say uma was bigger are not only blind but also fanatical. Even closer to the lens uma is smaller.

Thanks for sharing these wonderful images.
These pictures clearly show which is the bigger cat. There is no doubt Kingfisher is the bigger male than Umarpani.

Regarding Sharad vats and Vijay, I have great respect for them. They do share some of the great information on wild tigers.
But when it comes to tiger sizes whatever everyone says is there personal opinion.
We all know it is kind of hard to determine which tiger is bigger when seen individually.
Clear photographic and video evidence carries more weightage than anyones personal opinion.

Ive seen many saying Katezari (Tyson) is much bigger than Saturn. But when these males were seen together, the photographic evidence clearly showed both of them were quite similar in size with Katezari having an advantage in chestgirth.

In AVA days B2 was said to be bigger than Bokha, but then it was confirmed Bokha was a bigger and longer. Generally people tend to think muscular cats to be bigger.
B2 appeared more muscular than Bokha and Bokha being longer appeared less muscular.
If I remember correctly Sharad vats said B2 was 300kg long time back during AVA days.

I sometime back said Bheem and Mangu were the biggest known tigers in Bandhavgarh.
But many believed Jobhi was the biggest tiger in Bandhavgarh, but when Jobhi fought with Bheem the photographic and video evidence clearly showed Bhhem to be bigger.
I didnt see many arguing against it at that time coz Jobhi as a smaller fanbase unlike Munna and descendants fanbase.

Regarding Minh ah, he is nothing but a Munna fanboy who is blindly biased for Munna and is descendants. 
He reminds me of Boldchamp who is blindly biased for lions
He thinks Chota Munna is bigger than KF and Bheema.

Umarpani male as a cub was a smaller cat compared to his brother.

Another reputable photographer Kabir shah once shared his opinion saying, Umarpani is a much shorter male (one of the shortest in Kanha) and KF is a much bigger tiger than Umarpani.
It clearly shows that individual opinions on tiger sizes varies from each other.

Here are some images I shared on KF vs Umarpani

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

In the last two images we can see KF and Uma noses touching each other. KF is clearly bigger.
It is not rocket science to see which cat is bigger.
Ive seen many saying KF is a big bellied tiger and they also say that his body almost touches his ground.
The funny part is these guys without their knowledge agreeing KF is bigger. What they actually mean is KF is a tiger with a big chestgirth.
We all know length and chestgirth plays a vital role in tiger's weight.
KF is longer, taller and as a bigger chest girth than Uma.

I request @tigerluver and @Pckts  to use these images and estimate the size difference between these two cats.
Since you both are really good in estimating the size differences between two cats based on images.
Kindly put aside the opinions of other photographers and do your calculations solely based on the images available.

I would like to see we all put an end to this with a proper conclusion.
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Umarpani is clearly smaller than KF, and quite a bit lighter for sure... but what a cat he is! I have never in my life seen a tiger more determined to wipe out competition, it reminds me of the Mapogos (lions)! Nothing is great until every other male is out of the picture.. probably my favorite individual cat alongside the Dark Maned Majingilane! 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Quote:Ive seen many saying KF is a big bellied tiger and they also say that his body almost touches his ground.
The funny part is these guys without their knowledge agreeing KF is bigger. What they actually mean is KF is a tiger with a big chestgirth.
We all know length and chestgirth plays a vital role in tiger's weight.

I remember reading that somewhere and i thought that was pretty funny, im sure the person didn't literally mean it though and you pretty much nailed it. Tigers chest girths matter significantly when it comes to their overall weight. all the attributes like neck, chest and length play a huge factor. 
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Here is the video of Umarpani and Chotta Munna fights. I think Chotta Munna is bigger one ?

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Rishi Offline

(06-24-2017, 08:52 AM)sanjay Wrote: Here is the video of Umarpani and Chotta Munna fights. I think Chotta Munna is bigger one ?

The one closer to the camera initially & in Chhota-Munna.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Chota Munna is the smaller one.
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United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

As the photo stands the tiger in the back is 1.02x longer and 1.008x deeper in the chest. Mass-wise the length difference means the back tiger is 1.06x heavier and the chest difference means the back tiger is 1.024x heavier (assuming isometry each time). However, the back tiger would be appearing falsely smaller in relation to the front tiger because he is in the back. I'd venture to say the more realistic length difference would 1.04x and the chest difference 1.02x, conservatively. That makes the following changes: length-based mass difference is 1.12x and chest-based mass difference 1.06x, averaging to 1.09x. So the back tiger is likely 10% heavier.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-25-2017, 03:36 AM)tigerluver Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

As the photo stands the tiger in the back is 1.02x longer and 1.008x deeper in the chest. Mass-wise the length difference means the back tiger is 1.06x heavier and the chest difference means the back tiger is 1.024x heavier (assuming isometry each time). However, the back tiger would be appearing falsely smaller in relation to the front tiger because he is in the back. I'd venture to say the more realistic length difference would 1.04x and the chest difference 1.02x, conservatively. That makes the following changes: length-based mass difference is 1.12x and chest-based mass difference 1.06x, averaging to 1.09x. So the back tiger is likely 10% heavier.

Thanks alot @tigerluver .
You work is much appreciated.
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Italy Ngala Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-26-2017, 09:09 PM by Ngala )

Photo and information credits: Omveer Choudhary
A Dominant male tiger 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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