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Othawa Pride

Belgium criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-26-2025, 12:46 AM by criollo2mil )

I won’t ever get tired of posting these marvels!

Credit: Diff Marimane

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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

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Chile FACR2212 Offline

(02-26-2025, 12:26 AM)criollo2mil Wrote: I won’t ever get tired of posting these marvels!

Credit: Diff Marimane

Thanks for sharing!

The tattered ear female was very alert. As soon as the lionesses stood up, the cubs stayed down and kept still.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

Against all odds…

At one stage nothing favored the Othawa females.

But to see them now with their own cubs is beyond words

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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

"Inyati game lodge
Sabisands game reserve
Othawa lioness with her 2cubs,looks very good and healthy cubs,I think their all female,this is very important pride because this 2are the survival they were all seven and most killed by starvation,hyenas and their parents killed by Birmingham and nkuhuma male,we wish them all the best as they still have to face difficulties juring this period of raising cubs and territorial defence."

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

Othawas will definetly have easier time rising cubs now with weakening of Mhangeni pride, especially with PCMs abandoning them.

Biggest threat to Othawas future are Ximhungwes, especially when 2 Ximhungwe subs grow up a little more.

Ximhungwes already look to be strongest pride in Western sector/Singita since demise of 2 oldest Mhangeni females last year, and thats with only 2 adults.

With 4, they would be even stronger, especially if PCMs stay around, who prefer them the most.

So theres still a lot of hard work for young Othawa females to rebuild the pride.

For this area, dynamic was always that we had 2/3 stable/strong prides, and 1 struggling, we will se what future holds.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-27-2025, 09:26 PM by Mapokser )

I don't expect much of the 3 remaining Mangheni, they don't have it in them like their mothers did, they somehow managed to get dominated by 1 old Ximungwe who teamed up with a young inexperienced Othawa female.

Still, they might turn things around, I think they have 4 female cubs and they are all older than the Ximungwe cubs.

Ximunghwe even took over part of the Mangheni territory in Singita, but if Manghenis manage to raise the remaining cubs ( big if ) they can one day do to Ximungwe what they did to NK Breakaway.

These 3 current females are surprisingly weak but their daughters with PCM blood may be more similar to their grandmothers.

Meanwhile the Othawas' only hope is the PCM abandoning Ximungwe for them, might happen since they are the PCM new pride, or maybe the Ximungwes do have something other females don't and the PCM will always favor them.
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Fenix123 Offline
Regular Member

Othawa Cubs playing 

Credits to neil_jenn

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Chile FACR2212 Offline

@BA0701 maybe time for Ximhungwes to have their own thread?

We are talking about them in "lions of sabi sands", in "othawa pride" and also in "mangheni pride"

I don't want to off topic.
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Guillermo94 Offline
Regular Member

(02-26-2025, 09:18 PM)Mapokser Wrote: I don't expect much of the 3 remaining Mangheni, they don't have it in them like their mothers did, they somehow managed to be dominated by 1 old Ximungwe who teamed up with a young inexperienced Othawa female.

Still, they might turn things around, I think they have 4 female cubs and they are all older than the Ximungwe cubs.

Ximunghwe even took over part of the Mangheni territory in Singita, but if Manghenis manage to raise the remaining cubs ( big if ) they can one day do to Ximungwe what they did to NK Breakaway.

These 3 current females are surprisingly weak but their daughters with PCM blood may be more similar to their grandmothers.

Meanwhile the Othawas' only hope is the PCM abandoning Ximungwe for them, might happen since they are the PCM new pride, or maybe the Ximungwes do have something other females don't and the PCM will alwyas favor them.
Hi I was reading your post interesting. When looking At Mahangeni lionesses when two older lionesses were around I thought older lionesses were strong. 

Two lionesses that later came back with older lionesses; we’re on their own young. 

I do not want to compare, but their story is diferente to Gingerella. Gingerella was with her brothers and then on her own. Gingerella may had tried to go back. Young lionesses met the Ximunguwe lioness that was also on her own. Maybe experience on their own made them bond and more aggressive? 

I am thinking do lionesses know they are with male lions with other lionesses and cubs? Do they know they 
are competing for their attention? I say attention they want their help with cubs maybe even bonds I do not know how lions would feel I think they do have feelings and affection. 

Made me think did Ximunguwe lioness made more call to plain camp male lions when hunting or sharing? 
Mahangenie lioness had many cubs. Maybe plain camp attraction lead Ximunguwe lionesses to Magangenie and they stayed away. Also Gingerella was youngest lion would they prefer younger lioness and stronger lionesses? If they are hunting, and stronger would they attract more male lions? Maybe more lionesses attract male lions but don’t they choose a side when lionesses have confrontations and lionesses move? If Mahangenis and Ximmugiwe lionesses move the male lions would choose? 

Like Nukhuma lionesses they did not go back. 

I do not think they would leave Ximuguwe lionesses. They have cubs and wouldn’t Gingerella maybe having cubs again? 

I also had another question. Mahangeni lionesses have four female cubs and one male cub or three female cubs and one male cub? I think there is only one cub male lion? 

I would like to see Ximguwe lionesses raise cubs. If Ximugwue lionesses had two male lions it would be exciting to see a pair of Selatie grandsons grow, and plain camp son.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 02-27-2025, 07:29 PM by BA0701 )

(02-27-2025, 07:02 AM)FACR2212 Wrote: @BA0701 maybe time for Ximhungwes to have their own thread?

We are talking about them in "lions of sabi sands", in "othawa pride" and also in "mangheni pride"

I don't want to off topic.

I appreciate the suggestion, at issue is that we get so few updates on them, it would be very difficult to keep the thread active. Another issue, if you notice, the Sabi Sands thread is our most active thread, it was the first to hit over 1000 pages, and is still the only thread to have hit this milestone, so far. That thread was becoming difficult to follow, especially for new members, as the information it contained was quite vast. However, once we created the other "pride" threads, the traffic in the Sabi Sands thread has slowed down noticeably. We have no issue creating threads for coalitions and prides when they can remain active, but we wish to try and minimize dormant threads, when possible. We also do not want to create new threads at the detriment of other threads.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

cant get any more adorable !!

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Chile FACR2212 Offline

(02-26-2025, 07:11 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Othawas will definetly have easier time rising cubs now with weakening of Mhangeni pride, especially with PCMs abandoning them.

Biggest threat to Othawas future are Ximhungwes, especially when 2 Ximhungwe subs grow up a little more.

Ximhungwes already look to be strongest pride in Western sector/Singita since demise of 2 oldest Mhangeni females last year, and thats with only 2 adults.

With 4, they would be even stronger, especially if PCMs stay around, who prefer them the most.

So theres still a lot of hard work for young Othawa females to rebuild the pride.

For this area, dynamic was always that we had 2/3 stable/strong prides, and 1 struggling, we will se what future holds.

Moreover, Ximunghwe 2 Gingerella daughters are BIG, almost the size of their mother being only 1 and a half years old. They've been always well fed by the two adult females
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