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Matimba Coalition Male Lineage

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(12-02-2023, 12:02 AM)Mapokser Wrote: No word of what caused this, they didn't say if lions or buffalos, might have been buffalos, but I think most likely lions.

Wounds on his back, most likely lions.

Mbiris lately ventured/pushed into Tintswalos territory, also Guernsey/Avoca males where seen attacking their pride in Ngala, when that happened Shaka was already injured.

So he was prob caught by either Guernsey/Avoca or Tintswalos, for Shaka nothing new, but looks like this time is quite bad.

Canada Robot00 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 12-02-2023, 01:30 AM by Robot00 )

Damn sounds like he got too comfortable encroaching in to his natal pride without his brother. Just a wild guess on my part

Poland Potato Offline

No need to count him out before actually seeing any photos. Red Road for example was also described as dying lion after his fight with Tintsawalo and he turn out to be almost 100% ok. Other examples could be Dreadlocks after fighting Southern Avocas, White Face Giraffe after fighting Ross males and so on. So many lions were described in the past as dying and were turning out okey. Even Zig Zak Mbiri was said to be dying after he got this nasty injury on his lip so personally I will start to worry only once I see it is really bad, or after I just hear it is really bad.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

I'll be surprised if Avoca and Guernsey are the culprits since their coalition is so new, but for me at this point it doesn't matter, I just wish for him to fully recover.

Poland Potato Offline

(12-02-2023, 12:58 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I'll be surprised if Avoca and Guernsey are the culprits since their coalition is so new, but for me at this point it doesn't matter, I just wish for him to fully recover.

Shaka is supposed to be found injured on Ngala no? If so then either it was Guernsey/Avoca or his injurys are not so bad. If he would be atacked by Tintswalo males and still be able to travel to Ngala then it should be that bad. I guess there is also not mentioned yet option that some of the Myambula males actually vandered into the arena and it was them atacking Shaka. Considering their age and numbers it is almost certain they will be (or already are) expanding their territory (especially if they are anythink like their fathers) and they are not that far off of the Ngala. Actually on this most recent Tintswalo video guide mentioned they can be seen around Orpen gate.

Panama Mapokser Offline

My guess is that he was injured in Ngala or Kruger.

I don't think the injuries aren't as bad as they look but I hope so. I mean an ulcer on the stomach? It sounds like what Gore had and we know what happened with him, also possible internal bleeding...

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(12-02-2023, 01:19 AM)Potato Wrote: . I guess there is also not mentioned yet option that some of the Myambula males actually vandered into the arena and it was them atacking Shaka

Mayambula males where most recently seen near Satara, near Shishaangan males territory, thats far away.

Its prob some of near by coalitions, Tintswalos, Guernsey/Avoca, maybe Ross males.

Where is Scar? Was he seen after Manyeleti sighting?

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

He was seen near Orpen with females, some wounds on his back, but from this picture doesnt looks as bad:

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Philippines Redroadmale Offline

Why did his mane turned blonde?

Panama Mapokser Offline

Damn he looks amazing.

I'll even post the conversation here so people don't think I was spreading fake news.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

As for ZZ, I've not seen him since Manyeleti.
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Gavskrr Offline
Regular Member

This is not the first time a guide has reported this as something serious, something similar happened once with S8, you can also understand, this is a later sighting, they may have seen him shortly after the injuries were inflicted, this could give impression of having been something bigger. I hope Zigzag is out there distracted by some mating, the fact that he hasn't shown up with all these goings on is a little alarming. Hopefully everyone is safe.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 12-03-2023, 12:04 AM by Tr1x24 )

(12-02-2023, 10:37 PM)Mapokser Wrote: I'll even post the conversation here so people don't think I was spreading fake news.
(12-02-2023, 11:06 PM)Gavskrr Wrote: This is not the first time a guide has reported this as something serious, something similar happened once with S8, you can also understand, this is a later sighting, they may have seen him shortly after the injuries were inflicted, this could give impression of having been something bigger. I hope Zigzag is out there distracted by some mating, the fact that he hasn't shown up with all these goings on is a little alarming. Hopefully everyone is safe.

I dont think Ngala overexaggerate anything based of their comment, they said he has injures on his back (which he has) and something under his stomach (which we cant see on this picture), they even said that they believe he will survive.

Yea, a bit concerning that Scar was not seen since Manyeleti, when Shaka showed up with injuries.
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Spain Ponce Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-03-2023, 02:24 AM by Ponce )

(12-02-2023, 12:58 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Me sorprendería que Avoca y Guernsey sean los culpables, ya que su coalición es muy nueva, pero para mí en este momento no importa, sólo deseo que se recupere por completo.


Could you tell me something about Avoca and Gurnsey? Age? Origin? Family?
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Panama Mapokser Offline

This photo of Shaka was on H7 right? Brahim posted in the other thread "1 male, 4 lionesses and a few cubs in the road" H7, 1km E of Maroela camp turnoff. Orpen."

Coz a Mayambula male was seen on H7 4 days ago, so their territory isn't that far off from their father's.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-03-2023, 05:28 AM by Mapokser )

Both Mbiris back together in their territory, the legend White Dot was moving the cubs to safety!

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

How the ranger describes Shaka's injuries:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Since we saw the wounds on his back healed, let's hope the wound on his belly has healed already too. But now that most of the danger seems to have passed, I'm intrigued about who might have caught him. Ranger says that he thinks the Mbiris heard the fight, reason they moved back.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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