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Matimba Coalition Male Lineage

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(07-24-2023, 11:23 PM)Mapokser Wrote: Mandevu got a beating from RR recently, it'd be better for him to not try his luck against an arguably even fiercer opponent, especially because Mbiris won't truly try to take over.

I wouldnt say that Mandevu got a "beating" by RRM, only few superficial face scratches, and for the fight itself, it looked uglier for Mandevu then it was, as his defense was obiviously good.

Mandevu needs to do this, to show Mbiris to stay away, otherwise they will push even further, without resistence. 

Mandevu is doing good job, despite having pretty much little to no help from his brothers.
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Gavskrr Offline
Regular Member

"Look @ this lion he is tired’ Mandevu was after him"
Pictures: Vestment Mfumo Machavi on facebook
Mbiris never stop this is impressive they are always pushing somewhere even though they are dominant with recent pups. Mandevu does a great job even without help.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Tylermartin! Offline
Regular Member

How many daughters did the matimbas have outside of Sabi Sands?

Panama Mapokser Offline

@Tr1x24 Mandevu was borderline powerless, he was in a horrible position at RR's mercy and was lucky RR didn't got a better grip.

But I'm of the opposite opinion, buying his time without forcing a confrontation with a coalition not truly interested in a take over is in his best interest.

Mandevu is slowing rebuilding his bond with Ncile, they've been seen together in recent sightings, even in the post-fight with RR. Once Ncile is back at 100% strength, confidence and fully back as a coalition partner, they'll be a strong duo, then there's Lambile who may or may not improve his condition, but even if he only recovers enough to help roaring and patrolling ( if not fighting ), it's already a massive help at keeping enemies out and boosting his brothers confidence, knowing/thinking they have a third partner backing them.

Point is that Tintswalo have a good chance to grow in strength from now on, while Mbiris will probably leave their prime soon turning 10 at the end of the year ( and are only 2 ), I doubt they'll deteriorate quickly but then they'll turn 11, eventually 12, while Tintswalos will remain in prime.

A confrontation now is not good for them, Mandevu will likely be in a much better position in the future, so why not play it smart? I'd agree he had to put a strong front if Mbiris were truly interested in a take over, which is not the case.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Gavskrr Shaka fought so much throughout his life, his face look like that of a 14yo lion.

Body wise though, he might not be as bulky as his brother, nor does he come close of having the same mane, but it's easy to notice how tall and long he is, an amazing specimen.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(07-25-2023, 01:40 AM)Tylermartin! Wrote: How many daughters did the matimbas have outside of Sabi Sands?

I know They have two daughters in the Mbiri Pride. I thought I read somewhere they also have offspring in the Imbali Pride but I know very little of that area.
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T I N O Offline

(07-25-2023, 12:35 AM)Gavskrr Wrote: "Look @ this lion he is tired’ Mandevu was after him"
Pictures: Vestment Mfumo Machavi on facebook
Mbiris never stop this is impressive they are always pushing somewhere even though they are dominant with recent pups. Mandevu does a great job even without help.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Mandevu and Ncile chased him off
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

5/6 Mayambula males.

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Panama Mapokser Offline

Damn, amazing footage of 5 Mayambula males! Since we often only see 2 or 3 together I was afraid some of them were killed, and thought they may have split, so to see 5 of them makes me very happy.

Hopefully they won't give trouble to their fathers as their territory seems to not be far off from theirs.
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Canada Robot00 Offline
Regular Member

(07-25-2023, 07:02 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Damn, amazing footage of 5 Mayambula males! Since we often only see 2 or 3 together I was afraid some of them were killed, and thought they may have split, so to see 5 of them makes me very happy.

Hopefully they won't give trouble to their fathers as their territory seems to not be far off from theirs.
I thought they were quite far away from Birmingham pride. How far away are they really?

Tylermartin! Offline
Regular Member

(07-25-2023, 04:46 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: 5/6 Mayambula males.

Is the 6th male alive?
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

(07-25-2023, 07:45 AM)Tylermartin! Wrote:
(07-25-2023, 04:46 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: 5/6 Mayambula males.

Is the 6th male alive?

Haven't seen anything to suggest that he isn't. He could've been nearby and just wasn't sighted in this sighting or he could have been off doing his own thing at the time.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 07-25-2023, 12:25 PM by BigLion39 )

(07-25-2023, 03:01 AM)Timbavati Wrote: Mandevu and Ncile chased him off

Awesome! Great to see Ncile having the confidence and bond with Mandevu to help secure their territory! Great stuff! Hes back!

Mandevu has been very busy lately tending to his duties as a male lion! Wow!
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Robot00 I have seen a map putting them as neighbors, though the territories are probably big enough so they don't run into each other.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Skorros stil in Klaserie:

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