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N'waswitshaka males

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Ndhzengas from 7 min :

Wide Nose limp on right back leg is improving.
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Abstract of the 14 min. video is that all 4 brothers are together now and there is much improvement in Uboso health. These boys are very confident and hence roaring to show their presence to rivals and intruders.
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RookiePundit Offline
Regular Member

(05-15-2022, 02:23 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-15-2022, 02:07 PM)DARK MANE Wrote: Actually, I gotta know few months ago that Uboso is the oldest ( 2014 December) and not from the nwaswitshaka pride, Amahle is the middle one ( 2015 mid) and Eorenji & Gore are from same litter ( 2015 December)

From where did you get those dates?

As we see from this photos of Gore and Amahle as cubs, they are pretty much born at the same time, definitely not few months / half a year apart.

Also photos of them as subs from 2017 and 2018 also proves that. Amahle was just more developed one. 

OE and Amahle are prob littermates, as they are pretty much twins.

OE and Gore cant be littermates, as they where sired by different fathers.

Just nitpicking, littermates for sure can have different fathers*, as for litters mater semper certa est pater incertus, but we don't which cub is from which litter so we just guesstimate Amahle and Gore have different parents.

*I even remember a documentary about feral cats of Rome, where two males actually mated the same female in the very same time, not that that is the only way how that can happen

Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

It said in the video that this was from a few weeks ago, so due to the lack of wounds on Wide Nose it was before the attack.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(05-15-2022, 09:01 PM)NLAL11 Wrote: It said in the video that this was from a few weeks ago, so due to the lack of wounds on Wide Nose it was before the attack.

No, it is definitely after, he didn’t limp like that before, also you can see scars on his face. 

Attack happened 1.5 months ago, 6,7 weeks ago.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

In the video, you can clearly see at 8:13 that he is missing the scar he now has above his right eye. It was before the attack. If this was a few weeks ago, but after the attack, his condition would be a lot worse.
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(05-16-2022, 03:08 AM)NLAL11 Wrote: In the video, you can clearly see at 8:13 that he is missing the scar he now has above his right eye. It was before the attack. If this was a few weeks ago, but after the attack, his condition would be a lot worse.

I think it's after the attack. 
Uboso never limped like this before the attack. 
Not sure about scars near the eyes, but it has some new scars that can be seen in the video

Hairy tummy Offline
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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Tonpa Offline


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WildRev Offline
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'The Ndzhenga Males have made south-eastern Londolozi their territory over the last few months.⁠
The four males that make up the coalition are fairly easy to tell apart. Pictured here are the two strongest; one a lot larger than the other and with a darker main (left). The one in the background has an injury where he was gauged by a buffalo during a hunt; a small portion of the intestine is hanging out his side. The fourth male (not pictured) is also sporting an injury after a run-in with two nomadic young males. He is distinguished by having a club front foot.'

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United States afortich Offline

(05-22-2022, 03:01 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Wide-nose

Wide-Nose still limping, waoo he was more beat up than I thought at the time of the fight.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(05-22-2022, 10:27 PM)afortich Wrote: Wide-Nose still limping, waoo he was more beat up than I thought at the time of the fight

They got him good on that leg, he was lucky they didnt broke it completley, i think he has similar injury to Birmingham young male when he got mauled by Ross males on that leg, will take very long time to recover, he maybe even never fully recover. 

But despite that, now on few recent sightings he looks in really good condition overall.
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(05-22-2022, 10:27 PM)afortich Wrote:
(05-22-2022, 03:01 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Wide-nose

Wide-Nose still limping, waoo he was more beat up than I thought at the time of the fight.
He single handedly dealt with 3 intruders. And 1/3 intruders never showed up again ( probably left for knp Or smthing else).
 It's nothing less than miracle if he ( wildnose) make through and join his 3 brothers/ partners again. 
Not my lions survive 1 vs 3 battle. 
I mean last time 1 vs 3 battle I recall is baba yao ( largest bila shaka male and leader) vs 3 sala boys. And baba yao was mauled mercilessly. ( video is available on YT).
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

Yeah, this incursion could have very easily ended in a disaster for the Nwas. Especially considering those newcomers had plenty of opportunity to take out gore as well.
Its a good reminder that having superior numbers does not make you invincible.
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