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N'waswitshaka males

South Africa Slayerd Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 09-28-2020, 04:33 AM by Slayerd )

(09-28-2020, 03:37 AM)Potato Wrote: "I've spoken about this before but that wasn't a mistake, it was an experienced strategy that included risk."

As I said fulish move I which Birminghams had everythink to lose (as a coalition of two now losing a member would be downfall for coalition) and very little to gain. Chassing enemy gives very little as he can just regroup and return later as it was the case for example when Nharhus challanged Mbiris for controll over River pride.

"Think about it, the Bboys came and chased the four together, they saw that the four N'waswitshaka were weak minded and were clearly running in fear. "

I do not get how can you see it that way lol. Just think of it. Are examples I provided in previous comment any different than what it was in N'was vs Birminghams beside outcome? I wouldn't say so and it easly could have end up in mauling lone Birmingham male.

" Eveyone always thinks about the Majingilane vs Kinky Tail bur the Majingilane were just as lucky as they were smart because all four were together and Kinky Tail was alone."

Because those two situation are very similar. Only out come is different. Just point me one single think why that situation is different than N'was vs Birminghams. Why Kinky Tail charging alone 4 Majingis isn't smart, but single Birmingham chassing 3 N'was is. 

". Let's look at the Matimbas vs the Four ways. Hairybelly also chased two lions away whilst Ginger got a hold of Blondie. Hairy Belly then joined Ginger and they mauled him."

There only two Fourways were present. HB chassed one Fourway not two.

"If Nhenha got a hold of one of the N'was, he'd have no chance."

Inflicting serious injurys in 1vs1 fight is very difficult while in 3vs1 is way easier. When if Nhenha would have cough one N'was in 1vs1 it is very very inlikely he would do serious harm to N'was while if 3 N'was would turn around and face Tinyo it is a much different kind of demage they would provide. 

"A calculated risky but effective strategy."

Not at all. Nearly all take over which came up to physical fight is caming down to that the coalition which manage to isolate single male from enemy coalition is winning and in many of them isolated lion doesn't live to see another day. Same think as Birmingham against N'was did Shaka against Majings, Blondie Nkuhuma against 5 Mapogos, HB against 3 Avocas, Giraffe male vs Ross males, Old Avoca vs Thanda Impis among others. Problem is that such try of out intimidate opponent often does not work. Moreover  even if it does it provide little gain and if doesn't it provide serious loses.
As I've said and I'll say it again. The Birminghams saw how frightened the N'waswitshaka were and were running for their lives. If you and 3 of your friends were being chased by 2 Gangsters and you split up. You and your friends are not going to think about turning around and kicking ass. Your only option is to run and get as far away from that Gangster as you possibly can because he can beat the sh*t out of you. The Bboys are 5 year experienced Males. They know what they're doing. Second point. Bro, stop you're coming off as really dumb now. The 4 Males were running scared, they weren't even thinking of facing the Bboys. Think a little, you're forgetting fear. From your behind the camera view, the N'waswitshaka have more numbers but from their view, two big ass Males are trying to kill them. They're not playing a game. Come on man. Second, the Majingilane is completely different. Number 1 the Majingilane were roaring confidently in Mapogo territory. Number 2 they were all still together vs 1 Kinky Tail so their confidence was still there, they were not separated. Number 3, Mr T arrived already after the full damage was done, Nhenha wasn't very far from Tinyo. Number 3, the Majingilane surrounded Kinky Tail. These 3 were running scared. Number 4, this wasnt the first time the Majingilane saw the Mapogos, they saw them before. How is 1v1 not going to do damage? Nhenha is bigger and he is an experienced fighter. Nhenha literally beat the sh*t out of his brother, he is not going to suddenly become a weak lion just because you see it that way. It's a misconception that one male can't do damage to another. Mak basically killed limper 1v1 at the age of 14 years old. I'll bring it up again, go watch the Ginger vs Blondie Fourways. Thats what a lion can do 1v1. It was basically Ginger who killed Blondie. HB came later and just bit him once. Nhenha can seriously damage a lion. A lion in a 1v1 can lose an eye, broken jaw, bitten threw a paw, a Male Lion in a zoo killed a lioness by hitting a with his paw, bite threw the spine, a single male can maul you alone if he has enough strength and Nhenha is big, he can pull your leg out of its socket if he got a hold or break a back. A lion can bleed out or die from infection. Whereas on the other side, the N'waswitshaka were young, inexperienced and scared. They were not going to turn around and there have been cases of Lions 3v1 or 2v1 and being unable to do Jack sh*t to a dominant male just because of his physicality. 
There is fight in the Mara where two Males attack a single dominant male. The dominant male grabs hold of one and is beating him up. The other brother is biting the Males back but the big male is just continuing to beat up his brother. Eventually they just ran away realising they weren't big enough. Like I said, not every scenario is Kinky Tail vs the Majingilane. Get that out of your head. Also get out of your head that numbers always win. I told you the Birminghams did the exact same thing the Matimbas did. It was a strategy, they weren't trying to just intimidate, they weren't just roaring and chasing. They were trying to catch the N'was and kill them. They only roared after they chased them. The Bboys did exactly what you just said, they separated the coalition and were trying to put distance between the single male and his brothers and maul him.
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Poland Potato Offline

"As I've said and I'll say it again. The Birminghams saw how frightened the N'waswitshaka were and were running for their lives. If you and 3 of your friends were being chased by 2 Gangsters and you split up. You and your friends are not going to think about turning around and kicking ass. Your only option is to run and get as far away from that Gangster as you possibly can because he can beat the sh*t out of you. The Bboys are 5 year experienced Males. They know what they're doing."

Dude, same as 3 peaple easly could beat up one, same single lion as no chances against 3. 

"Second point. Bro, stop you're coming off as really dumb now."

From my point of view you are

"Number 1 the Majingilane were roaring confidently in Mapogo territory."

N'was were roaring in arena in which encounter with .Birminghams took place and moreover they were also roaring after confrontation.

"Number 2 they were all still together vs 1 Kinky Tail so their confidence was still there, they were not separated."

Majingis were separated into two groups of two. N'was were in group of 3 so even in greater number.

"Number 3, Mr T arrived already after the full damage was done, Nhenha wasn't very far from Tinyo."

3 males would maul single male in no time.

"Number 3, the Majingilane surrounded Kinky Tail."

That is always the case if single lion confront two or more opponents in same time.

"These 3 were running scared"

So were Majingis as Mlovatis intially pushed Majingis out towards Kruger border and KT continued chase by himself  so again it isn't any different from N'was vs Birminghams.

"Number 4, this wasnt the first time the Majingilane saw the Mapogos, they saw them before"

Like it matters xD Once N'was see they were chassed by single male they could have turn around and maul him.

"How is 1v1 not going to do damage?"

I said it won't do serious damage (life threatning) and that it won't do damage at all.

"Nhenha is bigger and he is an experienced fighter. Nhenha literally beat the sh*t out of his brother, he is not going to suddenly become a weak lion just because you see it that way. It's a misconception that one male can't do damage to another."

That how 1vs1 fight would go is just your speculation, yet you state it like it is  a fact that Nhenha would turn apart single N'was. It is kind of funny.

"Mak basically killed limper 1v1 at the age of 14 years old."


" I'll bring it up again, go watch the Ginger vs Blondie Fourways. Thats what a lion can do 1v1. It was basically Ginger who killed Blondie. HB came later and just bit him once."

Damage to lower parts of body made by HB were those which caused Fourway male demise. In most lion confrontations it is damage to the spine and back legs which lead to lion demise. Also you say tha HB "just bit him once" like Ginger would bit him multiple times lol

"Nhenha can seriously damage a lion. A lion in a 1v1 can lose an eye, broken jaw, bitten threw a paw"

1. It works towards both sides. You talk like it is absolutely sure that Nhenha would have great upperhand in that confrontation which is only speculation. 
2. Great most of such 1vs1 confrontations came up just to intimidation (like it was when Fredy confronted Solo and Cleo) without physical contact and that is how most likely such 1vs1 would look like.

"There is fight in the Mara where two Males attack a single dominant male. The dominant male grabs hold of one and is beating him up. The other brother is biting the Males back but the big male is just continuing to beat up his brother. Eventually they just ran away realising they weren't big enough."

I do not know lions of Mara and so I do not know if it is true or made up by you story, but even if it is true then still it is single example of lion on his own holding on against multiple oponents while there are plenty of case when single male got ugly mauling by several males.

"Like I said, not every scenario is Kinky Tail vs the Majingilane. Get that out of your head. Also get out of your head that numbers always win."

About every scenario in which one coalition find member of other coalition separated ends of ugly for separated lion.

" I told you the Birminghams did the exact same thing the Matimbas did"

Yes, HB did exact same strategy against Northern Avocas.

"The Bboys did exactly what you just said, they separated the coalition and were trying to put distance between the single male and his brothers and maul him."

No. If it would have been as you just claim it to be them both Birminghams would chase after lone N'was male. They didn't. They put themselfs in vulnerable position by spliting up.
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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

The Mara fight that Slayerd mention was between Addo boys and Kwandwe

Addo boys have the numbers and confidence, Kwandwe has the experience and size

The confrontation between them contiinues.....If Kwadwe finds his brother Monomoholo the young guys will loose...
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Venezuela titose Offline
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(09-28-2020, 07:01 PM)Mohawk4 Wrote: La pelea de Mara que Slayerd menciona fue entre los  chicos Addo y

Kwandwe [insta] [/ insta] Los

chicos Addo tienen los números y la confianza, Kwandwe tiene la experiencia y el tamaño

La confrontación entre ellos continúan ..... Si Kwadwe encuentra a su hermano Monomoholo, los jóvenes perderán ...

The Addo boys are 3 years old and it was noticed in that fight that they didn't know what to do yet, Kwandwe was always at a disadvantage and only one of the two Addo's had serious intentions of having a confrontation!
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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

Kwandwe had tthe confidence to expose his back....The young Addo male didnt know what to do.....They need more weight...
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 09-28-2020, 09:52 PM by Tr1x24 )

(09-28-2020, 07:01 PM)Mohawk4 Wrote: The Mara fight that Slayerd mention was between Addo boys and Kwandwe

Addo boys have the numbers and confidence, Kwandwe has the experience and size

The confrontation between them contiinues.....If Kwadwe finds his brother Monomoholo the young guys will loose...

Yea, @Slayerd there was already discussion with @Potato here about that topic of 2 Bboys vs 4 young N'ws..

Potato has clearly different "understanding" of lion clashes in this kind of situations..

As far as I understand he thinks that power wise adult/prime male = young male, that confidence, experience and fighting abilitiy is the same in prime males and young males... Which is definitely not the case..

Like we see in this videos, this youngsters are tickling that adult male.. 

Rangers said that Bboys where much bigger then N'ws at that time (since then N'ws bulk up alot, and today they are much stronger and bigger and could prob beat 2 Bboys) so if Nhenha catched that 1 male he would hold him without a problem, and prob cause some serious injuries to him and if Tinyo joined then that would be game over.

Also he always says that 3 N'ws can just turn and maul Tinyo, just as Majingilanes did to KT.. Which is also not comparable.. 

Majingilanes where in process of takeover Mluwatis territory, they where in that area for months, they where already in war with Mlowatis.. 

Bboys vs N'ws was just a establishing boundary between 2 coalitions, not a takeover attempt.. 

N'ws where just exploring territory north to see how far they can get without getting warned by other coalition , they where first time in MalaMala, and first time encountered Bboys, they have no idea how much males can be there, they would never turn and fight because they dont know situation. Question yourself, why would N'ws turn and fight to them unknown males? they have 0 info about them, they dont know if they control any pride etc..they have 0 value for turning back and fight, only risking injuries and possibly death, for nothing...

Next time if N'ws came to their territory, then we know that they came with purpose, to fight and take their territory, thats a different situation, and in that kind of situation i agree, its risky to chase them like that.. But this wasnt that kind of situation.. 

Theres almost 0 examples of clashes if some coalitions meet for the first time, that always ended up with the chases back and forth for weeks or even months before some serious clash, unless young males get caught (Bboys get first chased by Matimbas, Avocas get chased by Bboys, Mluwatis chased Majingilanes, Mapogos chased Selatis etc etc) None of these newcomers fight with dominant males on the first sight and they all run away at first..

In "theory" his claims are right, 4>2, 3>1, easy win, right? But we are talking about young males vs prime males, not prime vs prime males where numbers matter much more, young males would run and scattered in 90% of this encounters, and then gets killed when isolated.. Just look at many cases where young males with bigger numbers in coalitions gets killed.. 

In this situation 99.9% of the time young males will never turn and fight dominant/prime males, unless they get caught and are forced to fight.
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T I N O Offline

Portrait of a N’waswitshaka male.
Image taken a month back. Recently only three of the four males from the coalition have been seen.
Photo credit: Quintin Rutherford

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 09-28-2020, 09:18 PM by Tr1x24 )

(09-28-2020, 08:28 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Image taken a month back. Recently only three of the four males from the coalition have been seen.

Yea, only 3 seen recently, but things are still pretty unclear about this whole situation.. 

From all of this i think even people from Lions Sands are not sure what happened over night other than that there was some fight in the night.. 

They said that 1 N'ws was injured, but how they know because apperantly nobody saw him since that? Or where there even all 4 N'ws involved.. 

All people who i asked they are quite unsure what happened and all giving different info.. 

Latest info i got is that Dreadlocks and Talamati where seen few days ago in Kruger, and that Nkuhuma young male has some bite marks on his back (Styx pride is Lion Sands these days). 

I think at this point we need to wait if the missing N'ws will show up or not.. If he dont show up in a few days, i fear he might be dead..
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T I N O Offline

(09-28-2020, 09:16 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(09-28-2020, 08:28 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Image taken a month back. Recently only three of the four males from the coalition have been seen.

Yea, only 3 seen recently, but things are still pretty unclear about this whole situation.. 

From all of this i think even people from Lions Sands are not sure what happened over night other than that there was some fight in the night.. 

They said that 1 N'ws was injured, but how they know because apperantly nobody saw him since that? Or where there even all 4 N'ws involved.. 

All people who i asked they are quite unsure what happened and all giving different info.. 

Latest info i got is that Dreadlocks and Talamati where seen few days ago in Kruger, and that Nkuhuma young male has some bite marks on his back.. 

I think at this point we need to wait if the missing N'ws will show up or not.. If he dont show up in a few days, i fear he might be dead..

Yeah is much better waiting for a truly statement of them.

after all the assumption doesn't come to nowhere,However,I've read that a guy has confirmed that 1 N'waswitshaka has died,which is really very funny at the moment because even't the guides are sure of it
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(09-28-2020, 09:19 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Yeah is much better waiting for a truly statement of them.

after all the assumption doesn't come to nowhere,However,I've read that a guy has confirmed that 1 N'waswitshaka has died,which is really very funny at the moment because even't the guides are sure of it

Which guy said that?
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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-29-2020, 12:50 AM by T I N O )

(09-28-2020, 09:22 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(09-28-2020, 09:19 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Yeah is much better waiting for a truly statement of them.

after all the assumption doesn't come to nowhere,However,I've read that a guy has confirmed that 1 N'waswitshaka has died,which is really very funny at the moment because even't the guides are sure of it

Which guy said that?

The mr called (Nathan Aiden).
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

New info about Nwaswitshaka males, Credits for info Ruvan Grobler:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Thats good news, thanks
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Georgia Dreadlocks Offline

I think this is new photos from lions sands guest instagram story. 3 Nwaswitshaka male.
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T I N O Offline

(09-29-2020, 06:02 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: New info about Nwaswitshaka males, Credits for info Ruvan Grobler:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Very good news.
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