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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Carnivorous dinosaurs other than the famous t-rex and spinosaurus..

Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

(09-24-2019, 07:48 PM)GuateGojira Wrote:
(09-24-2019, 03:32 PM)Spalea Wrote: About #64: To confirm that Megalosaurus was one of the most ancient known dinosaur, here is an old depiction from 1859 of the link below:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

WOOOOW! One of the first representation of dinosaurs ever made. Incredible how much our knowledge has changed since the first days.
During the XIXth century, informatic didn't exist, thus no one data connection between two different discoveries, except if the discoverer was the same guy. Then, the modern science was only beginning to develop itself. No scientific methods, but a lot of prejudices/bias. For example, all the big animals were inevitably poorly made, badly developed. Thus the dinosaurs were depicted as being fat, stupid, and first at all as having a big tail dragged on the ground.

No wonder that the depictions were completely whimsical, fanciful... It lasted like so this till the 1960s, IMO the first scientific to have perceveied that the dinosaurs couldn't be fat and tricky, but in opposite, swift, warm-blooded and very activ, was Robert.T Bakker. Bakker was the first one to seriously describe the dinosaurs as adaptable, swift, warm-blooded beasts thus highly performing herbivor and predator animals...

For example, I remember during my childhood reading that the sauropod dinosaurs were so fat that they could live only into the water, otherwise their bones will be smashed under their weight.
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RE: Carnivorous dinosaurs other than the famous t-rex and spinosaurus.. - Spalea - 09-25-2019, 01:13 AM

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