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Poll: Do you support lion translocation from Gir to Kuno Palpur?
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Asiatic Lion Reintroduction Project

Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 02-13-2019, 06:31 PM by Sanju )

Kuno will support all the 4 cats i.e.., Cheetah, Lion, Leopard and Tiger "But" in very small populations even at carrying capacity not large populations due to much predator diversity in only limited 1200 km2 area and prey density.
Most probably at max carrying capacity Kuno "may" hold approx, about 50-60 lions, 50 cheetahs, 30 tigers and about 70 leopards after many decades after both lion and cheetah reintroduction...

Observe that, due to limited space and prey, population numbers are low due to maximizing threshold or carrying capacity of the Kuno environment, interspecific competition and predation b/w predators (Lion-Tiger, Tiger_Leopard, Tiger-Leopard etc..,) like @Pantherinae had said but there will be still a surviving population but less in number, and won't get competitive exclusion.

But, If Kuno is given "only" to lions, it can hold about 250-300 lions in 1200 km2 but due to leopards, tigers, their population will be low along with others also low but there will be still a "separate distinct population" whether small or large. It's the main goal here to save Indian lions in Kuno Project...

But Gujarat govt saying lions will be killed once by an army of tigers in kuno the next second they are reintroduced??? They have lots of other avigations to talk whatever they want but we have to think.

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RE: Asiatic Lion Reintroduction Project - Sanju - 02-13-2019, 06:16 PM

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