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Zoos, Circuses, Safaris: A Gallery of Captivity

Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

(07-06-2017, 05:37 AM)peter Wrote: 242

Nice pictures and many thanks.

I'm interested in 'Tiger Oasis'. You told me the director doesn't trust anyone, but my advice is to try again. Tell him there's no agenda, show him the forum and inform him about our goals. 

I talked to many people involved in big cats in some way (trainers, directors of facilities, hunters, keepers, researchers, managers and writers). The well-trained topped the table for distrust, but some big cat trainers almost compared. I understand, as things have not been going their way. When I went over for a talk, I always took info interesting for cat people. Most, however, never read anything. They judge people in a different way. When they agree, ask them if they would appreciate an interview. It's the best way to get to info and for them it's the best way to talk about what they do. Tell them you will show them the results. 

If you don't succeed, contact someone with a reputation in that department. I know it's not easy. Not a few trainers were sent away when they first applied for a job. They tried again and again, because they liked animals. Motivation counts.
I can contact them again, but from various sources it seems, that their agenda is somewhat dark... :-/ AS FAR AS I KNOW they are not involved in international tiger breeding programm, they dont cooperate with public zoos, they tried to produce liger, at least some of their tigers are declawed, one zoo breeder told me that they have high mortality of tigers...and look at those enclosures...:-/ I have never been there but I have spoken to some people who were...generally their impression is negative. People from ZOOs hate them.

Anyway: what would you like to know?
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