There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
(02-11-2017, 12:14 PM)Sideliner Wrote: I was writing this as the response of a comment, but I'll save the humilliation to the one that wrote it, and say it here in general. If I see another comment along the same line of "Stupid" or "Idiots", from anyone, referring to Dark mane, Golden mane and Scar nose, you're going to be out of here, so you can insult them somewhere else where I can't take action. Use your head for once, and understand that they are not human, they are not going to "save their brother", get him an aid kit, take him to the vet, or something. It's amazing I have to actually write this, but they are just animals. They don't reason, they just act on instincts, and right now their instincts tell them to first and foremost:
-Secure their territory. This is paramount, because without a secure perimeter where Hip scar can recover, there's no point of even bothering.
Now, with a safe land protected by them, which is actually their job as dominant males, then every pride they control or, in this case, their weaker brother, can move with confidence all over the land, get the food and rest he needs in order to recover.
What they are NOT is nannies.
They have no obligation whatsoever to treat their brother like a princess and pet him while the dominant males around them see this and understand it as a weakness.
This is the only warning I'm going to give. If you love lions, then love them as they really are, like warriors and kings, not as some diluted puppy version that you prefer.
The weak die, the strong live. That's how it is. Get over it.
Credit to Majingelane Facebook page
While I do agree with the Majingilane Male Lions group on Facebook that "the weak die and the strong live", I don't agree at all with the stupid assumption that "lions (or most other animals) only relies and acts on instincts".
There are plenty of reasoning skills a lion must possess in order to simply decide not to help his brother out and secure a territory instead, not to mention the sheer amount of reasoning intellect, environmental know-how, and physical intelligence (ass-kicking skills and how to use them) needed simply to control the territory.
Wild animals are much smarter than we give them credit for, even moreso than us in many cases.