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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Bears of the Himalayan Mountains

India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

Tracking Gobi Grizzlies.
Knowing that the drug had rendered the bear unable to react but by no means unconscious, everyone made an effort to avoid making loud noises. Nevertheless, the crew's adrenaline level generated a steady rush of whispered conversations that proved impossible to damp down. Amgaa and Nyamaa got busy with a measuring tape and calipers, and Boyoko began jotting down the animal's overall length and girth, muzzle size, neck circumference, and so forth on a data sheet. I was intrigued by the animal's ears. Like those of the other Gobi bears I'd seen, they struck me as larger and longer than those of typical grizzlies. Tufts of hair sticking straight up from the top made them appear longer still, as if a dab of desert jackrabbit had somehow made its way into the gene pool.
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RE: Bears of the Himalayan Mountains - brotherbear - 01-22-2017, 01:09 PM

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