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Poll: Which Continent has the top Predators??
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Which Continent has the TOP Carni/Omnivorous among Asia,Africa and America?

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-22-2017, 12:34 AM by Apollo )

(01-21-2017, 11:45 PM)Pckts Wrote: I agree that they could live there but like monitors I do think they would be prey for crocs, lions, hyena and leopard would prey on youngsters most likely. I was just say saying that they wouldn't be apex like they are at home.

Yeah I agree they wont be apex predators for sure.
Monitor lizards generally two types (terrestrial and semi aquatic).
Dragons are terrestrial, so interaction with crocs could be rare.
Dragons are extremely more muscular and heavier than other lizards for its size. What I mean is monitor lizards species in Africa can get upto 2m and Komodos get upto 3m. Eventhough there is around 1m difference, the dragons will weigh atleast 5 times more.
The monitor lizards preyed by lions, hyenas etc are they venomous ? Sorry I dont no about the venom part, If you have more info kindly share.
Young dragons are known to be more arboreal, so they may come in contact with leopards. But I dont no whether young dragons have venom glands powerful enough to discourage an attack from a leopard.
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RE: Which Continent has the TOP Carni/Omnivorous among Asia,Africa and America? - Apollo - 01-22-2017, 12:31 AM

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