There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
5 Adult male lions - West Street Males: The dominant male lions of the northern and central western areas of Mala Mala. There were no sightings of all 5 together, but indications are that all are still around. The largest number of them seen together this month was a gathering of three. Behaviour of the West Street Males this month has reinforced the thought that they are on their way out. Response to the roaring of younger lions in areas they once patrolled has still not drawn much reaction from the West Street Males. Also, the West Street Males do not appear to have continued with their attempts to expand their territory towards the south of the reserve, this being seen to happen several months ago. There were relatively few sightings of the lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride during January, but most of these included at least some of the West Street Males in attendance. Protection from new male lions is definitely something needed at this time by the lionesses of this pride now that at least one of them has given birth and others appear pregnant. However, if the West Street Males are no longer as confident as they were some months ago, things do not bode well for these lionesses. Perhaps the West Street Males will continue to ignore what is happening on the outer limits of their area and concentrate on the Eyrefield Pride (as they have for most of their reign) and put aside any of their once strong expansionist behaviour.
February, March and April 2000
5 Adult male lions - West Street Males: These male lions are those which are dominant in the central and western areas of Mala Mala. Over the preceding few months they have been seen mostly in small groups, with the biggest gathering being one when three of them came together. Lion behaviour during the floods and heavy rains appears to be such that the various prides or coalitions have split into smaller units and are moving about as such. Towards the beginning of April, two of the West Street Males were found stalking a portion of the large herd of buffalo. In this instance they were not seen to meet with any success, but a few days later, they were found having killed two buffalo from this same herd. A third member of the coalition joined them in this feast which lasted several days. The West Street Males are starting to look old and although they still roar and display signs of confidence, they are not moving out to meet newer challengers already testing their outer territorial boundaries. The only lionesses which they have been seen with are members of the Eyrefield Pride.
May 2000
Five adult males - West Street Males - these male lions which dominate the central and western parts of Mala Mala seemed to spend much of their time with lionesses from the Eyrefield Pride, a pattern which has not changed much since they became dominant two or so years ago. It is quite usual for male lions to show greater interest in the lionesses of prides controlled by them when those families have very young cubs and this month at least five cubs were 'introduced' to the outside world by their mothers from this pride. There were no sightings of all five males together, with the biggest single gathering being four. On this last occasion when the four were seen by themselves, one was found the following morning feeding on the remains of a freshly killed baby giraffe and sharing it reluctantly with one of the Eyrefield Pride lionesses and her young cub. There was no sign of the other three males and the lion on the kill in a typically mercenary fashion, made no effort to call them. It is not known if this male lion killed the giraffe by himself or, upon parting from the other three, chanced upon the lioness and either with her took the giraffe down, or simply helped himself to her kill. Whilst this was happening, the fifth member of this coalition was some kilometres away with five other members of the Eyrefield Pride (three adult females and two sub-adults), hunting, apparently unsuccessfully, on the opposite bank of the Sand River.
June 2000
Five adult males - West Street Males: These male lions seem to have settled down to their lot and appear quite content with sticking with the lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride and not being too ambitious with any territorial initiatives. There were no sightings this month of all five lions together, but on one day there were three sightings which accounted for all five. On this day two of the lions were with members of the Eyrefield Pride, one was alone and the other two were also on their own. The night before three of the West Street Males and two of the Eyrefield Pride lionesses (as well as the two surviving cubs) were found with a freshly killed impala. As could be expected, the 'lions share' went to the West Street Males and here specifically one of them dominated. It is thought that this is the one which the following day was found by himself, the others having left him to what he had claimed of the kill. The other two males found that day were very fat, their footprints emerging from a marshy area, the trees surrounding it being full of vultures. Remains of a kill suggested that a young buffalo had been eaten. In keeping with what is known of male lions in this area, they probably kill a great deal more of their own food than is commonly believed. There was one sighting of one of the West Street Males with a single lioness, this close to the Sand River on the Charleston-Flockfield boundary. The lioness may have been a member of the Eyrefield Pride.
July 2000
Five adult males - West Street Males: These males were again seen on a regular basis, patrolling the western sectors of the central and northern parts of Mala Mala. As to be expected from past performances, the West Street Males spent a fair amount of time with females of the Eyrefield Pride. However, there were no sightings this month of all five males together and several of them on their own. At one of the latter encounters, two of the males were found on the remains of a sub adult female buffalo, a kill almost certainly made by them and which took several days to consume. As is the norm with lions, no effort was made to call in other members of the coalition or females of the Eyrefield Pride and the carcass was theirs alone.
August 2000
Five adult males - West Street Males: There were no sightings of all five of these males together, the single biggest gathering being one when four of them temporarily joined up. As has become the norm with the West Street Males, there were few sightings of the Eyrefield lionesses which did not have at least one of these males in tow. Given the fact that it appears that the Eyrefield Pride have lost their current litter of cubs (these fathered by the West Street Males) and that the two younger males which have so far forced the West Street Males from their northern reaches are looking to move further south, it is looking increasingly evident that the West Street Males will disappear without leaving many descendants.
September 2000
Five adult males - West Street Males: The West Street Males are still around, but not particularly dominant. This month they were often seen with the females of the Eyrefield Pride and certainly would have assisted when they and the lionesses killed at least half-a-dozen buffalo within 24 hours. One of the West Street Males tried his luck this month in mating with a female from the Styx Pride, but the growls of aggression from the lionesses brought the two Mlowathi Males running in and they administered a severe beating. Whilst this was going on, other West Street Males were not particularly far away and must have heard the commotion, but aside from a few ineffectual roars, made no effort to head north to assist their companion. Their days are certainly numbered and it would be of great benefit for the lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride if replacement males arrive soon and see them off. Matings between the West Street males and the lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride are continuing, but, unless the West Street Males somehow manage to cling on to power for another few years, any cubs would be doomed as other males move in and kill them. If the Mlowathi Males succeed the West Street Males, then it may be some months before this happens, perhaps only after the lionesses of the Styx Pride have given birth.
October 2000
Five adult males - West Street Males: October saw no sightings of any of the West Street Males on their own; they were always encountered together with the lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride. The West Street Males appear more bedraggled by the day and it cannot be long before they are overthrown and replaced by younger, stronger lions. It is also strongly suspected that one of the five West Street Males is already gone, perhaps killed in a fight with other lions, perhaps the Mlowathi Males. In spite of their decrepit appearances, they still remain very effective killers, as was seen this month when they and some of the lionesses of the Eyrefield pride killed two yearling buffalo; the one buffalo appeared to have been caught and killed by one of the male lions which then proceeded to dominate the carcass, allowing some of the others to approach and feed only after they had grovelled in submission.
November 2000
Five adult males - West Street Males: Only four of the West Street Males were seen this month. It has been suspected for some time now that the fifth one is dead. These male lions are looking more decrepit by the day; just how long they can hang onto power is anyones guess. This month they agan spent much time with the lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride, sharing in at least two of their big kills, a male buffalo and an adult female giraffe respectively. As old and tatterred as they appear, the West Street Males are still in charge of at least the area covered by the lionesses of the large Eyrefield Pride and towards the end of November when at least three of these females came into oestrus, the West Street Males were there and willing to mate. The unfortunate thing for these lionesses is that if the West Street Males do not stay around for very much longer, as is suspected, then any cubs which may be born will be killed by whatever coalition of males assumes control.
December 2000
Four adult males - West Street Males: The surviving four West Street Males are soldiering on, mostly looking quiet tattered. Even on those days when their bellies appear drum-tight, their ribs often show. Although December saw them frequently in the company of lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride, compared with previous months they were perhaps more often on their own. No matings between the West Street Males and lionesses from the Eyrefield Pride were recorded this month. There was one instance when all four West Street Males teamed up and followed the large herd of buffalo for a couple of days. In spite of the fact that they were obviously lean, they just didn't seem to gather the courage to tackle the buffalo - this perhaps wise considering the good condition of the buffalo and the fact that there were several hundred of them.