There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
(5 hours ago)BA0701 Wrote: Have the Mbiris ever had a pride, or even territory, taken from them, or have they simply abandoned them all, choosing to move to greener pastures?
Yes, Nharhus ousted them from part of their territory in Timbavati and River Pride in 2019, they had quite a few close calls vs them, Shaka mauled quite badly few times, Scar also with injuries.
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